>Still not doing heroin
Other urls found in this thread:
Weed is better
>helicopter hovers in the distance
And legal now too, at least locally here.
I think you're getting that mixed up with LSD+weed. Or shrooms+weed. Or DMT.
I would do heroin if I knew of a reasonably trustworthy source. Seems like a comfy way to kill yourself so long as you have decent cash flow coming in.
Sorry, I'm not Norwegian.
How do I start OP? What will I feel?
>not doing meth
fucking homo
Does the song porcelain by red hot chili peppers feel like heroin?
you're doing better than don lemon
Fucking Jew pushing that nigger shit
That was krokodil
>Russian Federation
Wow! Color me surprised!
>Doing drugs at all
i'm sure he's adidas-clad slav squatting in heaven looking down.
>doing heroin instead of smoking scorpion tails
Im a fukin retard on vodka(only thing i drink). I wish I knew where to score H. I just want to feel good and not cause problems.
>The "high" (if we may so call it) lasts for almost 10 hours, and the first six are said to be extremely painful.
What a good deal.
couldn't you just like jerk off to feel good instead of getting heroin needle aids?
Aussie with a proxy or are u just paying an tribute?
I was doing hard drugs in the 90's, I'm clean as a whistle now, not even alcohol, caffeine, or cigarettes.
Stay dated, faggot.
Best combination is vyvanse + phenibut prove me wrong
oh no, a str8 edger. i feel inferior already.
Could you fucking retards please learn what sized god damned syringes you fucking need?
Seriously, your entire usage depends on you having a fucking needle. Yet you dipshits have the memory of a fucking gold fish, and attention span of a fucking 3 year old.
"Uhhh.... yeah man... could I get a pack a.... UV..... 100cc.... 16g insulin needles?.... They gotta be the long tips, otherwise they burn. They're for my grandma..."
Everything you just said was fucking retarded. And you keep saying it every time you come up here. Jesus fucking Christ man.
Overdosed on heroin
dope is awesome
>not knowing that the massive influx of heroin into the U.S. is the endgame of the dark money financiers from whom Obama has taken his Middle East marching orders.
tl;dr - Obama shifted the war from Iraq to Afghanistan on the orders of his wealthy benefactors who then used the military to seize tens of thousands of acres of heroin-producing poppy fields in southern Afghanistan.
LSD + Weed is a surefire way to get myself into a psychotic episode.
>getting baited by a 400lb hacker
You are. Go back to Sup Forums you fucking degenerate.
Problem is after doing it for a while (like cocaine), you're incapable of feeling joy from anything ever again.
Sounds shitty to me.
this triggers me. i need a safe space and a ball pit.
My uncle died of heroine that was laced with shit.
I can't wait until drug users are hunted down and fill mass graves.
well, wouldn't the problem be the quality of the stuff and the expense and desperation it drives people to?
>funding afghanistan
>funding isis
>funding shitskins in general
>funding spaghetti niggers
>funding straight up oppression
>funding an easy escape from your problems, as long as you have the cash
>no mind expanding properties to think of
don't fucking do heroin son.
what are you a fag? its all about the meth faggot
Trump will have CIA dose all that shit with cyanide to MAGA
that's one of my biggest problems with it that makes me want to go full duterte, is that it all goes back to dune coons more or less.
what its like to do heroin as explained by 1 simple song
Why would anyone use this shit? I understand about stimulants, but narcotics contribute nothing.
I have only done coke and oxy but would try
You sound boring
yes goy inject yourself with these poisons and die even faster, that´ll greatly benefit our cause
I tried it b/c curious and apparently I'm opiate resistant. Took a normal dose and barely got anything. I'd have to risk od'ing to feel good
Neck yourself druggie.
don't do it. you'll get junkie aids.
If pain is the great teacher
then this is making everyone fucking retarded.
I know what you mean. You have to take it at a point in your life when you're secure, and keep the mindset that everything will be ok regardless of the outcome of the trip.
Most people think they have PTSD from a trip when what really happened was they just freaked out and had panic attack, which goes away in time if you recognize that that's all it was.
>2019 reincarnated as hitler
win win
Heroin: better than your best orgasm x100
Weed: makes you feel a bit goofy for an hour
I've already done every drug on this planet. I've suffered enough already. Drugs are nothing glamorous, not even weed or alcohol.
I hated feeling sick all the time.
Former heroin addict. Been clean for 3 years.
seems like it would ruin the orgasm.
Atta boy! Proud of you. When are you moving out of that shit-hole ghetto you live in?
ITT: degenerates
Hello fellow degenerate.
That's why it's so addictive. Nothing else in life compares.
Heroin: kills parents leaving toddlers in the hands of "trusted cps" and abusive foster homes
Weed: takes the edge off without causing coma and death
It depends on how your body reacts and the amount you take. The perfect amount, which varies depending on person, makes you feel extremely comfortable, happy and social. It just feels really good and makes you ready for anything, unless you take to much of it. In which case, you will either start vomiting or go unconscious and quit breathing. Super comfy when done right.
Im tired of finding you fucks passed out in my bathrooms, or running back and fourth on this shit.
So how much does marijuana cost per month?
I'm rather interested in the cost/benefit ratio.
calm down ahmed, you'll explode.
Fuck you OP, I was trying really hard not to get high today.
You're retarded, long tip 25 G needles are used for both IV and IM
OPs picture is obviously not 16 G
don't do it. we're just talking, not really condoning this shit.
former addict here
sure if you want to commit slow suicide and experience agonizing withdrawal symptoms for days on end, go ahead
a methadone program + moving to another city literally saved my life
depends on how much you smoke.
around me it is about 200$ for an oz of 20-23% from the dispensary. I usually just buy oil though, so 50$ per week is what I spend on it
I spend 1000 easily a month
>Sup Forums proves to be shitskin central on the divided stream
>Sup Forums proves to be degenerates in this thread
It all comes tumbeling down
I guess that settles it
I'm gunna start doing heroin
>a drug
and start doing niggers right sven?
I'm joking. People really shouldn't fuck with dope. Of everyone I know that got in to the shit, I'm the only one who made it out clean. The rest are mostly dead with a few survivors hopelessly hooked. Shit is evil. Fuck the kikes, don't take their poison.
They're big guys.
Addicts should be forced to rehabilitate or euthanized.
Addicts immediately become the lowest rung of the population wherever they are.
Are you retarded?
Weed is like alcahol, just a casual thing you do. It's kinda fun.
Heroin is literally injecting yourself with pleasure. It's better than literally anything you could get just by living. It takes over your mind.
So an ounce would last a month? What do you mean by oil?
And how many grams would it take to last a month?
Do you burn it on a bonfire? That seems very extravagant.
>Heroin: better than your best orgasm x100
naah it's overrated, it only feels good when you are already suffering withdrawals
also it kills your libido completely
I didn't fap for months on end
>a drug
>any substance that alters someone physically or mentally
Stop trying to act like it's not something that it is. Sure, it is significantly less harmful than alcohol or heroin, but it's still a drug. What do you call medicine? Drugs? Oh ok.
That's pretty high for a weed habit. Then again, 5 years ago I was spending $100+ per day on dope while working at Walmart.
i eat acid more than i eat pasta my man. i'm also an employed member of society with friends and a gf and a phd.
i don't know how many grams since i don't do it. my main problem with drugs is that they turn people into democrats.
heroin is dope
same here m8, I've known countless of people dying from OD, including a good friend of mine
don't fall for the narcotic jew
This is the part of /pol that's sarcasm, kids
No. They need to take a shower.
I heard that Adolf had some sort of super effective shower gel called Zyklon b
Yep happened to me. Was the first time I did lsd too.
Nothing quite like a 3-4 hour chemically induced panic attack
>taking drugs
>white people getting BTFO by H like black people were by crack
Feels like justice man. Die whitey die.
>Do you burn it on a bonfire? That seems very extravagant
I smoke my friends out too, but pretty much every day I get through a quad, weekends I can get rid of a half zip just by myself
Shit flies by fast but I can afford the habit desu
Speedballs are better.
>also it kills your libido completely
Hit and miss. Dumped my ex due to her newly discovered love for heroin. When she is high she sexts me.
Wtf i love heroin now
Who mixed that shot? That's like 200 units of water, way too much.
t. Junkie
How can anyone be connected to people who use heroine. You need to be deeply embedded in white trash social circles to hear about heroine at all in Indiana.
>Did you light it on a bonfire