Was Obama a good or bad president?

Was Obama a good or bad president?

>obama in 2017

good president
bad person

but only stupid ppl are good so my point is that it doesnt matter

pretty decent, C+

Literally fucking who???!!???

Seems like a nice guy but he's a total failure as a president.

the only thing he did right was tow the party line.

Don lemon can't be president

Because he has a crippling opiate addiction

Too much race baiting for me. At least if you're going to view every single issue through the lense of inequality, how about offering some solutions. He was awful desu.

he was def the blackest

You tell us fgt

>Obama droned more muzzies than Trump could ever dream of

Why do we hate him again?

It was his last 2 years that showed how bad he was. Obama will long be remembered as the shining example of why liberal social policies DO NOT WORK.

Neither, just unremarkable.

His legacy will be souring race relations and crying about guns whenever one of his sons was killed. In a hundred years he'll just be "the black one."

Obama was a total lame-duck president. It is quite funny actually, the other day I have read this article on Salon where they celebrated Obamas so-called great achievements. But what did he do? Did he stop our military meddling in other nations? No. Did he improve race relations? No. Did he install a proper health care system? No. All he did was getting funded by Saudi oil money and putting on a good smile while American citizens are being killed on our streets. He put us on the brink of war with Russia and you people moan about Trump accidentally pushing the red button? Are you freaking kidding me? So yeah, good riddance there Obummer. We don't want you and I sure hope that you just quietly vanish into the night. Okay that's about all. Peace out.

He was a treasonous nigger.

>a hundred years
I give it twenty.


His only legacy will be being the first black president


>Drone strikes American Civilians
>even the possibility of being "good"


Policies sucked after 2009

Held us down and protected us by being the cool black guy

Overall a democratic George Bush clone

Grade :C

Overall he was good and kept us stable.

Worst president of my 33 years

Welfare president didn't do shit but piss off allies, lose respect with adversaries, degrade our world military presence which allowed Iran, Korea and Russia to overstep their boundaries and taunt us. Then like a typical nig, he trashed the place before leaving by releasing tons of criminals early including cartel leaders and terrorists from gitmo. Fuck him

Obama was a niggerfaggot

Pretty replaceable he literally dindu nothin. It's like he wasn't a president but just the head of some department signing the shit his employees hand him.

Terrible. His legacy summed up in one sentence?

"A race-mongering lazy negro--married to a wife with a bigger dick than he--who campaigned on helping minorities but instead used the office to advance foreign countries and muslim causes all while dismantling the US and leaving his own political party in shambles."

Okay, a run-on-sentence. Sue me.