There, I fixed Europe.
There, I fixed Europe
>Panslavic union
>the only slavic country is Poland
Have your parents not sent you to school just to pay debnts?
make more countries inside of spain please, there are not enough
>Giving Russia any clay
Spaniard separatism is so fuckinthg retarded.
Nuke Spain already.
>just slovakia
Nice i am swiss.
Now i can buy guns.
Don't you have Debnts to pay?
I seriously doubt that anyone outside Poland studies Baltic states in school.
> Greater Albania
Kill yourself. Russian territory is pretty spot on though
We don't study any Baltic states.
>that Austro-Bavaria
>that Switzerland
You're ok, Dimitri
>Republika srpska is now croatia
You fucked up
You will not devide us! You greek crypto jew.
>Roman-Hungarion Union
Kek. Kebab would be gloriously removed.
shit map OP
>United Republic
>Neither United nor a Republic
Pay your debts, you tzatziki-nigger.
What a stupid greekcunt, i hope you'll get your ass raped by turks soon. Kys.
>Netherlands including Wallonia, Belgium consisting of Belgium only
huehuehue you are a funny goy
>roman-hungarian union
nigga get the fuck out. death to bozgors.
share the remaining of bozgoria (trianon lul) between it's neighbours.
why is latvia part of gay russian flag?
>muh celtic nations
at least you didn't include fucking Cornwall in your mad 'Ireland'
jesus wept
>those balkans
Kill yourself.
there, i fixed the universe
>pan-slavic union
I think you mean Rzeczpospolita
> Belgium not in the greater netherlands
I...I don't know how to react to this.
>ottoman empire taking over the balkans
T.butthurt muhhamad al bongistany
So you put the Bosniak/Croat part of Bosnia in Yugoslavia (Serbian), but excluded the Serbian part from it and left it to stand on its own?
Retarded map m8
You know when the Vatican state has more land it's called the Papal state and why the hell does the Netherlands have the Walloon part of Belgium and not the Flemish part?
>you're drunk malaka
I hope Seehofer and kretschmann aren't too butthurt
Balts are slavs, fight me
Sandniggers thinking that they are any occitanian identity top kek
>Greater Albania
>Greater Greece
Byzantine Emipre now
Ancient Greeks = white
Todays Greeks = sandniggers
Slovakia is inferior to Czech republic. Exactly how did we get annexed by them?
Fucking chechnya
>belgium still exists
>belgium and greece still on the map
>Denmark bordering slavs
Not even getting back Schleswig-Holstein is worth that.
Yeah, nah.
>Not changing the vatican to the kingdom of Jerusalem.
>Not removing all kebab
>Wallonia in the Netherlands
what? are you stupid, brother?
> check map
> FYROM is gone
> don't even know OP's flag
> itsagreek.mosiac
> suspicions confirmed
Tell me you didn't just adjust a whole map just to remove FYROM. Christ you guys are butt hurt over that one.
You guys are so transparent
>belgium remains unchanged
nice touch
Pan-slavic union? Fucking Greek education. We are not Slavs we need a Baltic union.
>independent montenegro
>northern bosnia not sarbian
aside from that, pretty good
I non-ironically want to live in United Ireland, Iceland and Wales (probably sometimes having a trip to Sealand)
> Slovakia
Belarus and Ukraine is rightful Russian clay desu. Both are fake countries without culture or legitimate land and both are inhabitated by fake Russians.
t. abdul karahistar
>gave us the Croatian part of Bosnia whilst giving the Croats the Serbian part
>gave us Macedonia instead of giving it to Bulgaria
>made Greater Albania
>Pan-Slavic union with Balts
>gave Sweden to Norway instead of giving the whole of Scandi to Denmark
You fucked up.
Most retarded map today. Zilch understanding about East vs. West Slavic people.
you made it wrong
>le fuck germany meme xD
Yeah wtf fucking troll op worst map ever. Only correct nation is Greece
t. Yiannis Shitskinnos-Turkbabyopoulos
>germany dismantled
>that norway
Que te jodan hijo de la gran puta.
t. abdul karahistar
why would we mix With Arabs?
>Panslavic union with baltic countries
>Independant Occitania who includes regions that aren't in Occitania
>Irish britanny
>Belgum still exists
>Roman-Hungarian union even if they hate each other
>Srpska republic is a part of Croatia
What an awful map
also pay debts
>Clay if you mean kindergarten clay.
Sure - Russia- the last-to-be-organized group of Rus' claims to be heir of all Rus'. Historic arrogance.
I want some of what you're smoking
yes, good...
Why are you all fuckers replying to a joke map
Can't work Smirni isn't Greek anymore they slaughter most of them
Ukrainians hate russians
Norway will be cucked as a result of the union
seriously yogsoavia again?
more land to the Albanians ?? i thought you guys hated them
>Wallonia goes to the Netherlands
>But not Flanders
Why make Czecho-Slovakia just Slovakia? That's breddy idiotic and we don't LARP as our neighbours.
Je to napiču, že?
>Scotland and NI
we don't want them
they seem to be happy with England
if anything should be Welsh
>celtic union autism
>greater albania
>vatican city
>that size
>Balkanized Spain
>belgium still a thing
>Norway owns Skåne Halland and Blekinge
>Denmark for some reason extend far into German mainland
>Balkans, literally wat
>Austria extending far north into germany
>Switzerland border
>"muh Iberian heritage!"
>Potatoes owning Scotland and Wales
>Greece owning Constantinople while not renamed Byzantines
I can't find a single correct thing about this image. Worst borders i have ever seen
eternal pepík strikes again
superior slovak alcohol
resistance is futile
>giving Thrace to the Bulgarians
>Norway owns Sweden
>Denmark not being a part of it
Denmark and Norway have way more in common than Sweden and Norway.
Put those 3 together instead.
I knew this triggered the hoplite!
The map is wrong. It mentions hungarians.
You're new aren't you
Not really
Check 'em
▲ ▲
Fuck off it's our clay.
Fucking retard
haha no, it's not
>still a country
try again
Also giving Albania Kosovo.
>implying you're an actual Greek
No Greek would actually allow the existence of Albania, let alone any sort of (((Great))) Albania.
So you're either a Jew or an Albanian.
>norway meme
Norway has always suckled on someones teat.
that one hurt