B-But immigration is bad
B-But immigration is bad
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Immigration is fine, unless Muslims are involved
This map is outdated, we're no longer poo in loos, we're plumbers now
Give us you're gibsmedats
Yea right, the most common country of origin of immigrants in Sweden is Sweden.
That's common knowledge.
This map is false.
Race is irrelevant
The problem is that islamic culture is a polar opposite of western culture, this causes tension with muslim immigration
Hey, at least they're white
>inb4 slavs no white reee
Then at least paler and Christian, unlike poo in loos and pakis
>Race is irrelevant
You can change the religion everyday but not your race
Tell me, muslim asians are the same with arabs?
Actual Irish, or?
So, turks?
Updated map
LOL @ Turkey Sweden Germany
Have fun with the nigger dick that's going to be up you baguette hole soon enough, Pierre
mfw looking at germanistan and frankianistan.
also UK will have a lot of human feces on their streets in the near future.
>Time for Greeks to escape from Greece
> the most common country of origin of immigrants in Sweden is Sweden.
I see what you did there
And your chart is a meme.
How many indian/paki/bangladeshi/shrinankans with british passports are there not in the chart?
That shit in the lower right corner is fake. Those are roaches with dual citizenship - doesn't count, as per the Farage anaon's logic of not listing the shitskins with british citizenship in his chart.
I saw two girls in the supermarket the other day and had no idea they were Eastern European until their father spoke with a foreign accent.
White immigrants blend in after one generation, but brown people don't without multiple generation bleaching.
lul, danes fleeing to iceland
However Bulgaria has the bigger minorty of Turks in Europe and of coure your ecomonomies are connected
what if immigrants come from NI
No, immigration is horrible and has to stop, every country should take care of their citizens, u dumbfuck globalist fagget
It's simple. We accept that northern-slavs are white, and we kill everyone else.
>No date
>No % of the population
This map is completely useless.
time to start calling you bongs Jan or Pawel No, all western countries need to keep accepting 200-300k third-world immigrants per year to keep our economies (((growing)))
from italians to french
could be worse i guess
women of italian decent are hot as fuck so im not complaining
My experiance of europe trust this map.
Strength in unity, weakness in disarray.
Lie, all the south of Europe growth before the 90's, if u r talking about the natality, what the countries need is to have a natality plan just like before and stop importing migrants, also
Why the fuck are there so many Romanians in Denmark?
It's because we've been murdering in the middle east for decades, that's the only reason
You should look at what Israel has done to the Palestinians and what the other nations there think about it. You should also know that they know the West unwaveringly supports israel
Ppl who blame Islamic culture are blaming a symptom, if you treat ppl like animals then they'll behave that way, then you'll feel justified in continuing to treat them like animals, then they'll behave that way......ad infinitum
Thank god slavshits are fucking off
>Race is irrelevant
Fuck off kike
but sprota, you are slavshit :)
Trying to mix with a better race maybe
Why does Czech say Czech
>It's all Israels fault
>Muslim good boys
>They never massacred Christians before Israel existed
>They never had an oppressive culture before Israel was involved
>If you treat muslims like animals they will behave like them
>That is why I believe they have no agency and are merely beast reacting to outside influence and can't do harm on their own.
Just gas yourself.
As you can see by the map Russia is objectivly shit. All you foregin Putinlovers can't understand what it is like to serve 8 years in prison for racist picture shared on social media.
>le r1a is slav
but, monkey, youre retarded :)
Gypsies, not Romanians
Those Syrians will be citizen of Turkey so they wont be considered as immigrant.
>we are a special breed of non-slav R1A
another little schizo country with identification problems
>race is irrelevant
Estonia is a spec of shit on the map with 20 years of independance througout history
It is
M8 considering that the Danes welcome the Romanians there, I don't think is us who want their homeland taken over by the Master Race.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, theres more than a single R1a branch? Woah its an Indo-European haplogroup????????????
dumb slavshits
cmon m8 you did this to yourselves
had you not been oppressive assholes in the entire duration of time that baltics shared a country with you, they would now not despise russians
its simple as that
don't be a total dick to fellow white people and good things happen, be a dick and they all want to leave and never have anything to do with you
Actually the most common country of origin for german immigrants is Prussia
it's easier to genocide them all and then resettle the lands with proper russians that to deal with all this whimpering
>Race is irrelevant
Said no reputable person ever.
It's hard for Russia to not be dicks. It's like they have been programed to be dicks.
Even when they try their hardest to not be dicks they still fuck up something somewhere somehow and cause a mess.
>hehe its easier to genocide >:^)
>never had the balls to do it
Quite funny
never say never! :^)
That's why Russia will stay forever a shithole. You bully everyone near you
>Muslims in Russia are 9,400,000 or 6.5% of the total population
fuck off Achmed
>bully every single country that borders you for your entire history
>whine about "muh encirclement" and "muh sphere of interest" when all of these countries enter or want to enter a defensive military alliance
wew lad
Notice that only white countries have migrants of non-related races + highest migration.
Useless people are bad, people with useless skills are bad. People who are a burden to your social benefit system are bad. They come mostly from middle eastern countries. Most people from middle eastern countries are Muslims. That is what is bad and those are the facts. Doesn't mean all people from the middle east are bad. Is it so hard to differentiate between losers and winners?
>B-But immigration is bad
This argument doesn't even make any sense. What are you even saying?
>look, common immigrant origins on a map
>immigration is good
It's the nigger, i mean russian dindu nuffin identity.
>places literally multiple divisions and a tank army on the border of the Baltic states
Why are they so obssesed with Baltics?
Wherever they put their feets the land becomes a wasteland
Why would anyone immigrate to Venezuela?
Map is outdated/wrong for Belgium
Morocco is no. 1 country of origin
Ah I wouldn't call it dindu nuffin mentality, it's more along the lines of selective history. Dindus are literally too stupid to understand right from wrong, whereas Russian know they fuck up, but rationalize it away with various mental gymastics.
Serbs exhibit a similar phenomenon called "Nismo mi oni su" (It wasn't us it was them). For example, when talking to Croats, history begins either in 1995 (Oluja) or 1941 (NDH), conveniently circumventing the historical cause and effect that led to those two things since it shows that Croats had good reason for both, instead of "inborn genocidality" (no I am not joking, a Serb academic actually posted a paper on the genetic predisposition of Croats to commit genocide).
>Build wall
≥Make marocco pay for it because of years of continuous vandalism and crime against the belgium people
>Kick the motherfuckers out that have a crime record
>implying that religion isn't a good reason to stop someone from immigrating
This is why you're cucked France
You're right. The reason France Germany The Netherlands and the UK are so great is because of Turkish Indian and Algerian immigration. Solid argument.
I'd prefer a white, no metter what religion than a non white christian.
After all religion is a social construction. Genetics isn't.
terug naar reddit
Nigerians in Italy. Well shit
Islam is not your ordinary religion though. It's an idealogy in wich the sharia counts more to them than the law.
You can'tbe judged on genetics, you can however be judged on your way of life.
>Race is irrelevant
I'm not sure there are white Muslims though, and no, I don't count zidane and benzema.
>mostly serb immigrants
Fucking disgusting.
Traitors shall be hanged!
>B-But immigration is bad
Are you dumb or you just can't read. T'es con ou quoi. How is this proving immigration is good?
>not understanding that Islam is a genetic disaster that led to interbreeding
Europe is for whites and christians. All other desert dwellers and jungle monkeys can fuck off.
Were they fit?
>Most imigrants: hohols
If we'll take the old Bible too seriously we will behave like wahabbis
Don't forget islam is heavly inspired by Christianity
Some parts of turkey have greek and balkan origins. they are still white
Germans tried to eradicate Slavs in their countries for centuries and Eastern Yuros seem to love them.
Hey Ivan! Leave my wives son alone or I'll write negative articles about you!
Peter I was obsessed with getting the Baltics for himself, since we were his gateway to become """"""European""""".
Well serbs are mini russians anyway.
>However Bulgaria has the bigger minorty of Turks in Europe
Yes. One of the biggest mistakes we did in our early days after independence. They should've all been removed back then. Now it's kind of not allowed. You get democracy delivered by USA if you try.
>your ecomonomies are connected
I'd say our economy is more connected to Russia though - we depend on them exclusively for energy. Nuclear plant fuel, natural gas and crude oil all come from there. Reletions with the roaches are mostly consumer goods, clothing and some food stuff. But that's not so significant.
But they are. Source is the same site your map comes from.
Try reading it next time a little,it might help you.
U FUCKING WOT M8????????
nah mate remove islam from algerian you still have an algerian
it's both race and culture/religion
Outdated map. 1/5 Belgians isn't born on Belgian clay, and it sure as fuck isn't all Italians.
>Race is irrelevant
blyats everywhere
>Race is irrelevant
you are really bluepilled
see, I could maybe understand this theory if it didn't assume EVERY time that white people are somehow always the perpetrators in historical relationships. If people are violent towards Europeans, then do Europeans have some justification to visit violence on their attackers? This is only circular logic at its worst.
Mass immigration between different cultures is always wrong. It will end up changing societies and probably hurt them in the process. The only immigration that could be okay would be between similar culture (like the Dutch and Germans) but still only if it's minimal/gradual.