Honestly, if Iran didn't fall for the muslim meme because of the eternal anglo, they'd be 100% /ourguys/.
Hell, they're quite literally aryans. How can you deny this and fall for (((their))) ploys.
Honestly, if Iran didn't fall for the muslim meme because of the eternal anglo, they'd be 100% /ourguys/.
Hell, they're quite literally aryans. How can you deny this and fall for (((their))) ploys.
Other urls found in this thread:
And how many Iranians live in iceland exactly?
Oh yeah, fucking none, Iceland is the whitest country in the fucking world, so don't tell us who's bro tier you fucking aryanigger
gotta go back
>believing this
How have you lads not been completely overrun with shitskins yet?
Being based and keeping their Indo-European language intact
Iran is white and based but McCain and Israel don't want you to know that.
I'm actually an expert on this subject, AMA
PS4 or Xbox one?
Slovenia bro knows
I try to redpill my family and friends on Iran any chance I get. (((they))) usually don't believe me, and think I must be nuts to support Iran who "exports terrorism around the world"
That is the main talking point lie the media use to demonize Iran.
Fuck the kikes, may kek forever bless Iran
My hope is that Putin will redpill Trump on Iran. Everything will be fine after that, or at least Trump will turn down the anti-Iran rhetoric, and slowly build up the alliance with Iran. Also, Iran should join the BRICS. Make it BRIICS.
FURTHERMORE----- Iran was ready to buy a lot of Boeing Airliners from us, the ultimate bro move (helps Boeing, help our workers, helps our economy)
Some fucking KIKES shut the deal down. Shutting that deal down should be seen as treason. I hope Trump gets that deal back up and do it.
YES, they are in need of air plane parts of their aging planes. A year or two years ago a plane crashed in Iran, it was a Russian plane they where flyiing...go figure
If Trump takes the full redpill, we will service and upgrade Iran's F14 fleet.
would be sweet, plus $$$$
I see this kind of maps more and more often. Where are they from?
Mario i got it so long ago, i don't even remember. Google a country an see if it pops up in images
This guy right here.
Must be nice to dictate what shitskins are "bro tier" while sitting comfy on an all white island
Hello Reza Gorgani. FUCK OFF
This. Also they were pretty secular until CIA installed Fundamentalist Islamic leadership after ousting/murdering secular leaders.
They make these threads to drive support one way or another.
Also, 1 postman "/ourguy/" bait threads need to be gassed.
You must be a new fag, Sup Forums has always be pro Iran
Fek nemeedoonam meedoonee ba ke daree harf meezanee, meedoonestam ahmagh. megam sage kon een cheezhayeh masghareh.
>if Iran didn't fall for the muslim meme because of the eternal anglo
that's kanglo to you sonny jim
also wtf are you talking about
>bro tier
Fuck off shill.
iran hangs more people than ar*bs do
Iran in the 60s looks real comfy. It wasn't, but still.
you must of not heard of a country called Saudi Arabia, where they cut peoples heads off for such things as, "witchcraft." Get real roach
this one hands instead, and they unironically execute more people than s*udi ar*bia.
iran is political hipsters' favorite country, but it's objectively as shitty as saudi ar*bia in general. but still they got spine unlike ar*bs and they aren't jewcucks so it kinda balances.
shit tier country to live but people are ok
I'll take the bait
Why the hell does Israel hate Iran so much ?
They're somehow okay with fucking Saudis, but it's like Iran is Jesus Christ all over again to them
Lurk moar roach
>tell me about the country that i lived for a year
>posts even unrelated pic
ok amir johnson
We should drop a few nukes around the middle east. Then they can't come up to Europe and other places because there is a nuclear wasteland everywhere that will kill the people trying to escape their sandbox.
>tell me about the country I visited and seen first hand, based Indo-European Language. Civilized more then Saudi shit tier Arabia
Iranians are some of the best to integrate
Fuck off Sunni shit
Iceland is the upper-class gated community scum of Western nations. Of course you think well of people that you know only from history books.
>i went to travel to iran for a week so i know there more than someone who actually lived there and whose mother is half iranian
okay hipster. your thoughts are so unique wow what a special snowflake.
>muh iran is ebin nice country and not a complete shithole :DDD
enjoy your delusion tard. no more (you)s for you.
I'm half too you sunni wahabist shit
Theocracy and Israel is really what's holding Iran back at the moment
They're by far in the highest tier regarding the middle-east. Better than you guys ( and I actually think you're quite decent )
sorry you have mommy issues you sad shit kek
Not happening. The Jews own Trumpenstein.
>that flag
>muh trump is a zionist puppet
>is a mudslime sandnigger
checks out lmao
But they fell for the radical islamic meme, because when under threat your country resorts to its true values for safety. Their value being goatfucking.
>Better than you guys ( and I actually think you're quite decent )
literally wrong. but who cares Sup Forums tells me about the countries i lived in anyway :DD
oh to correct, maybe they are better than central and east anatolia, but i'm living in best city in middle east by far right now and i've been in many places.
Deep down in your roach insides you know we are all right
>Iranians are some of the best to integrate
Compared to other muslims, they're still the shitty end of the stick compared to NOT having them at all.
my dad got greek heritage(izmir citizen for centuries) and mom is half iranian. both aren't interested in religion and im deist. i made the most objective explanation possible for you but you are as delusional as tumblr posters anyway. anyway cba changing your mind anymore.
fuck u jew
How about Bosnians and Albanians? You aren't white and you never will be. Stop spamming your threads.
Too bad Trump is too keked by Israel to bro it up with Iran.
Iranians can be fine, but I prefer them in Iran.
>to think I am Muslim
Ok all meme's aside, I became a Deist as well. I visited Istanbul, I was floored of the size of the city and the culture. Carry on user
prove to the bread that Trump isn't going to do what (((they))) want. It's already starting...
> I became a Deist as well
If only they kept zoroastrism instead of being literally bullied into accepting a desert nomad's shitty excuse for a religion.
Luckily Zoroastrian Parsi still exist, bt not in Iran.
Unfortnately this is true, converting to islam makes your whiteness null and void.
Fuck basic religions, it is a HUGH meme to control. Just believe...I would of been an atheist, just that I can't explain a voice that I heard to duck as 30 bullets riddled my car. My friend shot four times died. Friend in the back 6 times survived, limps for life, and me untouched. There is something, as why i believe
Iran is based.
>Ahmad Fardid (Persian: سید احمد فردید) (Born in 1909, Yazd – 16 August 1994, Tehran) was a prominent Iranian philosopher and an inspiring and dedicated professor of Tehran University. He is considered to be among the philosophical ideologues of the Islamic government of Iran which came to power in 1979. Fardid was under the influence of Martin Heidegger, the influential German philosopher.
but iranians are literally the only bro tier muddies
Nut job
I understand that they'd rather have a homemade theocracy than a US puppet government, that's for sure
>My friend shot four times died. Friend in the back 6 times survived, limps for life, and me untouched. There is something, as why i believe
the fuck happened there
>ywn be a muslim and have these four as your wives in post-revolution Iran
Why even live?
persians>all wogs
What the Hell are you still doing here?!
We have to take back Al Quds
Khomeini was a white man
I feel physically sick of constantly debating Iranians from their own countries and their seemingly limitless diaspora all over the western world - that claim how "actually" good their country is and also progressive. Please, spare us all this bullshit. You are Islamic state and the only thing good about you is that you're not ravaged by the anarchy of head-cutting subumans YET. Your strong regime has questionable justice, human rights are 0, women and gays are treated like shit, yet you think that the West is this big Satan. I didn't think this before, but since 2011 I see that you really must be bombed into disfunctionality and restored by the West under its set-up regime and westernized through it. There is no hope for the world as long as the likes of Iran are still standing. Literally God bless the great state of Israel and the United States of America.
They have a nigger tier IQ in the low 80s.
They are violent subhuman sand niggers.
This pic will explain everything yet to come.
Stood up to a guy bullying my friend (manlet). He knows I'll whoop his as in a fist to fist fight, threatens me with using gun's i laugh it off and tell him wait till i see you. the timing was awkward as hell, I park my car to let the friend in the back off. Car comes out of nowhere i have my lights off, we see car passing pay no mind, it whips around i look at friend in the back then voice tells me to duck adn everything will be alright. I do so with my head to the left of the stirring wheel, i am able to look back at friend in back he has a scarredlook, 4 guns in total pop off i am fucking piiiiiiiiisssssssssed i feel so fucking raged (lights where turned off wheni first parked) i opened the drivers door still in the position that i am in, side window shot out i pump the brakes to light the rear lights (pos shot at my manlet friends car two weeks prior ) they take off friend in front she's dying guy in the back flops out the back 5 holes (six in total) of red i see neighbors come out cops get there ambulance detective checks for gun powder on my hands an asks more questions of my friend in the front tells me she passes i didnt sleep rounded up a couple of other friends went out looking for that pos almost found him three days later they catch him
if i didnt stickup for my manlet friend she would still be here, she was making 6 figures but went out with me that night, didnt come home...
what the fuck man, sorry for your loss.
Not true. They are the most intelligent people in middle east second only to jews ofc.
Arabs are bacteria-tier compared to them. And thats thee reason semites, both jews and arabs hate them.
>if Iran didn't fall for the muslim meme
Pretty big IF there buddy
Thanks user, I carry it with me.
Iran (IQ): 84
Saudis work together with Israel because they both hate iran
iran is based. saudis are the real enemies
fuck neocons
Persians are bro-tier. You know the "Islamic Golden Age" meme? The majority of the achievements were actually by Persians. Its too bad that the effects of Islamization/Arabization fucked them over. Like Egypt and Lebanon, they are another bro-tier civilization ruined by the effects of Islam.
Lynn's numbers are trash.
The final redpill
kys kike
half iranian here, iQ 124
Whiter than most of Sup Forums at least. Certainly whiter than all the immigrants from the_donald.
Except, y'know, they're not white.
>Hell, they're quite literally aryans
They're Arabs.
>went out with me that night, didnt come home...
life is a bitch sometimes
nukes don't stop roaches
Fuck off you Croat Jew. Iran has been supporting Syria and anti-isis faction for years, even donating members of their own national guard.
We were literally on the other side of a mountain range.
This iq tests do not tell anything. Iran as a country is much more meaningful for a world then sunni shitholes, base of operations for islamist scum.
Persians are not Arabs, and several are Zoroastrian.
What did Iran do?
For once I agree with you Sweden.
Ahmadinejad is literally the proto Trump. Possibly even the rightful heir to the title God Emperor and /ourguy/
With the amount of keks that guy generated Im surprised the market didn't crash.
> were fine before
> fell for radical islam meme
> are fine now because they were fine before
are stormfags always this stupid?
Said they were against Israel from the start
And Saudis hate them because they see them as heretics