Betcha all that liberal virtue signaling would end real fucking quick once they have to deal with piss/sweat smelling abos trying to rape or eat them.
Change the date to May 8
I have no problem with it being called "invasion day".
Celebrating the day that we came here and stole their land, killed them in battle (kek spears) and then created an absolutely amazing country, while they are absolute degenerates still that add nothing to society, is something i will be forever proud of.
Fucking abos and fuck the left. Love dis country.
I imagine the battle was kind of a d-day scenario with rocks and sticks instead of heavy machine guns.
id pay for a full length movie if you guys make one
Their ancestors transversed the globe, why now are they in a primal state of low cognitive functioning? Seriously...what the FUCK happened to them?
Today's the day you liberated the abbos from the tyrannical roos and this is the thanks you get?
fuck these useless commie cunts wanting to change the date because MUH FEELS of a CONQUERED primitive civilization that accomplished nothing in FORTY THOUSAND YEARS. We made them better. They have every fucking advantage and help they could EVER want provided by the government and affirmative action recruiting. THEY SHOULD BE THANKING US FOR INVASION DAY, THE FUCKING KEKS.
t. drunk aussie who just got home after smashing beers and snags all night
I agree, they should also teach people on Aussie schools about the abo policy of eating and raping babies
Also how do we beat the "abos are Australian :^)" meme?
And you should be thanking us for deporting your convict ancestors
>send murderers, rapists and thieves to an island with a primitive native population
>people are somehow shocked that they go insta-genocide
>>The convicts were the ones ethnically cleansing Australia
Yeah.. you guys sent the best ones here and decided to import Muslims.
Good choice.
I couldn't be more serious.
yeah but the problem now is
>people are shocked about something that happened literally TWO HUNDRED FUCKING YEARS AGO
like cunt really the time to have protested was 2 centuries ago you fuckin morons like just get the fuck over it. abos have EVERY SINGLE FUCKIN CHANCE, even more than white aussies, to be productive members of society, YET THEY CHOOSE NOT TO. WHY IS IT WRONG TO HATE CUNTS BEING USELESS?
Pretty much we landed a few days before.
Now matter what, if we change the date theyll still complain. This shit is just them distracting themselves from what really matters.
Which is them lifting their own game and becoming part of a functioning society.
also highly opinionated drunk aussie AMA.
8 months on an 18th century boat headed for Australia. Just kill me senpai.
M8 you can't reason with them. Was at a pub chatting about some books we read as a child, and some liberal slag started chirping on how the book was racist (which it is) and how it needs to be held up to modern standards and revised/rewritten as necessary to be less problematic.
Apparently it being a snapshot in time when this shit was acceptable isn't a good enough excuse. Liberals can't into logic m8.
Robinsons marmalade used to sell gollywogs as recently as 20 years ago, but they're not dragged through the fucking mud every 30 seconds for some reason.
As a shackled convict no less
Must have been hell for them
What's your opinion on communism?
Would you accept race mixing if the entire world was the same race, not just Africans and Arabs destroying white genes like they're doing?
It's the same this here. You can be 1/4 registered "First Nations" (that's the PC official term for them now) and get land, free uni, tax-free gas and smokes, special fishing and hunting permits. Many major bands own prime real estate and lease it for malls, casinos, condos etc. and all members get a cut.
yeah did you tell the slut to go fuck herself and grow a brain? I would've. Fuck those dumb cunts. fuckin history revisionist bullshit. The reason history isn't meant to be rewritten is so we learn from it, if its changed we won't know how people dealt with this shit in the past because it was politically incorrect to know. Fuckin disgusting.
idgaf about communism, shit has so many fuckin problems and all that follow it are retarded desu.
if the whole world is the same race, how would it be race mixing m8?
"with all due respect abos, who the fuck asked you?"
is the only response needed
Yeah bro this guy I know who is whiter and even more bogan than I am said to centrelink or whatever the fuck that he "identifies as aboriginal" and hes got Abstudy or whatever the fuck it is. it's a joke.
>no link to video
fuck u nigger
No, just told her I disagreed then quickly started talking about rugby so she'd go away.
Agree with you tho regarding revisionist history.
obviously not had enough beers then m8 I woulda shut that slags face up real quick, then started talking cricket with the boys.
But nicely done anyway my man.
Idiot, this is how they make money
uhh... such hideous creatures,abbos are ugly by themselves but when they're mixed they get even more uglier how!?
Tell that cuck to go finger its butthole. There is no reasoning with libcucks, as dismissive as it sounds.
They don't want discussion, they want power. The minute you apologise to them or do them a favor, they'll ask for more and more and more. Until you become their bitch.
may 8 is the gayest shit, civil war will break out if they try to change the date.
Day of the Rope Aus style.
I've been more than happily calling it invasion day. Even took a selfie while smashing a James Squire to do so.
desu tho idc if they moved the day, Straya day has nothing to do with the arrival of the colonists anymore, it's all about celebrating modern day Australia and our culture or lack there of.
People who keep whinging about Straya Day being racist need to live in a boong camp in the NT, or at least donate a couple of dallarydoos to making them less of a shit hole before they start telling me not to enjoy one of the few public holidays I actually get off.
pretty sure their genetics go backwards mate
they somehow inherit white aggressiveness with the black dinduness and become half caste cunts of incredible failure.
I've worked in places with abos for 10 years and i've never ever met one good half caste abo that wasn't trying to be a fuckwit and steal something or drink in public.
pick one
>Be Abo
>Taking a shit in the desert
>See Bindi walking past
>Fuck he has a huge stick
>That's bigger than my stick
>I fucking hate bindi
>Wipe my ass with a live snake
>Walk back to the rock I was sitting on
>Oh fuck there's Jedda
>She's so fucking hot
>It's so fucking hot
>I'd sniff her petrol if you know what I mean
>Fuck I left my stick back at the designated shitting desert
>I bet Bindi took it
>I fucking hate it here
>Pick up a spider and bite its leg off
>Offer it to Jedda
>She laughs at me
>Suddenly everyone is shouting and whooping
>Some huge wooden things have come from the ocean
>Who are these pasty looking fucks
>Try to fight them to impress Jedda
>Get my shit pushed in
>One of them fucks Jedda
>They enslave Bindi
>What a cuck
>Run away and hide in the desert
>Get filthy
>Rape one of Jedda's sisters and get her pregnant
>Get beaten to death by a kangaroo
>Several centuries later my ancestors will surely reclaim this rich, cultural life I have lived
thats it mate, what the politically correct nansies don't get is that modern australia day - nobody gives a fuck about it being "invasion day" or whatever buzzword day they call it, it's simply a national pride day.
if you're australian, I don't give a fuck who or what you look like, if you got an aussie citizenship or grew up here, it's to celebrate being proud of australia and aussie culture.. that's legit all it is. but no, cunts have to want more free stuff and change the date for no fuckin reason other than it offends cunts that have been dead for 200 years, fuckin big deal.
>Day of the Rope Aus style.
Day of the Jar of Spiders?
Why oh why weren't they fucking genocided,why were they spared.
loved it.
more like why were they allowed to be classed as homosapiens. full blood abos are quite obviously not human
Capcha: 21100 DEAD
Faggots would never do that.
The convicts weren't shackled. They had relative freedom to wander around the ship as they liked. Food would have been crap though. For most of the journey they'd have eaten hardtack (often with maggots), salt meat (sometimes beef, sometimes horse) and sauerkraut to ward off the scurvy. Sailors got a half pint of rum per day, mixed with lime juice, but convicts only had water.
Maybe the smart ones kept on travelling while the dumb ones were left behind
We'll, race mixing would have to go underway first m8
How would you feel about the Earth being a single race?
And the constant knowledge that even if they manage to survive the trip intact they are going to be doing hard labour in blistering heat in a basically barren wasteland
if everyone was a single race then no cunts would be complaining about MUH RACE BEING OPPRESSED and shit.
In the absence of a way to make everyone the same race instantly, fuck that shit, there's no way you could make it work.
When you're different, there is always pride in being different. That pride starts wars.
Have you heard of the abbo kangz?
The convicts had been told ahead of time that they'd be going to a temperate land with a peaceful native population and that they could start new lives. A lot of them were looking forward to Australia because they believed it would give them a chance to redeem themselves and become prosperous members of society.
Instead, they wound up becoming bogans in a land of poison spiders, platypi and emus.
>literally exterminate all of the megafauna and turn a rainforest continent into a desert
>deep knowledge of ecology
pick one.
I suppose it was a necessity to prevent mutiny on the ships but surely some would have heard about what was to come
The Eternal Anglo can be pretty fucking Jewish at times, but then again they are criminals
follow the american indian model - subvert, war, displace, war then hide them in their "own sovereign" containment area. Currently you're trying to follow the american nigger model of integration which is guaranteed to fail.
The problem with this argument in the current year is that NONE OF THIS IS RELEVANT ANYMORE, WHITE PEOPLE ALREADY KNOW THIS SHIT
>they enslaved and flogged OTHER TRIBES OF ABORIGINALS ALL THE FUCKIN TIME for personal gain
nothing of value was lost.
>No agriculture
>Wiped out all the megafauna
>caused the centre to be a giant wasteland from starting too many bushfires
>couldnt even make fire in some tribes
>constantly warred with each other, raped, murdered and treated their own with barbarianism unheard of since the middle ages
>surely some would have heard about what was to come
They were literally the first white people ever to travel there. They didn't know what to expect. They knew they were going to New South Wales, so presumably they figured it would be full of coal-mining sheepshaggers with unpronounceable name.
>The Eternal Anglo can be pretty fucking Jewish at times,
Yes, we can. It's a glorious thing.
>but then again they are criminals
Exactly. Fuck 'em.
I thought it had already been colonized to some degree to build the prisons and support networks around them and such
Just sprinkle a lot of sugar on their diet and they'll all die off
>thinks murderers were punished by transport
Kek, it was mostly petty crimes like theft. Nick a loaf of bread and get a free holiday mate.
Given what I've heard of England at the time I'd have jumped on one of those boats in a moments notice.
$10 says she can't solve this:
> y'(t) = cy(t)
>where c is any complex number
Fuckin oath!
Lets protest in London, these cunts sent our ancestors to this shitty abo filled island not by choice! WE DEMAND REPARATIONS FOR EXPLOITATION!!!
>put additives in petrol to make it lethal
>aborigines huff their way to heaven
How do I get a THICC aussie wife lads?
You can start by spelling THICK correctly, you fucking backwards nigger. I bet you say shit like boi pucci too.
It's going to happen
Kek wills it
Congratulations, Britbro
Congrats, britbong. Eat that pussy like a champ.
Found the chink.
>thinking bindi irwin is attractive
>lives on a website full of memes
>goes on autistic rage over one specific one he doesn't like
>knew more about tides than fucking Galileo
i-is this satire?
No please, we don't want them.
>being a poof
I typed out a few paragraphs of fun, light hearted bantz. Then I checked your flag, this is more than you deserve.
>not wanting those croc hunting child birthing hips
1607 was a mistake.
I hope it is