Dealing with cold

Hey pol

We are having a bit of a winter here in Yuropoors.

Any unorthodox and useful advice from snowdwellers to stay warm or save money on heating?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sleep with a cat on your foot. Preferably a live one.

Go to Africa

Don't have one, but I can see your point

Countless layers of clothes, hot soups, preferably spiced up with chili and the likes.

Always wear a cap outside and cover your neck. In case of sickness, take a warm bath.

And prepare to invade for North Africa, for it is rightful European clay.

sell meth to kids

warms your heart

Warm feet = happy brain

keep your feet warm, layer up with clothes.

Seal bottoms of doorways with draft protector of some sort, might have to stuff a blanket or large towel at the bottom to prevent air coming in. the inconvenience of having to move it is only in your head, don't get lazy

don't forget that water pipes can freeze if it gets really cold, if they do you're fucked. The lowest possible drip of water can prevent that (if you're okay with using some hot water, that is...) just a drip. Make sure it is going in or on the drain.

Find a good looking serbian babe and cuddle up under a blanket together. Body heat is a great way to stay warm.

Mentally tricking yourself in to thinking it's warmer than it is, works. Watch some videos on youtube where it's tropical or something with a cozy fire. Trust in your mind that it works, and it works.

Windows let out a lot of heat even when closed, cover them up if possible. Use big drapes to act as insulators. Get a wood stove insert for heat, everything else is trash.

>mfw it's actually pretty warm here
>mfw Adriatic niggers are buried under meters of snow

Stay dry and layer up. Check for drafts around your home and seal them up. /turn down the heat when you are not at home or in the room.

Body heat, pet or female

Basic shit: Wear layers, build proper houses, triple glass windows ftw. When sleeping do it naked. If you sweat you get wet and cold. Eat well and exercise to keep warm. Snow is a good insulator. Showel/pack it to outside walls of your house to prevent draft. Showel it ontop of the ground where the water pipes go to prevent them from freezing. Windows leak a lot of heat. Seal the frames with ducktape and use heavy curtains. Big rugs help to prevent the heat escaping through the floor.

Most of this applies to shit tier shags only but thats what people usually have abroad.

Winter is great enjoy your snow and have fun. Pic looks comfy but a bit too warm.

Already doing the layers and am careful of freezing water in tubes. Have to look into the drafts though.

Finland, how often do you have snow?

It's easier to keep yourself warm instead of an entire room/house.

But if you're in a pinch you can set the house on fire.

Grow some balls maybe?

Start taking very cold showers.
If you have something like our banyas- spend time in them, then go out in snow(or preferably cold lake/river/pond)- and get back in.

You will accommodate to cold in no time and will easily handle even -30

Wouldn't the snow melt during the day and freeze the pipes during the night? Didn't think of sleeping naked though. Makes sense.

Start masturbating

What weaklings, this you further proves you're not White.

As a resident of northern Wisconsin I can confirm that setting yourself on fire is a great way to stay warm

I'm on cold water, but can't handle low temperatures yet cause it gets hard to breathe. I'll get it with time.

>talking something about someone not being white

Get back to sucking nigger dick

From November to April if we're lucky. Nowdays it's more like late December to early March. Fucking climate change. I love proper winters and snow. In the army I literally slept in a snow bank with few mates during a field exercise and woke up with my sleeping bag covered in snow. Was comfy as fuck. Boots were frozen solid though.

We barely have any niggers here, and as for Arabs you have the most in all of Europe.

electric blanket

cost like $30

>keep hands and feet warm and dry

Nah, none of that tech shit

Do not eat raw vegetables as they lower body temperature. Its best to eat veggies in a warm soup.

bodyheat. But im sure you sleep naked with serbians anyway faggot

get drunk

Why you just strap it to your matress under all your sheets, turn it and 5 minutes later ur super warm

Get into a good sleeping bag naked with your woman.

I'll trade you for humid heat.

And spiders? I'm not that dense :)

this ive never seen snow

>he fell for the global warming meme

How the fuck are you having a cold winter when ours is like shit? The ground is barely cowered with snow, and half of it is melting away.

Did you know that on cold days it actually hurts to breathe? Not that we're having any of those days this year it seems.

Magyar bro knows whats up.

-10 to -20 around here last week, I slept with a norwegian forestcat on my feed and another next to my head.
Quite comfy.

How cold?

Sleeping with a girl is quite nice too. Or so I've heard.

here - its perfect

10 - 20 cm of snow, just what winter is about

Elevation I guess. Im pretty high up.

>ive never seen snow

How does it feel to be alive?

-20 and under starts to be unpleasant. -30 and under your whole face hurts for awhile, before going numb. All kids also experience once in their life licking a metal pole in such weather. Spoiler: they freeze together.

ive never seen abo (you)

Get a bitch

I have an insane metabolism so I burn fuck tons of heat all day, but on the coldest nights in my shitty old house the best feeling was cuddling with my naked gf under the covers

bonus points for power cut so theres no distractions :^)

I've never taken cold showers. What's the point of shivering when you can make it steaming hot, which is maximum comfy contemplation time?

It not even below zero in Croatia.

Don't know if you have them in Serbia but these fuckers are a gift from God if you have to be out longer than a few minutes in the cold.

Go outside naked and wash yourself with snow.

Once you get in you will feel hot as fuck and your circulation will be amazing

Starting to hate the heat as I become an oldfag, doubt I could handle cold like that though.

Who has the most comfy climate in Europe?

First you dont start to do tricks to stay warm when it is cold already.You fucked up.
Insulation,insulation,insulation.Thats the 3 magic words that will keep your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Well having to suffer trough warmer and warmer winters with less and less snow really fires up your neurons. I'd love to believe it is a hoax or space weather phenomena but having to see the changes with your own eyes doesn't leave much for a debate.

Get drunk and black out until spring.

t. New Hampshire

you are all helping muzzies adapt to their first winter you fools.


Yea i fucked up. Live and learn.

Burger logic
>What's the point of shivering when you can make it steaming hot
>Why work when you can live on gibs
>Why exercise when you can eat burgers
>Why prepare for future when you can slack off
Literally making yourself more resistant to cold and staying functional is a noble goal.

If it gets bad enough pick a central room and make it your last line of defence keep the rest from leaking heat but only focus on actively heating the one room.

Heavy rugs on the floors and nailed to the walls.

Seal windows with duct tape and plastic sheeting like you would use in a killroom. Garbage bags work in a pinch.


As much wool clothing as you can find, but pay special attention to you feet and head. Don't skimp on boots and hats. Go military surplus if you don't mind green.

Acceptance. Just relax cold is only cold. Know the symptoms and stages of frostbite and hypothermia. Stay away from those and you'll be fine.

>tfw it's a constant -10 to -20
>tfw there's good snow coverage for like a month now

Proper winter in my eyes.

Wool socks
Turn down temp to 15 at night

I live in Florida dude

turn up the thermostat to 80.. energy is dirt cheap right now

i'm in wa and it's cold af. i want a xander cage fur coat. seems comfy.

England isnt that cold...

But my heating is broken, so I wear Ski socks joggers and a hoodie, while laying in a sleeping bad underneath my duvet and a blanket.

Work out. It's 12°C indoors and I'm with my underpants. Beware of DOMS though.
Also put tape on keyholes and around windows/doorframes.

That goes for all of you. Get fit.

I use pic related to heat up my small computer room. It's only on like 20% power and it keeps this room around 80F. Fucking wonderful. That and a heated blanket sometimes, but I usually don't need that.

>Any unorthodox and useful advice from snowdwellers to stay warm or save money on heating?
Get used to it.

Seriously, go out, rub some snow over your naked upper body, go back in when you can't handle it anymore and take a short hot shower. Then, when you're dry, repeat.

Firstly don't heat anything that doesn't need to be heated, if you have central heating, keep it on a setting that will keep the pipes from freezing (obviously) but use a small space heater to heat whatever room you are currently in. Don't keep the heater on all the time because it uses a lot of energy, just close the door to your room and use it for 5 minutes at a time whenever it gets too cold.

Get some blankets, fleece works really well for keeping heat in, at least in my opinion. At night, turn your heating down (your body temperature naturally lowers at night anyway), sleep with the fleece blanket on your body, keep your comforter as the second layer above the fleece, this is a lot warmer for me than having the comforter underneath.

The most important thing when you are outdoors is to wear multiple layers and stay dry, if you have bad shoes or are prone to getting wet for whatever reason, bring a spare pair of socks with you.

That's pretty much it.

>he doesn't have a small wood burning stove with a coffee pot on top
You'll never live comfy.

Have you tried making pic related.

Ok pol, interesting tips there.
I'll give most of them a shot.

two layers of clothing and bottle of vodka, glhf

just turn the thermostat up

>electric blanket
You'll need 1000 candles for a room to heat it.

>capture heat that would otherwise be released to your room
>you capture it to release to your room
what the fuck is the purpose of this?

I run long distances year round outside. Working out in the cold definitely helps acclimate you. That and a forest cat to sleep on your face.

This is a real trick, it's something used by Tibetan monks. I learned it recently, have been using it during my walks through the cold and it makes me feel like a pokemon.

Take a deep breath. When you exhale, only let out about half of the air, hang on to half of it, and then inhale again. Repeat over and over again. This will warm up the inside of your body. It's a bit uncomfortable at first, but when you get the hang of it, it's nothing.

just use nvidia GPU in your computer. it will heat up your entire house and maybe set it on fire.

Euros don't have heating

Grow a pair and/or put on a jacket

I wish we had a real winter here. No snow and just 2°C are a fucking joke.

>Any unorthodox and useful advice from snowdwellers to stay warm or save money on heating?
Wear more clothes/turn on additional heating/drink hot tea and zero liquor, sleep under double blanket.
Worship dark diety Ded Moroz.

buck up pussy put on some skis and SEND THAT SHIT
pic related prima cornice in vail colorado. i hit it everyday

>be western europe
>no winter whatsoever

its pretty much just cliffs
on my way there right now for my daily dose

will this concentarte unburned hydrocarbon gases and explode, spreading ceramic shrapnel one hour after being lit?

I dunno about taking advice from Sup Forums...

Make friendship with GazProm. )))

>to stay warm or save money on heating?
Use cardboard or newspaper (best insulator for cheap) on your doors to block drafts. Drink hot drinks and wrap up in more than one layer, I would also invest in thermals, move around a bit more (just staying still and you're going to feel even more cold).

t. Someone who stopped paying ridiculous prices for central heating and started acting like a Jew.

blankets. Put cellophane on your windows. Put rugs on your walls.

tfw I live in scotland and only had 1 day of snow this year. Last year was the same. Our winters are all wet and mild, don't tell me global warming isn't real.

Nice try Ahmed, no REAL European needs to ask advice on how to stay warm during winter.

Can't trick me

My digits also confirm this. Stuff your clothes with newspaper, it's what homeless people do here, it keeps them warm.

Newspaper is actually amazing, fuck all you.
And fuck you, it's been freezing in the south, you lot up north have had heat, that isn't fucking normal. You are supposed to be cold and we are supposed to be warm.


>Think about migrant filth freezing to death.
>All fuzzy and warm inside

Seal windows with plastic stuff, hang up curtains between rooms in doorways, learn to properly layer your clothes.


I don't care if it looks dumb as fuck, buy it. When I first got long underwear I became invincible. I can walk in 10 F weather without a coat or any heavy shit on.


I am either lucky or unfortunate to have an apartment connected to a heating plant. Whether I have heating set to the maximum 24/7 or don't use it, I have to pay the average price they somehow determine. It's always very very warm and comfy though, I hate staying over at grandpa's, he has central heating and when I shower I need to turn on boiler and have limited warm water. Barbaric!

ok, pro tip! You are OK aslong as your house don't get lower than 1+ celcius, because if your pipes freeze then will break and then you are truly fucked.

Nordic Master Race Tip:

Use layered clothes!

2 bigger t-shirt on top
3. long sleeved shirt.
4. Sweatshirt

A high percentage if heatloss is from your head, use a hat, or make some improvised turban.

If you don't have gloves, use some thick cotton socks, use them as gloves, If you wan't better finger agility, make holes for fingers.

Use double socks on feet, and avoid the floor since heat rises floors become cold, try keeping your feet high, on a stool maybe.

I guess you have primitive mediterranean stone floors also..., so maybe use shoes indoor will help?

People that are hungry freeze more, eat some carbs.

Tape tinfoil to windows to reduce heat loss. This is what the broke niggers do in Quebec.

Also use (cheap) candles around the house. Takes a while but does a lot and costs very little.