You have to have shit for brains if you think that.
Retard or troll?
You decide
Liberal here
Thanks Obama.
By forcing Healthcare reform onto the American People you have forced the Republicans to adopt a universal healthcare system, which is what really leftist liberals and socialists like me wanted when Obama settled on RetardCare in 2010.
Between this, TPP, his careful use of foreign aid and the quick actions he's been taking, and this Republican President is actually after my Socialist heart.
Thank god.
>anti-trump propaganda to scare people
sure thing liberal
Yup the party that attacked Obama as a socialist for enacting Obamacare will enact single payer healthcare. Kill yourself.
That's like thanking the guy who burned your house down for paying for your new house.
The Republicans plan is probably going to be similar to Randcare, which is just Obamacare that lets insurance companies compete with one another
>sure thing liberal
You call me a liberal but support single payer healthcare. Are you stupid? Trumpfags really aren't that bright.
Well if he doesn't, that would be disappointing, but the Donald will make it happen if he so chooses. I don't think he wants any American to go uninsured.
When your old house was a storage shed you hastily turned into a living space, getting money to build something even better is pretty nice. Obviously you would prefer never having to burn anything down to get to that point, but your house has already gone up, so why not just take the money and develop something better?
I'm not talking about the Republican's plan. They can go fuck off. I'm talking about President Trump's plan. If POTUS Trump and the GOP don't agree, there will be no Obamacare replacement of any kind. Not without overwriting his Veto, something that even under Obama with a hostile Republican house and senate only happened once and was still considered shocking when it did.
What's really going to bake your noodle is when Trump calls for universal single payer healthcare
And every liberal in the world screeches that they don't want it and single payer healthcare is somehow racist then move to legislatively block it
>but the Donald will make it happen if he so chooses
Yes Trump will convince the GOP, controlled by the insurance companies, to enact single payer healthcare
even though Trump attacked Hillary for supporting single payer healthcare in October
But I am a liberal and I want it, and so does any liberal I've talked to. I even asked my parents, ideological purists who hate Trump what they would think, and they would consider voting for him in 2020 if he managed to make this happen. I know i'm not the only liberal to feel this way either. After repealing TPP I get the feeling Trump is more on our side than people understand or are willing to believe.
>I don't think he wants any American to go uninsured.
It doesn't matter, Trump's a puppet of the insurance companies.
Do we really need to go through the "DONALD CAN'T DO IT" shtick AGAIN when he's fucking President now? He didn't lose when everyone thought he would up to this point, and I think underestimating him now is fucking retarded. If the GOP doesn't want his plan, then they'll get nothing for four years and like it.
Trump's HHS pick: Right to Medicaid may not be guaranteed under block grants
Single payer is the only system that can plausibly give universal coverage. The government will have amazing negotiating power and leaving insurance companies in the mix as leeching middlemen fucks everything up for the rest of us. That's Obamacare's fundamental flaw, it tries to overthrow the theoretical underpinnings of insurance while preserving all the profits for the insurance companies.
Trump's got enough conservative credibility to do this if he wants. Half his opposition would melt away and the other half would finally collapse under the weight of their own cognitive dissonance.
Only Nixon could go to China.
It's already not covering abortions, fuck off.
Donald Trump attacks Obamacare as akin to Canadian single payer
>in 2018
>we know exactly what will happen in the span of two years
>we know the length and breadth of what trump has planned in terms of healthcare
sounds legit
>Trump's got enough conservative credibility to do this if he wants.
Reminder single payer isn't conservative, that's the Sanders view on healthcare. The GOP doesn't support that.
If Trump can cut the "I fucking hate white people reeeeee" heart out of the modern left that would be wonderful but I'm not fully confident in it
I'm also not talking about your friends and family, I'm talking about Salon and MSNBC. Picture this:
>Drumpf endorsed a single payer system similar to that invented in Germany, the birthplace of fascism, and later implemented in Britain, which last year voted to leave the European union due to an upsurge of racism"
Block grants will provide the states with more control over Medicaid and give them easier options to supplement healthcare implementation with other initiatives, such as housing. A federal cap on medicaid spending isn't a bad idea unless you believe governors conspire to steal money from the elderly and the poor.
>Congress is controlled by special interests and big money
No, no and more no. That's not how reality works kids.
>unless you believe governors conspire to steal money from the elderly and the poor.
Uh yeah I do.
You don't need universal healthcare to have everyone covered
Look at the Dutch healthcare model
Everyone is covered here and it's all private
This is good. I don't want to pay for niggers' healthcare, I want them to die.
He's going to ruin you and bankrupt you. Fuck off to mars already
I'd give up on those people entirely, they are not left or right, they are simply insane.
>>Drumpf endorsed a single payer system similar to that invented in Germany, the birthplace of fascism, and later implemented in Britain, which last year voted to leave the European union due to an upsurge of racism"
Yeah, still not buying it. If the media wants to smear the President for giving everyone healthcare, something I doubt, then we the American people should hold them accountable for their awful behavior and support President Trump's single-payer plan. The mainstream liberal media can't tell people what to think and believe if they don't want to believe it.
Fake News. Trump knows U.S. Health care is broken and needs fixing for America to be great again.
>Obama settled on RetardCare
he didnt settle on shit
Obama was a puppet that just enforced what he was told to. in this case Romneycare
>Fake News. Trump knows U.S. Health care is broken and needs fixing for America to be great again.
You didn't address anything I said about the fact TRUMP and the GOP received millions of dollars from the healthcare insurance companies. You think they just get that money for no reason? They get that money to keep our system in the hands of the insurance jew.
Trump's a true nationalist and a socialist.
>Obama was a puppet
So is Trump.
Trump was never hardcore "conservative", and polls show GOP voters overwhelmingly align with Trump over the rest of the party. He can wrap it up in some kind of plausible "conservative" veneer and sweet talk enough congressmen who are less true-believers and more typical politicians only concerned about getting reelected.
Not saying he will, just that he could.
This is the one issue I agree with lefties on. I've lived in Europe and single payer is an objectively better system. US health care is a corporate racket.
Build the wall and give us health care.
Again ignoring Trump doesn't support single payer so you are just spewing bullshit. In fact he's said he said he wants something similar to Obamacare, only worse.
Only difference is the new house is much better
Trumpcare will be an awful Frankenstein program even worse than Obamacare. GOP would rather dance around the truth that single payer is objectively better because >muh socialism and we will get an awful plan.
Screencap this
wtf I hate trump now
Meh, Trump goes the extra mile to shit on Obamacare because that's a winning formula for a republican politician. OTOH he got booed and attacked in the primary debates just for promising not to let sick people die in the streets.
Trump's a businessman, he will find something that works. If he can somehow un-fuck Obamacare, then fine. If he goes toward a system that's worked well in other countries, then fine.
Is it possible to have 'multiple' single payers, where insurance companies have to bid to the government for a contract that lasts say for one year?
>universal healthcare system
Liberal amerifags still falling for the european healthcare meme in 2017. Top kek.
>OTOH he got booed and attacked in the primary debates just for promising not to let sick people die in the streets.
Again do you know that he received millions from the insurance companies and Congress is the one who passes laws, not the president? You keep spewing shit that makes you sound like a redditor.
He will do whatever the insurance kikes tell him to do. He's a puppet.
>screencap an obvious and predictable outcome
Huge corporations donate to everyone because they try to have influence with whoever gets in. Just because he cashed their check doesn't mean he signed his life away though.
>Congress is the one who passes laws, not the president
I explained like 5 posts ago how this shit gets passed, dumbass. Republicans are scared of Trump and his voters - who want universal healthcare, just not "Obamacare" - and more than enough democrats would go along with it to cancel out the die-hard corporatist conservatives.
>Just because he cashed their check doesn't mean he signed his life away though.
You're right. He should've hired random hobos from the bus stop instead of successful people who know what they're doing.
I read the wikipedia page and it sounds good, but make a quick rundown from a your point of view.
>For example, in Brazil we have a 100% public healthcare system that would be described as """free""" by leftards
>In reality the public system is so shit we also have private insurance, so yeah we pay double for healthcare, once thru taxation and again to actually get care
It's the same as every socialized system, wait times for surgeries in the public system goes up to 2 years, I would think it's a malevolent plan to wait people to die of their illnesses to save the govt some money but what I really think is that it's actually plain old incompetence.
fuck that gay ass dutch shit
Japan got it right
Also, why does your post only have my response?
Redditor comes to Sup Forums wanting new ideas but when one is presented, he ignores it and repeats the single payer mantra. Many such cases!
trump isn't a republican you dumbass
Even better, he should have hired people that have a position of power notoriously vulnurable to abuse if you have stake in large corporations and they should be ushered in without verifying that they are in active conflicts of interests
Oh wait
>Give billions in corporate welfare to insurance companies
>Tax billions from workers in individual mandates and higher premiums and deductibles
>Someone has to come along and fix everything you fucked up 8 years later
>Lol I meant to do that
This pretty much.
A good part of Trump's policy agenda is Keynesian and fairly left leaning. IMO Trump is actually more left than Hillary the neoliberal globalist ever was.
>stop immigration from undercutting local value of labor
>stop outsourcing from destroying jobs in the country
>reform healthcare to make sense
>massive infrastructure programs
how is any of that not left wing? The only reason he gets called a Nazi racist bigot etc. is either ignorance (in the case of foot soldier protestors) or malice (in the case of ideologues and media)
We don't use that fake news term any more. It's called alternate truths now.
>He should've hired random hobos from the bus stop instead of successful people who know what they're doing.
Or maybe someone who isn't a CEO of a big company or isn't a lobbyist who didn't give the GOP 200 million dollars to be sitting in the position?
woah. be careful with that edge.
Millions uninsured : 27 million
So 27 million millions ?
If he manage to make this happen, it will be enough. He is illiterate faggot and autistic unaesthetic retard but fuck it, at least he keep his promises.
This is far more important than fucking wall.