Anyone else tired of all this explicit liberalism in the media? Will it ever end? 2bh I think most Americans now are liberal leaning. Why even bother redeeming them?
Anyone else tired of all this explicit liberalism in the media? Will it ever end...
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I don't think the average american or canadian for that matter recognizes the bias. TV drones are exposed to blatant propaganda for hours each day.
I think that the way to wake people up is to limit their exposure to TV, Print, Radio, the Internet, etc. thereby forcing them to formulate their own opinions instead of parroting liberal retardation.
Perhaps then the media will get its act in order to court an (any) audience.
>ay to wake people up is to limit their exposure to TV, Print, Radio, the Internet, etc
it seems though that reality has a liberal bias
Nice bait.
We call it the red pill for a reason.
Yes, the award winning mainstream media and their journalistic standards are all "fake news". Thank God we have Breitbart, Alex Jones and a slew of conspiracy theorists to keep the public informed.
False dilemma.
Just because the mainstream media is biased doesn't mean that alternative media is not biased.
Both are chock full of editorials/opinion pieces masquerading as stories. There is also the problem of sponsored content...
Do you honestly think that the CBC or Toronto Star (despite winning "awards") are unbiased?
If so thanks for proving my point about the retardation of the average Canadian media consumer.
Most people don't care about politics dude
>Will it ever end?
nope now that you people are in control with Drumpf.
enjoy it while it lasts because soon the pendulum will swing back to us and you nazi's will be against the wall
> 2bh I think most Americans now are liberal leaning.
liberals are just louder. they're more eager to organize and are less restrained by personal and social responsibilities, like jobs and families. liberals are willing to protest even when it becomes evident that it is beginning to tear the seams of a formerly well-functioning society.
Furthermore. They are bad for different reasons.
Alex Jones et al are poor journalists and likely crazy
Mainstream media are good journalists though they have an ideological agenda.
Its the hidden value-laddenness and propaganda that make mainstream media the insidious beast that it is. It's especially awful due to it's being considered the gold standard and having a bully pulpit.
>this explicit liberalism in the media?
the media is almost entirely based in New York, they are not an accurate representation of the rest of America.
Realistically down the road America will probably have to split up since the states are too big and too different.
Because the next generation is the most conservative/right leaning in recent history.
>explicit liberalism in the media?
>Americans now are liberal leaning.
>Why even bother redeeming them?
Liberalism will continually infect all newer and newer generations of people if it is not excised and righted
>Realistically down the road America will probably have to split up since the states are too big and too different.
balkanization of media will happen well before anyone lets a balkanization of state go down.
These people are the literal definition of brainwashed drones
Spend their entire lives consuming liberal propaganda in the media, now it's no wonder they act like brainwashed sheep
Most of them aren't even smart enough to recognize the bias.
>against the wall
What are you gonna force us onto it with? MLP dolls? The left hates guns
>we call it the red pill for a reason
Right, because it makes you sympathetic to Russian interests. Who do you think is pushing the red pill propaganda here user? Who do you think is the country that stands the most to benefit from turning the west into a bunch of paranoid isolationist countries user? Who has been subverting and dividing us for half a century user?
And who is most famously associated with the color red and propaganda user?
Half of the population of America is sick of it
That's why we elected Trump
Yes, which is why SOME of us are bothering to try and make our stand against it.
Sup Forums, we're desperate, boost our anti-Marxist movement, help the Minutemen out, follow our Twitter (in thread), and give advice (in the thread).
Here it's the liberals that are associated with the colour red.
>Anyone else tired of all this explicit liberalism in the media?
It's because of "liberalism" that we have a free media. You're probably used to State-controlled media in Russia disinforming and dictating your beliefs to you.
> I think most Americans now are liberal leaning.
We support gay marriage, legal marijuana, equal pay, dreamer immigration, etc. The American people are definitely moving leftward.
That's probably why the minority right is becoming more fringe, hysterical and shrill.
I just take the news from news agencies, to be honest. Breitbart can be decent sometimes, AJ is amerilard tier.
>bezmenov on marxists.png
Conspiracy theory and not even a very good one at that.
KGB informant (not even a full agent for fuck sakes) who lies for a living somehow manages to come to America and tells you exactly what you want to hear? And you believe him?
Anyone who even mentions "cultural marxism" in a thread has zero self-respect and even less intelligence.
No. Go back to CTR you leftist.
Cultural Marxism is real. It is another name for Critical Theory and French Marxism. Specifically, the work of Walter Benjamin and Herbert Marcuse, Jaques Derrida, and Louis Althusser. It is explicit attempts to bring about class consciousness through the consumption of art (lit, media, etc), Identity Politics, Epistemic Relativism (kill scientific truth and now whitey aint so smart), and taking over the sites of education.
This is all explicitly to ease the way for revolution or barring that at least for social democratic reform. End point for both is the same though. Egalitarian, stateless, society ie Communism.
>2bh I think most Americans now are liberal leaning
Not even close:
Billionaires who own the media are libs. Academia dependent on an ever expanding government to increase their own power and wealth are libs. Everyone else? Not so much.
>If it's on TV, it must be true!
The works that you must read if you want to understand what is going on are
The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction
The one dimensional man
of grammatology
Ideology and ideological state apparatuses
Just search for citations of each on google scholar to see how central to the liberal arts these vile works have become.
for something similar that is american read Rorty's Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity.
It is about teaching liberal (marxist) values through media. Its influence cannot be overstated.