>2017 Sup Forums will support this
2017 Sup Forums will support this
That sounds amazing
Why cant you people just do what the cops ask you to do
They are out to look after you
Support this? I fucking love it.
just stop resisting arrest nigger
obey the fucking law and there wont be a problem
stop arguing with police
have an issue? take it to court
>people of color resist arrest more
>read: people of color are more primitive and stupid and think they can get away
Do these niggers realize how dumb they sound?
Of course we don't, resisting arrest is the best way blacks have to get shot by cops.
Not sick of winning.
Like wtf I didn't know how to feel about this at first...
but I am fucking loving it!
I wish we had a law like that too.
>people of color resist arrest more, so it is unfair to make resisting arrest a felonious offense
True. Also, please make murder, robbery, and rape misdemeanors.
nigger lotto
>lives, nigger gets drug money for years
>dies, niggers senpai gets drug money
Hahaha this is hilarious
this law is totally inapropriate for someone just running away
Does resisting arrest only mean to attack the officer or also if you just make a run for it?
Because if yes this bill is retarded
Amazing. Don't resist arrest. How is wrong about that?
Okay tyrone
Damn right I will. Hate crime laws are fucking retarded, a crime is a crime.
The sooner everybody becomes a special snowflake protected class, the sooner we can get rid of this shit across the board.
Bogus 'resisting arrest' charges are quite common when the cops can't find something solid to charge you with but still want to charge you with something, user. They're often based on nothing but the cop's word.
So he's acknowledging the fact that blacks inherently resists authority, therefor it's racist to arrest blacks.
Really makes you think doesn't it.
Blacks resist arrest cuz they have no sense of respect for authority. They have no dad to teach them respect just a mom to beat them and when they meet authority they can't handle it
Cop says stop, stop. It's not that fucking hard
I don't support increasing the power of the state or federal governments. The bill should instead remove hate crimes from being different from normal crimes.
Even more dead burgers.
and strawman
it should remove the imaginary "hate" crime all together
Resisting arrest was already a crime.
Is it a double crime now?
>be American
>run away
>get shot
Such projection from BLM.
T-thanks Obama, once again!
There are a few ways of resisting arrest.
Passive, such as just laying on the ground.
Active, in which you're not assaulting an officer but actively trying to get away and not be arrested.
Then there's actively fighting the officer to not be arrested.
"You" people know this. You have to tell this to the blacks. Protip they won't listen.
Based Louisiana
I hate cops and I support it.
If you're at the point where those idots can pin you for an arrest, you were breaking the law wrong and need time to evaluate proper procedure, like -
>buy your drugs on the internet, not from a possible pig undercover
>if you're gonna kill some fool, do it quietly at or near a pig farm/alligator swamp
>wanna buy an illegal gun? buy a fake ID first, then buy the gun legally using the illegal ID, tee hee
You tango with 5-0, and you've already lost.
Although I think it's retarded as fuck that everything is a hate crime these days, this is fucking hilarious because only niggers resist arrest in the first place. White people resist in court after they're arrested.
>why don't these niggers just obey lawful orders?
>I doesn't matter if the 2nd amendment was legally repealed, I'd kill any pig who tried to take my guns
What do conservatards mean by this?
All seriousness though man, if you're breaking the law but not being obvious about it, you're probably not actually hurting anyone and thus aren't the type who belongs in custody.
Play stupid games.
Win stupid prizes.
Please remove all 'hate' crimes... They are ridiculous and stupid.
this wouldnt be needed if there were no none whites in the country. freedom gets eroded, for what?
Whoa, look here, we got a criminal mastermind. I checked out buying drugs online. If you are buying drugs online, you are getting ripped off.
If I had no integrity, I would just be an online drug dealer. More money and less risk selling drugs to unsociable autists anonymously
Because they're hypocrites.
Few people follow a code.
I do.
My code: "Do what I want, but don't be an asshole about it."
A gentleman's code of honor. Master of himself and no one else.
Being a nigger should be a hate crime.
>used disproportionately
Maybe blacks should... stop resisting arrest?
Oh shit, am I a racist now?!
Cops can already make up "resisting arrest" charges whenever they feel like it, so this is kind of a moot law.
Why not just nationally enforce bodycams on cops so we can accurately asses the situation better?
From my understanding, places that implemented bodycams on cops ended up having much more peaceful encounters with them, ex "I am wearing a bodycam" and both the cop and the person he's talking to chill the fuck out.
Resisting arrest is usually done by blacks towards white, good thing.
>If you are buying drugs online, you are getting ripped off.
Meth goes for about $80-100/g on the street. And it's of dubious quality.
$100 can get you 5g of alpha-pvp, which as a stimulant puts meth to shame, and is more potent than meth as well. Oh, that's shipping from Europe included.
"ripped off" he says...
Nice try dealerfag. Your days are over. Stop selling people that cut and chopped trash.
>his local police force doesn't have bodycams
Only if they're black though.
It's only fair though. If arresting blacks is racist, resisting arrest is a hate crime
It's funny, when I was in law school a few years back, we had an assignment about drafting a new progressive law. My law was to expand the definition of a hate crime to include just about anything, including gang colors and whether the victim had children or not. The end result was to effectively dissolve hate crime legislation, but also to give judges a lot more power to throw the book at niggers.
My professor was secretly displeased but couldn't say anything without exposing himself, that crafty Jew.
>buy acid (LSD-25 for you americans doing NBOMes) from the internet for buy acid (usually LSD but could be anything as usual) from the street for 15 euros a hit
how is this a hard choice to make
Bodycams invariably show the cop acting properly and the criminal being a piece of shit, so they're falling out of favor on the Left very quickly. The ACLU tried to sue the DC police to turn OFF their cams on Inauguration Day.
mfw we use their own hate laws against them
>if you're breaking the law but not being obvious about it
no libtard, if you 'break the law' you get arrested FULL STOP.
keep reading it over and over until your niggerbrain understands that fact.
whites dont fuck around when stopped. we put our hands on the wheel, we put our hands up, we dont move.
its mutual respect.
understand that police fear every day but they continues to fight for our country every single day.
>no libtard, if you 'break the law' you get arrested FULL STOP
Maybe YOU do, dumbass.
Plenty of us break the law all the time and don't get caught. It just takes forethought and common sense.
>if you're riding dirty, don't speed, run stop signs, etc
Only a conformist robot follows rules blindly.
Thinking men are masters of their their own domain and do what they will within the realm of civility, laws be damned.
dude that'll be all well and good
hate crime ain't gonna do nuthing to no gangsta ass niggas
they don't give a fuck
but what will happen is that the smarmy niggas will get even more book learned.
there will be proper ways to deal with cops.
they'll become law niggers then
then nigger the shit out of the police
and the police departments will be so full of harassment law suits every deptartment will get defunded and go straight into the pockets of all the smarmy niggers.
niggers will be complaint, or at least act complaint until they ask for your badge number, get the entire even on camera and sue everyones ass.
then the police will be afraid to arrest anyone for fear that their reputation maybe tarnished for getting outniggered by a person who was born black instead of just wearing black like a uniform.
the cycle starts again.
>people of color resist arrest more
Resisting arrest is already a crime...
Is he saying non-whites commit more crimes? What an ignorant shitlord
Its illegal to resist an arrest in Islrael ?
First off.... Flag so your opinion is garbage but I regress.
This isn't going to happen. Its more "rile up the liberal base" news. It will never pass and if it did I would see the problem with it. I'm no more for the police state than anyone but you peaceful liberals that claimed to love democracy have shown you only like it and the constitution when it fits your needs. When it doesn't it's out the window you broke with hammers.
breddy good
>Blacks resist arrest cuz they have no sense of respect for authority.
Well that and they have outstanding warrants for other crimes they've committed. And they're guilty as fuck. That also plays a role.
>online drug dealer
Where can I buy drugs online?
>My code: "Do what I want, but don't be an asshole about it."
>A gentleman's code of honor
I can feel the breeze of your fedora tipping from here.
>journalist Shaun King wrote
also they seem to view an encounter with police as a physical contest that they can win - if they were capable of abstract thought theyd realize that even if they physically overpowered this one police officer, the larger apparatus of the state will grind them down eventually. alas.