How the fuck can you hold an embryo, isn't it like microscopic?
admitting there's a difference means it should be OK to kill the one you drop?
so, if I think it's better to drop a puppy than a baby I should be allowed to kill puppies?
>petri dish
>oh you try to save the baby in my Insane murderous psycho hypothetical?
>guess that means abortion should be legal
>checkm8 drumpfkin
Fuck I wish you were aborted
No, I'm fucking torn. You're trying to commit a murder with both fucking hands...
Women were a mistake.
This is the dumbest thing I've ever read. Stupid fucking leaf.
How the fuck can an embryo survive on a petri dish? It's not a bacteria is it?
Depends what the baby is wearing
It's better to save the one that is already living, than the one that is in the process of being born. Same with a mother that would die due to childbirth, save the mother. If there is no danger then don't abort.
whoa, calm down there, buddy. Maybe put those goalposts back where they were, while you're at it.
I would shot you in the head and save the baby and the embryo. They are worth saving more than you
>Embryo on a petri dish
Here's a test:
You have the right to vote and the right to abortion.
I have to take away one.
It's impossible to decide, because both are women's rights, one in the same, right?
I'd save the baby but if it was a 3 day old vs a 3 year old then I would save the 3 yeae old. So would that be justification for murdering infants?
> in the petri dish the embryo is already dead, you dundercuck. and even if it's not technicall dead yet it wont ever grow because it's been extracted from the body that's supposed to grow it
Is this whole pro-life thing on Sup Forums a huge meme?
Why do you unironically care about this whole sancticity of life nonsense?
There's a difference, but that doesn't make the other option completely worthless.
How about I threaten to kill you in the most painful and savage way unless you put both safely down and fuck off
>would you kill or would you kill?
>if you killed then you are stupid, but if you killed you saved a life
that isnt shifting the goalposts. its called an analogy you retard.
moral relativism is cancer, like you
Shitpost by shit cuntry
oh sorry I thought there was a point to this image. It was really just a random hypothetical with no relation to any real question
I'm pro-choice btw. This post was just so bad I couldn't let it slide.
Depends on if the baby is a nigger.
>mental gymnastics to justify murder
leftists truly are sociopaths
Change the word 'embryo' with 'fetus'
good post
Why are pro choice faggots so dense? Of course there is a fucking difference, but it's still wrong to kill both. Kinda like it's better to kill a new born than to kill a 3 year old.
Let the cunt drop both and call the police. I am only interested in BTFO libshits.
Embryos don't grow in petri dishes though. A blastocyst or zygote can. What kind of retarded faggot makes memes like this? Clearly an uneducated one.
When you fight to make it no longer murder to kill a baby in the womb we can talk.
A person that hits a woman and kill her unborn baby currently will face charges of murder, this is US law right now.
You can't have it both ways.
what skin color is the baby and what skin color are the parents of the embryo? Also is any of them Jewish?
original point is one has inherently more value as a life
you tards decided to make it about being ok to kill something, which it never was. i.e. moving the goalposts
put a plastic bag over your head, waste of fucking oxygen
i was thinking about droping baby because it has higher chances of surviving
Well life is still life even if it has various worth. I would let someone drop a retard baby over a normal baby or a nigger baby over a white baby.
An embryo cannot survive on a petri dish so it's a m00t point really.
the baby makes more mess if you drop it
Here's a test:
I have two woman, one of which is pregnant.
I am going to shoot one in the stomach. You choose which.
If you really believe that fetus isn't a person, it should be impossible for you to decide. You should have to flip a coin, that's how impossible the decision should be.
Shot in the dark, you saved the woman who wasn't pregnant.
Because you know there's a difference
Now admit it.
embryo is considered anything more than 2 cells
like a blastocyst
stop using words you heard smarter people use and kill yourself, please.
I don't understand. These fags are so goddamn entitled. It's not about my body my choice or any of those stupid fucking excuses. It's about me not wanting to pay for your baby murders. I can demonize it all I want. There's no law against that. Just like there's no law against the act itself. But if you think I should pay a fat chunk of my paycheck so you can kill babies, you can fuck right off
if it aint in a womb it aint a fucking baby retard
Haven't seen this one in a while. Getting tired of posting the native American garbage?
Your premise is incorrect though. If I had OPs baby in one hand, and a petri dish of an embryo of MY child shortly before insemination, I would drop your baby. I care more about my personal bloodline than I care about the bloodline of an asshole.
An embryo is an implanted egg that has thrived to grow. A zygote and blastocyst both have their own food resources (yolk) whereas an embryo depends on its host for nutrition. Again, the idiot who made the meme is ignorant to biological facts.
You are such a fucking chink and it's so obvious.
Did you take common core?
>living parents, actually alive, assumedly without serious defects, will continue to grow and develop as normal
>petri dish embryo
>it's not going to survive anyways, it most likely won't be put back into a woman, it is probably already dead, and it's also in line for being used for scientific analysis, not legitimate development into a baby
>even in the off chance that it's still alive and will be put into a woman it is much more likely to be fine than a baby if you drop it. Embryo will most likely not make it anyways once it's left the womb, baby now has head split open.
Leftists are sick, they give you stupid questions that are designed to make you 'fail' from the get go. There is only one obvious answer, and because of that they act as though this proves their point. It's a stupid question, and they act as though recognising the difference between an embryo and an already born infant somehow makes the killing of one completely justified. Fuck off, every day this thread shows up and Sup Forums always rips this apart.
Im pro-abortion but this argument is pure cancer
Do people materialize out of piles of street feces in India?
You're asking the right questions.
Did you take toiletry?
>ignorant of biological facts
having fun with your projector?
also see above
I have two hands, I'll just grab both
>original point is one has inherently more value as a life
You're right. Some lives are more valuable. Your life isn't valuable as mine, but I'd still be charged with murder if I killed you.
So do me the favor of taking your suggestion and doing it yourself.
Again, an embryo is dependent on its host for life whereas a blastocyst or zygote are self sustaining until implantation into the Uterine lining/wall.
How stupid are you exactly to NOT know how babby is formed?
Clearly a being dependent on another cannot survive in isolation away from its host....
I dont want to pay for abortions with my tax money, but id never go as far as to suggest to outlaw abortion.
Do you REALLY want more unloved kids from single mother households? Or blacks for that matter?
Both demographics will either turn to crime and will rape or murder your grandchildren eventually or will be raised as blue blood libcucks. Or both.
I agree as well. I don't give a shit about abortion. I just don't want to pay for it nor do I want to pay for contraceptives.
>I cannot read
I'm not playing your retarded game. There's no choice here except to shoot you.
>Shoot them
>Both are dropped and die
>mission accomplished
I like you, Sven.
Wouldn't the embryo in the petri dish die anyway?
A woman finds out a new human life is growing inside her. Will she kill it or not?
Place your bets.
So what if it cannot survive isolation? Whats your point?
If we find cluster of cells outside Earth we gonna call if life.
Does not matter the complexity.
The developmental stage illustrated in the OP post is wrong. That was the point.
Clearly you don't know how you developed throughout your gestational period. That's fine.
Contraception im more on the fence about. I think enough people could donate to organizations like Planned Parenthood to keep it going and keep stupid chuckle fucks from breeding. But if i had to choose to pay for Shaquinchilas birth control or for her abortion? Id choose the birth control ofc. You know were going to be throwing our money down the drainn for gutter trash eventually. In perfect world sterilization would be a thing, but it's not plausible.
Literally almost every single woman on my Facebook feed won't stop talking about muh abortion, even though Trump has done literally nothing to it. they cannot get their minds away from the wet hole in between their legs. Being able to scrape biomass out of their vagina is the ONLY issue to them. Women's suffrage was an absolute mistake
>how stupid the general public is the post
I think you need to retake Philosophy 101
That embryo/clump of cells/glob/whatever you want to call it is going to be a living, breathing, blinking baby in just a few weeks. It literally doesn't matter if you consider it to be alive or not, it will undeniably be alive in the near future by everyone's standards. By killing the embryo you are killing the baby that would shortly follow, and the toddler that would soon follow that, then the child, the adolescent, and so on. That embryo is to a baby what a baby is to a toddler--just another stage in the life cycle. When you get an abortion, you are actively, purposely, and preemptively ending that life cycle. Why is murder wrong? Because it ends life prematurely against its victim's will and deprives them of a future. That's precisely what abortion does. It's murder. I wish people would stop pretending otherwise and treating it with all the gravity of popping a pimple. At least acknowledge what it is that you're doing.
I would be ok with donating. I just don't want to be forcefully taxed for it out of principle.
I would air drop contraceptives over ghettos for fun if I could do so voluntarily.
An embryo cannot survive outside of its host. The person who created the meme is ignorant to biological fact and disproves their own point before an argument even starts based on this.
An embryo has an umbilical cord, where is the placenta going to establish a source of bloodflow in a perti dish.
This person is projecting so hard. I would have begged them not to drop either. And after they dropped one I would have beaten the living shit out of them.
There is no difference.
>baby is still alive
>embryo is already dead since it's outside of the womb
Gee I wonder why one might choose the baby.
This is a dumb analogy. If the embryo was mine and I was going to pay thousands of dollars for a doctor to implant it into my wife's uterus so I can finally have a kid of my own then I would definitely choose it over the baby.
>women want the right to kill babies
I swear to god bitches are child killers.
The embryo isn't even in a person, and if it is implanted there's still a good chance it will miscarry
The baby has already been born and is presumably healthy
Also if the petri dish hits the floor it's likely the embryo won't be killed - not true for the baby
Either way, I'm saving the baby and you're going to jail for attempted infanticide
I'm pro-life but I don't think the federal government needs to be making absolutes one way or the other. Just as I think smoking weed is stupid but the federal government doesn't need to be making absolutes about that either. This is something that should be left up to the states.
Fucking this.
What a manipulative and dark proposal. Libs can sure be sick fucks.
I'm holding a little girl and a rapist ex-con hostage. I'm going to shoot one of them. You get to choose which one. Of both of them are human and murder is truly wrong, it should be impossible for you to decide. Guess murder isn't wrong after all.
Liberal logic...
Bravo user, bravo. This is the perfect and irrefutable counter argument. All baby killers eternally BTFO!
This it's already aborted you faggots
There's a dependency, sure, but it doesn't matter in the slightest. If you kill that embryo you are killing everything that comes after it. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it's human, doesn't matter if you don't believe life begins at conception, you are snuffing out life that would otherwise come into being were it not for your interference. Where you draw the line on a piece of plywood is irrelevant if you're throwing the whole fucking thing in the wood chipper.
>If you kill that embryo you are killing everything that comes after it.
Nothing "comes after it" if you kill it by definition.
What if I was holding a white baby in one hand and a black baby in the other hand. Which do you save, Sup Forums?
>it doesn't matter
Why is it even an argument?
Obviously an embryo in a petri dish is dead. It has no host to derive oxygen from, nor food and cannot excrete waste to. So one is dead and the other alive.
Understand now, how retarded the person who made this meme is?
I believe the solution is easy here.
Seeing that if the embryo is outside the womb, it's obviously dead.
Now, for the sake of the argument, let's assume it's alive and it's going to grow up into a fully grown baby if you were to save it, you'd still choose the baby because not all lives are worth the same.
Even if an embryo is still a living being, that doesn't necessarily mean it's worth the same as a fully formed baby. Fully formed baby has more invested into in both time and nurture all the while the potential remains more or less the same.
However if the baby is severely deformed and I had to choose between saving a freak of nature or an embryo that I know would grow up into a baby, I would save the embryo, because the potential on the embryo is greater than in the deformed baby.
The entire argument falls apart the moment when the opposing party does not hold all life as equal.
But things were slated to come after it and would have had you not killed it. That's the entire point.
Yeah, I get you, I'm just treating it as a hypothetical.
>But things were slated to come after it and would have had you not killed it.
Things were slated to come after it and would have had I not pulled out in time. Why does one potential person count but not the other?
What type of irresponsible cunt takes a baby into an embryonics lab? What kind of company allows this type of unsafe practice?
1) Report this lab to OSHA
2) Report parent to Child Protective Services.
Thanks for alerting us, user! Can you give us some more information so we can dox these assholes?
I'd try to catch both, then beat your psychotic ass for trying to kill babies
Classic trolley problem.
With that in mind I'd just do nothing and walk away.
>muh not independent life
I guess its not murder either if I go into a hospital and pull the plugs of a comatose patient.
Don't treat it as anything, stop the spread of false analogies and disinformation.
It ain't my baby
No future-human organism is created when you pull out successfully, moron, just like no future-human organism is created when you stop jerking off. We're talking about the cause and effect of interfering with the life cycle of a human being, not about an abstract series of hypothetical what-ifs and what-could-have-beens that stretch on forever. If you kill an organism during phase 1, it won't move on to phase 2. Killing it during phase 1 is ultimately no different from killing it during phase 2 since the former includes the latter. Where you choose to personally draw the line is arbitrary and irrelevant to the sequence of events.
>muh fetuses possess a personality and capacity for self-awareness
If you go into a hospital and pull the plugs of a permanently and irreversibly braindead human, maybe.
I'd save the baby because a fertilised embryo has a pretty high chance to never reach term. If you told me the Baby only had 9 months to live anyway i'd save the embryo.