Why does Sup Forums hate muslims so much? Most of them are peaceful people. Just because a few crazy Muslims blow themselves up doesn't mean all muslims are terrorists.
Why does Sup Forums hate muslims so much? Most of them are peaceful people...
I bet this Sikh man disagrees with you and would kill every Muslim on earth if he had the opportunity
Just because only Muslims blow themselves
I have a feeling you are ignorant. Why do you post a pic on a sikh?
>ask why hates muslims
>posts a sikh
That dude is no mudslime.
that's not a muslim you fucking spic
So why do these 'non-extremist' muslims never turn in the extremist muslims? It's almost like the 'moderates' don't want to stop the ones that blow themselves up because their religion tells them it's good to wage war on kafir and martyrdom is the way to paradise.
It's easier to assume all muzzies are terrorists as opposed to weeding through them all to find which ones are good and which ones are allahu akbars
That Sikh is based.
All Muslims are terrorists and need to be exterminated.
>join army
>is allowed to make himself a less efficient soldier because of muh religion
Good luck winning a scrap with that diaper on your head.
Besides the fact you posted a Sikh, we hate the fact that leftists will do any kind of mental gymnastics to make it seem like they are peaceful.
Shaq is a muslim
Are you calling Shaq a terrorist? Because I'm pretty sure he would beat your ass if you said that to his face.
Look, we're easily baited, but come on.
Even Sup Forums knows the difference between a Muslim and a Sikh
>black muslims are muslims
it's like the difference between niggers and maple niggers
His free throws are terrorizing
So then why did you post a Sikh, who are notoriously anti-Islam? Fucking shit posting retard.
If you don't sage this thread you're a part of the cancer.
Shaq can barely move around anymore. I'd gladly call him a terrorist straight to his face. He can't move more than 50 feet without needing a break.
Islam is a slaver cult and most muslims are fundamentalist
FEW MURDERERS is still FEW MURDERERS MUCH TOO MANY. Until they dont do shit for 5 years in a row, i will be anti-muslim and anti-immigrant
The Sikh's I know hate Muslims more than the average white bloke.
It's like saying die juden aren't ugly nosed and greedy shekelgrabbers
Ummair pls
The fuck with the guy on the picture probably hates Muslims more than pol
OP posting a pic of a Sikh and thinks it's a muslim.
Sikhs are some of the biggest haters of muslims on the planet.
OP proves she is a colossal faggot.
You clearly don't know anything about Sikhs. My guess is that you call them "pakis" between swidling giant timmy's double-doubles and wiping cruller icing off your hairless chest.
Sikhs have a long history of badassery. I fucking DARE you to walk up to one- even an old one- and call him a paki. Make sure someone is livestreaming it, because I wanna watch him gut you with his kirpan.
Pick one
why do lefties and other every race and gender hate white males even though less then 3% are racist?
i learned one thing from the jews,
eye for a eye.
>he would beat your ass if you said that to his face.
What, you need to be rude to a nigger for it to attack you? I thought they did it anyway.
They failed to keep their criminal brothers in check so I hate them all and all should be gassed. Like all jews should be gassed.
That's not a muslim, it's a sikh
I mean the way you sweeties talk about them, you act like they are raping and murdering people
umm no sweety
>I'm sweaty
Why does humans hate crocodiles so much? Most of them are peaceful.
Just because a few crocodiles have eaten humans
doesnt mean all crocodiles are man eaters
You're all retarded.
You posted a picture of a Sikh
I bet he's Sikh and tired of being called a Muslim too.