holy fuck
he just fucked aced them
they have no recourse now but to accept Trump's demands
and he made it public too, so they are really fucked
For the first time in my life, I feel like somebody sane is in charge. Holy shit.
I know the standards for Mexishits aren't high but Pena Nieto might just be the dumbest motherfucker on this planet.
He's going to get his country thrown into Africa tier poverty if he doesn't start doing what he's told. He literally has no bargaining power and acting like a prideful idiot is just going to cause Trump to skullfuck him.
we can only hope for a right wing coup
The Mexicans are rioting over gasoline prices and burning down Wal-Marts right now. What a fucking retarded Mexican President.
Holy shit our president is a madman
I love him so much
Trump needs to pull out American troops stationed overseas and post them along the US-Mex border. I have a feeling there's going to be an uptick in immigration once it starts to get warmer again.
Jesus Christ, I'm so fucking sick of hearing people over react about this presidency. Why can't people just get over it and move on with their lives? Trump has been in office, and has done nothing but good, yet everyone still thinks it's litterally the end of the world.
I can't go anywhere without hearing something about Trump, Hilter, Nazis Facism.. blah blah blah. Fuck man! Just shut true fuck up please! It's just another election, things with change little, just like they do every time a president changes. FUCK!
Mexicans are retarded generally but you would expect at least a little sense from the person elected to tard wrangle the entire country.
It was in Mexico's best interest to keep the borders open. The fuel riots are going to turn into a revolution now that border laws are enforced.
Cool blog
Oh fuck me. I love Trump more every fucking day I swear.
>Trump needs to pull out American troops stationed overseas and post them along the US-Mex border.
General Kelly taking over DHS is going to make this a no-brainer. He's called the Mexican border 'an existential threat to America' and is well aware of the ISIS/Cartel connection.
Expect a down payment on his desk by tomorrow morning
Trump is about to btfo Mexico holy shit, what a madman, and the madman you all deserve.
That's what you get when you elect a president every 6 years and don't give him a second chance.
Why even bother as president? For all intents and purposes, he can act and become a lame duck at inauguration.
So Trump promised to renegotiate NAFTA because of the trade deficit, but he's also using the trade deficit as leverage to convince Mexico to build the wall. How does that work exactly? Isn't he trying to close this gap regardless of what Mexico says about the wall? I don't understand what he's actually threatening to do. Mexico pays for the wall or else what exactly?
It's just Jews user. Once you realize they are behind everything bad happening. Then everything makes sense, and that Love (Trump) always conquers Evil (Jews)
>It was in Mexico's best interest to keep the borders open.
Sure but now they no longer have that option.
Acting like a macho fuckhead, and as if they still do, is just going to make things worse for Pena Nieto and Mexico generally.
If he doesn't bend the knee and come to the table about the wall Trump might literally blow up NAFTA and with it the average Mexican's ability to not starve to death.
peña is not very liked in mexico to begin with
Put the wall up, now the Mexican government can't ship out the poor people. Now they'll have to keep em'.
All those poor, desperate folks wont have an escape now. The lower class of millions... sitting on their asses while their corrupt rich politicians think of something to do with an influx of em'.
The wall isn't just gonna keep the undesirables out, it'll force revolution.
This is good.
He just keeps of giving. Every day I love him more and more. How can Mexicans even compete? They're getting bullied so hard.
That's the idea, make sure Mexicos pres doesn't know what's about to happen if he doesn't comply.
>Mexico pays for the wall or else what exactly?
Enjoy being kicked out of NAFTA and a massive tarifd.
#trumpbless, was telling the wife last night that we are actually witnessing history, not some propped up version like mlk or obama, but honest to goodness history book shit..I get at least 4 or 5 moments of euphoria daily, nothing will be the same again
>Mexico build the wall already for all those years you took money from us in trade deals
Or else we stop trading with them, stop sending aid, and stop allowing remittances to be sent there. We let them stew in their own shit during which time Nieto will most likely be deposed.
> it's real
Holy fuck I'm jealous, I want to be American so much
Absolute madman.
and I heard that America is basically paying defacto welfare to Mexico. Illegals get jobs and earn money and they send the money back to Mexico in teh sum of 240 million dollars.
Don't take my figures as gospel I've been drinking since 9:30am. But that is what my fingers are typing. It's fucked up get em Trump then unfuck Australia, it'd only take 3 days under your leadership I fucking promise you.
It's really not true though, NAFTA benefits our companies/economy far more than the Mexican worker who only serves to be exploited. Does Trump really think free trade agreements are hurting us? We exploit their labor AND sell them the same shit they make.
This is communist tier economic retardation from Trump. I used to think Trump was just being a populist drumming up his base but it seems he really is this fucking stupid.
I'm just ready for Mexico to accept their fate and pay for the wall. I really want to see the left meltdown.
You expect anything better from one of the shittiest "states" on the planet? I don't get why anyone has any respect for Mexico.
>we are actually witnessing history
good things are happening and it's happening in real time! usually, things happen very slowly and are later distorted and romanticized in an attempt to make us believe we're better off, when the reality is the total opposite.
Whenever they do said tards get angry
And the herd mentality in Mexico is the worst. Hence why we need a Pinochet
crazy enough to be sane in these insane times
Got our first dumb ass right here
So the US becomes increasingly isolationist, pulls out of multiple trade agreements that were supposed to keep China at bay, China in turn signs trade agreements like the TPP, a trade agreement with Mexico, and conmtinues to grow even faster than it already was pre-Trump era. The US super power will decrease as China grows more powerful. Exactly how is this a good thing?
The 2nd highest source of revenue for Mexico is money sent back from the US by undocumented workers. I've seen estimates in the $20 Billion range.
Essentially we're going to pretend Mexico won't retaliate on the debts we call in, and that the majority of our imported produce and factory goods that we get from Mexico won't be taxed to shit in return. Making our cost of living more expensive, and us ever more dependent on Chinese imports;a nation who has the United States by the balls with the trillions of debt we owe to them.
Y'know, just so we can get the one up on fucking Mexico.
Does the left legitimately believe this man is bad for the US? Or is it that they can't stand admitting they were wrong at this point?
The idea is very simple.
They benefit more from good relations with us than we do. Therefore if they want good relations with us, they must pay.
>Pay for the wall, you get to renegotiate and maybe keep *some* of your trade advantage
>Don't pay for the wall, NAFTA does the way of TPP
At least that's how I'd interpret it
we don't even get the spaniard blooded is all a bunch of worthless retarded 5'3" shitskins like in your pic
Why does everyone get triggered by the wall over here? I don't fucking get it. I mean, it'll slow down the weapons and drug trade for fucks sake, how is that not good?
Trump has driven the Mexican president into a corner.
Either pay for the wall and go down as the biggest pussy in Mexican history or refuse to pay for the wall and watch the Mexican economy crash and burn.
Mexicans BTFO
Have you ever heard this guy? Adam Smith?
Free trade isnt someting that one side fucks the other. It is beneficial to everyone. Because one side willingly gives his good due to he thinks that he need money more than the his good and the other side willingly gives his money due to he thinks that he needs the good is more valuable than his money.
Protectionalism will harm normal citizens at the expense of big guys.
>acting like a prideful idiot is just going to cause Trump to skullfuck him.
Oh God how I want to see that.
Boner, thy name is Diamonds.
The ones exploiting the labor force and making bank on a foreign consumer base are companies who continuously ship jobs overseas. The money doesn't really find its way back to our country, which is what Trump is trying to fix.
Fucking build that wall mate, so glad you've got Trump. Fuck all the naysayers or whoever wants to talk shit.
>Consequences will never be the same, Mehico!
Mexico owes us $60B. Paying for The Great Trump Wall will knock off about half of that debt.
It is good. It will also regulate the flow of illegals from your country, men and women who are brave enough to risk their lives to work. Those are people Mexico needs to KEEP. They come over here and leech off our system because it's easier, but there is no arguing they are hard workers.
>They benefit more from good relations with us than we do.
I thought Trump's general approach was going to eliminate this sort of thing anyways. So it seems contradictory to me that he would be allowing Mexico to "keep" that just in exchange for the wall.
Getting rid of Free Trade is literally a communist economic position. We've always had the upper hand in NAFTA, Trump makes it sound like it's a charity to Mexico when really its closer to being the complete opposite.
This is a multi use BTFO. It also shows the rest of the world to look the fuck out
we have all the leverage user, we can buy from anyone. mexico's economy is based on us. they will bend the knee or be destroyed.
I can see it being more of a symbolic diss against someone. Imagine if your neighbor put a giant fence up to block your house not his other one. But the fence is justified and will keep your shit in one place so your country can fix what the problem is.
>Y'know, just so we can get the one up on fucking Mexico.
Here's the thing about China, they need us for innovation, something they're terrible at, and as an outlet for their cheap garbage. Who else are they going to sell it to? Venezuela? Somalia? Germany?
They're not going to fuck the US to side with Third World countries with collapsed economies.
>and post them along the US-Mex border.
>General Kelly taking over DHS
pretty sure that is unconstitutional.
Post them 5 km INSIDE the Mexican border.
That's nice and legal.
>The money doesn't really find its way back to our country
Yes it fucking does Jesus Christ lol
I have a feeling we won't be seeing much Mexican posters on Sup Forums for a long while
Shoo shoo globalist Jew
I'm not happy he shitted on Chelsea Manning but this sort of makes up for it. He's mad at everyone. Obama was always calm.
Adults are in charge, finally.
Bu-but mexico won't pay for the wall user it-
>I have decided to take it up the ass as deep ad possible. Also, make America great again!
~Mexcico 2017
I assume it's because they're being trapped on the wrong side off the wall.
In the form of jobs and company infrastructure being built on foreign soil while they benefit from both domestic and foreign consumer bases? Yeah makes sense.
And liberals said he would never follow through
wtf I was just talking about this on Sup Forums
am I president now?
>"mexico wont pay for wall"
yfw they already are
Mexico is run by the drug cartels, if their President gives into Trump, he is as good as dead. Mexico needs ICBM treatment, fuck them.
mexican banter
we could have China starving in 6 months without a single military action
Post them on the mexican side then
The problem is that the US is full of lazy niggers and white kids who think it beneath them to work hard jobs
>t. neocohen cuckservative status quo lover
> (OP)
> Have you ever heard this guy? Adam Smith?
> Free trade isnt someting that one side fucks the other. I
Yes but Mexico has been fucking the US for decades.
Everyone has been.
Trump is just resetting things.
Free trade between similar countries is fine.
Free trade between 1st and 3rd world countries is very dangerous.
Wow. Trump is going to cause the country to collapse, and under the pretense that the cartels are running the country we will invade.
We really don't. What we'll be doing is limiting our global economy and thus our dollar value. Mexico tanking hurts us, we have less influence in the global market.
Now that ties into addressing . The reason why China doesn't call in their debts on the United States tomorrow is because if they did, because our economic ties are so symbiotic, if we tanked they would too. China doesn't want this. So China has been expanding their global economy into eastern asian markets to build up their worth. Meanwhile, they hope the United States pulls shitty moves a la severing economic ties to Mexico, because they grow less dependent on the dollar the weaker our currency becomes.
I think most people get triggered by the fact we'll have to pay it. Remember mexicas are like spic jews. Except when it comes to Apple products and papitas.
>muh bilateral relations with our beloved neighbor
The fact that we're neighbors doesn't mean we're friends. But normies do not get this. They think it will be Trump's fault that Mexico is going down to the drain when it was the corrupt elite to blame and their shitty socialist laws.
>He's mad at everyone. Obama was always calm.
If you don't mind me asking, user, what age range are you in? I'm an oldfag and remember when standing up for yourself or taking a decisive position on an issue was considered to be a positive thing.
It seems that the Millennial generation views anything short of total groveling or submissiveness as being 'angry' or 'aggressive' or 'violent'.
Is that accurate?
It's called 1488d Chess. Have you never played?
The Chinese citizens will turn on their own government if we fuck with them. Once again we hold all the cards, also we completely control the EU. The entire world is fucked with Trump at the helm, unless they do exactly as he says.
You're a fucking retard. Just kill yourself for being so god damn stupid.
> white kids who think it beneath them to work hard jobs
Spotted the immigration apologist
>it's called 1488d Chess. Have you never played?
>mfw Mexico thought they actually had any bargaining power to begin with
Even first world countries don't have much real bargaining power against the US
Gen x?
>it's just an one-up on poor old mexico! what did they ever do to us?
Hey you faggot Turk. You realize Ricardo btfo of Smith's trade theory right?
And it's not "beneficial" to everyone. There is just a net gain overall. Producers and workers in certain industries will still be hurt, and because labor and capital aren't perfectly substitute or able to be transitioned to new sectors immediately, this is a negative for these very real people who lost their investments and jobs.
>China has the US by the balls
Oh kek
If you owe a hundred thousand to the bank, the bank owns you. If you owe several trillion to the bank, you own the bank.
>mfw trump uses nafta and trade deficit to convince mexico to pay for the wall
>mfw trump rips up nafta after trump gets them to pay for the wall
>mfw this is exactly the type of shit trump said he was going to do
i fucking love this shit. you're not going to do this for us? ok there's no more meeting until you do. you know he's going to rip up nafta too after he has used it as the reason mexico has to pay.
He's Generation Cuck.
happy invasion day brudda!!