Anyone else unironically like P.E.P.E - Shadilay?
Is it our official anthem?
Anyone else unironically like P.E.P.E - Shadilay?
Is it our official anthem?
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Patrician music selection.
Do you also unironically like synth?
P.E.P.E. is to Italian dance music what goreshit is to lolicore.
I was talking about this with a normie, he said: "i fucking hate the whole pepe shit and their song but it's catchy and i can't help myself but like it."
This is the true power of KEK
song is filled with cosmic energy
Yes but with vocals.
I like the high-pitched one
it's a really good song, that helps you chill and relax.i sent it to a female friend she liked it a lot lol
Best Italian dance music is Eiffel 65. Song related also has somewhat fascistic lyrics in Italian.
Cerco un centro di gravit permanente
che non mi faccia mai cambiare idea sulle cose sulla gente
avrei bisogno di...
I am seeking a permanent center of gravity,
that will never make me change my mind about people or things,
I need it...
No the whole Kek thing is a tired joke now
the lyrics kind of describe what Sup Forums is
Those lyrics are from a Battiato song, who is some kind of a bizarre lefty
memes will get us all laid if things keep going like this.
No I know they are not Eiffel 65's but just the part they quote seems to me to be pretty Sup Forums-worthy in its reactionary sentiment.
she has a liberal mongrel bf from greek who smokes weed and very degenerate,but at least i'm redpilling her a little by little
that eiffel 65 song u linked is so good
>not getting laid by memes, but electing president
You are in Finland, what the fuck are you doing? Apply memes in sauna, get laid, it's that easy.
it'll become our anthem once somebody does a grindcore remix of it
I Would goosestep to it.
it is never easy if you are autistic enough
The music is nice really. Deep lyrics great melody. It is a breath of fresh air to the 90% of music out there with their tribal nigger chants = pussy pussy NIGGUH get money get suckey kill a nappy headed wigger not your average chicken eating nigger or HEY HOE (robot rape sounds) pop a tab waste your money on alcohol.
It's a battiato cover.
Ree I know! Have another track by them? Living in a Bubble from their first album, Europop:
>not being so autistic that you 360 the spectrum back to being a normie
>not being so autistic that you 540 into being mr autismo maximo again
Git gud italy, now make me tendies
Autistic femanons need love too.
That is pretty good wojak.
I'm gonna copy that and put modified version back in circulation.
great album
even with all the remixes the original is still the best. SHADILAY
set my sails, in the sky or at the bottom of the sea
post the modified here user
>A slightly intoxicated attractive slim female literally asking for sex.
>It's too late late and I have class in the morning.
t. virgin
May the gets be mighty & May the wisdom of repeating numerals guide your lives.
Shadilay brothers.
Battiato is the ultimate redpill tbqh
can't stand that fuck face, how can someone like him i don't get it
i have to take care of couple things first, maybe i get it done right after that.
So I was checking and Apple Music doesn't even carry Shadilay :(
He's very redpilled but can't let Go of some idiot preconceptions, just like his friend Alejandro (((Jodorowsky))) (a very based jew tbqh).
You done goofd
But It's ok.
Search her back and give her the D.
>>implying not FASHSYNTHcore
You did goofd
take your time amigo
they are lefties, just download it from yt like a normal human being
erm nope,the magic is simply evolving by itself.Open your eyes,he is everywhere now.
Praise him.
when I heard this I remember hearing this before. I'm pretty sure it was played on an afternoon show on Radio 2 a good few months before pol discovered it. I didn't hear what it was called at the time
ho boy, if the Sup Forumslacks only knew about Areknames...
Man, that's why meme magic is real! It's actually a based song. I tried calling my local radio station to play, but they said they didn't have it. Doing my part.
This song has good energies!
Battiato has always been a muslim lover though, but I lost all the respect I had for him after Inneres Auge.
>hurr politicians steal, muh honestÃ
Yes I unironically listen to it and love it.
Somehow it reminds me of when i used to play GTA: Vice City
It is wonderful.
yes it is