notice anything strange? seems like bots are now replying to themselves to make it seem like a legit discussion. desu i never REALLY believed in im not so sure, i mean why go through all the trouble with bots and shit if they've really got nothing to hide?
The bots are evolving
They're not even amusing though. When will this meme die?
>inb4 pedo shill
Pls. Provide entertainment or evidence and I'll shitpost along.. Until then, take your italian dishes elsewhere.
selfish bump
you replied to my post after exactly 2 minutes, a bit of a coincidence
A-B shilling has always been a strategy
You're just noticing, it is getting worse
amen to that
you should not be allowed to live
well it is a bot
opposite of yourself friendo. I honestly don't know much about how bots work and how they could get automated messages past the captcha n whatnot. but pizzagate isn't new. its probably the oldest "conspiracy" theory there is. the elites sacrificing children has been "theory" way before there was an internet even.
like with all things the web allows people to connect and share info and compile and use collective abilities n shit. that's what brought about pizzagate. and the terms used. its not a stretch of the imagination beyond that fact.
is pizza reference to child traffic? your average person doesn't KNOW for sure. if you put it in plain terms, rogue elements of the government are working against it and they sexual assault children in their spare time. its not unbelievable. people that prey upon people tend to "get ahead" in terms of power and control.
all i know is that something sketchy is going on
and yeah, they sunk their own ship in the publics eyes on that one, going to such lengths so quickly to cover it up. cats out of the bag. late night talk show hosts explaining how its a "fever dream". news outlets calling it fake news.
what started out as Sup Forums threads turned the world upside down briefly. they totally shit the bed. did the fbi leak the info? wikileaks involvement? dunno.
but the damage control they did to cover it up cant be unrecognized.
Europe is being over run with foreigners. Western culture is being deteriorated. Jews looted the nations banks. They've stolen everything. Spineless cowards put into political positions to serve them. They're displacing your people.
These are facts, user. Be yourself. Be aware. Take care for God and Country.
This. Far too many coincidences. Pedophilia has been a huge problem in British parliament for ages, Bill Clinton was best buddies with a Jew who got busted for having his own secret pedo island. It's not far fetched.
never could understand what would drive a person to do such things.
i'm getting some pretty insane digits tonight
The theory is, in order to enter certain special circles, one needs (without elegant elaboration - I'm tired) to do something that other members can hold over their heads in order for said person to play ball.
Another is similar to porn addiction. As you indulge yourself and fall deeper into sexual hedonism, you find yourself participating or looking at progressively taboo fetishes. Once you hit the bottom of the barrel, you find yourself getting kicks out of kids since few things are more illegal or frowned upon in our societies.
There's more theories but those are the two I find most plausable.
If it is true then...damn, I wonder what would happen if the world found out.
Think the French revolution.
It scared them silly, make no mistake. You even had media outlets like Buzzfeed and Saloon ironically screeching "fake news" in unison.
Then there was the non-stop shilling on Sup Forums
>This is by far the most retarded conspiracy theory ever
>Leave the investigation to the professionals, larping faggots
All the bite back made me more interested in it to be honest.
yeah same, at first I thought it was just some silly meme
>some silly meme
Exactly. Look at Bogda posting. It's a silly meme. Some find it funny, others annoying. There's no huge blowback. We aren't being denounced on an international level. No one is jumping to their defence because it is pretty fucking stupid.
They say the same about pizzagate yet attack it viciously, in the same way they do with Hillarys email scandal.
Please delete this picture.
Agreed. I wouldn't have believed if it wasn't for how coordinated the MSM came to IMMEDIATELY say it was fake. The closest analogy I have is how GG went, ALL the media outlets said Zoey was innocent, gamers sexist, etc.