Is this the end Sup Forums? How do we respond to
With nuclear induced winter
on their sanctuary cities
Nuclear winter*
Fixed that.
Winter? But I thought global warming was real.
Good thing they'll bring salt with 'em.
Trump is trademarked now?
The libtards are too afraid to use guns anyway user dont worry
Winter's not just coming, it came and then it went.
>the extent of their education and intelligence
>Quotes some dumb shit off an hbo show
People should only be allowed 4 hours of tv a week. You'd watch propaganda go down the drain quickly
>Its another instance where leftards mate fantasy TV show/book analogies.
Why can't they into politics without making Harry Potter of GoT references?
The fire rises
These past few years have been a fucking BLIZZARD
>'Winter is Coming'
Once again these fuckwits prove that they are living in a fantasy world concocted by jewlywood.
Reality will hit them at 400ft/lbs most likely.
Their fate is sealed
also seasons change
leftist liberals are mentally ill, just let police beat them up and ingore what their shit filled brains produce
But isn't it winter in the US right now? So really, it's summer that's coming.
Time to melt, snowflakes.
Don't you mean ft*lbs?
if winter is coming there salt is going to ruin it
The ovens melt snow
>winter is coming
Winter is coming
>winter is coming
Winter is coming
>winter is coming
Winter is coming
>winter is coming
Winter is coming
>winter is coming
Winter is coming
>winter is coming
Winter is coming
>winter is coming
Winter is coming
>winter is coming
Winter is coming
>winter is coming
Winter is coming
>winter is coming
Winter is coming
>winter is coming
Winter is coming
>winter is coming
Winter is coming
Is this another fantasy reference, like the Dumbledore and star wars shit? How these people manage to survive with a mentality more retarded than most retards is beyond me.
Ah the communist revolution is upon us! FREE EL AMERICO
They are brainwashed
This is how you respond?
"So you'll melt down completely by April?
Snowflakes melt in the spring.
>Winter is coming
not with all this SALT
End with coloring books and crayons
>winter is coming
cool, it's a comfy season for those who are prepared.
There's so much salt in that post that they'll melt themselves in a day
To bad they don't have Anti-Air capability, gonna suck with those drones.
to say they're mating the two is far too much credit. they're just regurgitating a quote from a show that sounds neat.
It's fucking January.
The day of the shovel is also coming
> winter is coming
Lol you know your movement is pathetic as hell when you use TV show references to try and intimidate people
Total joke
Men dont throw punches until they fully intend to finish a fight
If you threaten my family or friends I will steal your humanity haha
its a really poor thing to compare yourself with
>We will cover your lands, making things hard and shitty for a while, then melt away and everyone will celebrate that we are gone.
Wall of snow vs stream of my hot piss.
Your move faggots.
>quoting a story that has a massive border wall that protects the civilized world
Then we shall fight in the snow.
We hang them from a helicopter landing bars 500 ft in the air?
In GoT, "winter is coming" refers to an onslaught of soulless frozen zombies, so it sounds about right.
It's been Winter for 8 years
I think they mean to say spring is coming :^)
>winter is coming
It's the end of January.
Why have I never seen any of these fuck head liberals? I live in LA county. I want to kick the shit out of one for trying to assult me for being "lideraly hidler". Is it the lack of a MAGA hat and cursed with brown skin?
I can't wait for the meltdown.
I've got a shovel
It's late January. Winter is almost over 8)
(OP) #
Jesus Christ, I'm so fucking sick of hearing people over react about this presidency. Why can't people just get over it and move on with their lives? Trump has been in office, and has done nothing but good, yet everyone still thinks it's litterally the end of the world.
I can't go anywhere without hearing something about Trump, Hilter, Nazis Facism.. blah blah blah. Fuck man! Just shut the fuck up please! It's just another election, things with change little, just like they do every time a president changes. FUCK!
>liberals calling themselves a giant horde of brainless zombies
2017 is turning into quite a year
>Winter is coming
>Snowflakes already salted themselves.
Bit of a shit winter, if you ask me.
He hasn't even advocated for anything extreme
His positions are like democrat positions from 20 years ago
Can liberals ever make a point without quoting Dr Who/GoT/Harry Potter?
>said the super-edgy 14-year-old gender-fluid freak.
This isn't Game of Thrones, they can quit larping now.
ITT pepe loving kek praising meme mother fuckers ridiculing others for memeing a television show.
Here in the Southwest is maybe snows once every 3 winters, what did they mean by this?
Well, patrolling the mojave does make me wish for a nuclear winter.
Winter is literally ending
shoo shoo heathen!
Hue hue this should be brought up
>Oh no, liberals made a semi-witty quip based on popular culture, whatever will we do?
For you.
why isn't this the first post?
fags delet this
Winter already came. Now spring is coming.
But it will be Spring soon.
Winter has literally just started, you fool.
That's the sad part: their brains don't produce anything. Their imagination has been entirely replaced by the imagination of popular TV show writers. They can only regurgitate what other people thought of before them, in ready-made portions
Have not read Martin's song of fire & ice beyond the first 'game of thrones' book and I don't watch the electric jew... but I'm pretty sure 'winter is coming' is a reference to these zombie like creatures so it seems appropriate
how could they wish for such a thing?
middle eastern refugees are having a hard enough time as it is.
Well all praised winter-chan in here.
More Leftist threats of domination and violence... not surprised.
Winter can only come when there's no warmth, no life, no crop production, little variety in color, and very little light. People go inside and ignore it in the warmth of brilliant man-made constructions heated by burning fuels.
Actually, spring is coming, where frogs emerge from hibernation.