lower than 50% = cuck nation
>sweden 55
>poland 47
>serbia 46
Sure buddy.
Obviously I won't fight for corrupt politicians deep in jewish banking cartels' pockets. What would they do? Send me to fight for diversity and kill Palestinians for Israel?
>Bosnia: 55%
Except 1/3 of those would fight for greater Croatia, 1/3 for greater Serbia, and 1/3 for Allah.
>literally only a quarter of British "men" will fight for their country
I can hear Churchill spinning in his grave
I know only English and I'm a software engineer. If they have a job for me and don't mind about the language, I would love to leave the shit hole.
Official rankings:
>over 60%: bare minimum for a succesful country
>30-60%: moderately cucked, collapse of the state is a possibility
>below 30%: will not exist as countries as we know them 100 years from now
I would fight against my country. Does that count?
real question should be "would you fight for your people" not for your country(/current government)
>Just 62% after three years of war
Sometimes i feel like wee need to genocide 1/3 of population as the most retarded and backwards whining scum. Then we can build a nice country.
>A study in fine print with small sample numbers
Just no cuck.
I would fight against SJWs.
>over 60%: bare minimum for a succesful country
Hello, Finland.
>fighting for your slavemasters
Why is Finland so undeniably great
Serbia is the type of country where everyone goes from "FUCK AND CONQUER ZAGREB, REMOVE KEBAB" to "fucking politicians and wars every 10 years, i won't fight no matter what" in seconds, but i bet you, the second the war starts, it would be 101%
This desu famalamino
Also OP I am mildly amused Turkey gets snuck in there
this question is too generic
In case of defensive or offensive war? Against who?
We are a small country anyway. Pointless to defend it
I wish we could invade sweeden for just a day or two.
I wish.
more like over 16% = cuck people
I wont fight for my fucking country thats for sure
I suspect the way these questions were asked in various countries have been very suggestive and different.
The Netherlands are cucked but by no means the most cucked of all. And nobody believes the majority of Sweden's inhabitants (something entirely different than "Swedes") would fight for it. Maybe they meant "fight for the rights of Muslims"
Jesus, there are countries lower than mine?
>Willing to die for the Zog
Nationalism is obsolete. The enemy is already within.
Same here, Croats will soon have to go to the army when you turn 18.
>genocide 1/3 of population
we gonna do that for you soon
>Croats will soon have to die while getting oil for burgers in some desert shithole
Was NATO really worth it?
>Was NATO really worth it?
i don't really know, i know that most of the men here in croatia are pussies and i hope this will change things.
a new war between us will change that
>willing to die for my Wife's son
When they asked the immigrants in Sweden if they would fight for their country they said yes but didnt mean Sweden.
Even though they fled.
>war with serbia
nice meme
>Would you fight for your country?
It depends on what you mean by "country"?
The people?
The land?
The regime / government?
>Another war
Silly Dragan, hasn't one assfuckery been enough for you? Do you really have that much of a fetish for tractors?
Then again, you are a country that elected 2 chetniks as president and prime minister, with Seselj being in the parliament so not really surprised DESU FAMALAMALAM
>kebab remove in 21st century
pls gib those two posavina nuggets as well and we're good
>Was NATO really worth it?
Actually yes. We've been getting tons of pretty good military equipment from NATO either for free or at very low costs.
Not to mention it was very beneficial for our own military industry which is now supplying half of Europe with clothing and bulletproof vests, and much of the US police force with guns.
I would never ever fight for my country if I disagree with what we are fighting for. If my country tells me we are killing swedecucks, germans, or muslims, I will, of course, enlist immediately.