Trump needs your help

This is how you can actually help Trump with your skills Sup Forums.

Rogue agents in every government department (the deep state) are going to try and thwart him by not doing their jobs.

See the call to action in pic attached. You need to false flag these people to make them look like the idiots they are.

BTW this is the ultimate global warming redpill, please share it.

Other urls found in this thread:

or you could set up a RogueNAACP and just post SHEEEEIIIIIITTTT all the time

I'm sorry i ever questioned you, Japan

Trump needs help. SAD!


holy shit this is golden

Nips are performing well lately.

The fuck you on about?

He didn't ask for it.

We, the people, need to overthrow NASA and the MSM.

Our revolution won't be stifled by ignorance and thread sliders.

We're going to fight back and get fuckin mad about it.

Human revolution bro, you ready?

Jesus christ I laughed way too hard at this



>he actually did it

Now I see why Hitler called you honorary Aryans.

I updated the bio based nip

I love you user

Awesome how your agencies are always willingly breaking the law to get the truth out to the people.
Let's hope they'll continue the good work they've done during the Obama administration .... oh wait.

you fucking madman

Follow me with your twitter socks anons
Many more SHEEEEIIIIIITTTTs are to come

NAACP isn't under the executive branch, it's its own organization, here are some (((diverse))) real agencies:

>Minority Business Development Agency
> Housing and Urban Development (ole sleepy Ben)
>executive office for immigration review
>Dept. Of Labor - Women's Bureau
>Commission on Civil Rights

Trump is president now.
He can pay people to do this kind of shit.



uh oh

I'm sure he'll start worrying about this stuff once he's not as busy. He's almost done fulfilling all his promises, after that he'll deal with this kind of stuff. Don't underestimate him.

The ACLU will of course support this movement. Fuck Trump and Fuck white people

You guys are awesome.

You should tweet out support for the LEO's of Mississippi and the new 'Blue Lives Matter' bill that makes resisting arrest a 'hate crime'

This is a libtard rogue account. Please report and mark as spam.


All these crybabies in the first week.
Dude doesn't even have his cabinet yet.

Many thanks!! With the help of the RogueNAACP we can ensure perpetual Gibs, chickuns and drank forever!

truly best ally

Great work nip, sorry about the nukes

Follow @RogueNAACP and @RogueACLU


Don't cave, just thank them for their reply and that you stand with them!


Here use this then if they've being nigger faggots.

just stopped by to see if first post was best post.

It was.

later gents

Ask them why?

>the madman

say "if college teachers aren't kikes why are they entitled to sabbatical years?"

That works too!!!

overrated post.

Anyone wanna change Colored People to Politically Correct?

For copyright avoidance?

I changed it to one of their old logos

>Trusting a member of the GWPF, a known pseudoscientific denialist group with ties to dark money
>Trusting them over fucking NASA
Wow m8, kill yourself

Ok what do i do now? Someone edit me a logo real quick


Stand by

So the power of being a cuck

About global warming, I don't care about it because it Cannot Be Stopped. Even if the US with all its already strict emissions code, cuts it by100%, China, India and other nations fucked up nations more than make up the gap by miles.

Only way to slow global warming is for ALL the nations of the entire world to stop completely and totally, right now. Even if they did, global warming is still a naturally occurring phenomenon. One key difference is, that instead of it happening over hundreds of thousands of years, it'll happen in hundreds.

wew lad they were right about Britain being cucks.

Way to go Mohammad.

I've spent 7 summers working over in America. I love it. Fuck Britain. I literally couldn't give a shit about it.


Just stamp ROGUE on it in bright red and claim fair use.

cept you care enough to act like a fucking faggy brit about some twitter funsies

dont cuck

their job is do what the president tell em to do, faggot

This is why we can't have nice things

>science and political news
wow, very informative. much science

I changed it to this.

There "job" will be picking cotton by the time we finish.

>tfw been falseflagging as SJW's since 2015

These are all LARPers though

The POLITICAL CORRECTNESS bit is fucking with the full circle.

Damn. They are riding my ass

That one is good too!!!
I like the 'CERTAIN' people kek

Damn. Fuck Israel, Japan truly is our greatest ally.

Ask them why


remember ti screenshot al this shit

if other people can have rogue accounts, why cant we? does other rogues have official logos?

Too late. I did this

this is good
(((RogueSPLC))) Just tweet 'Oy Vey that's totally racist goy'

I love you.

Change either side of the scales to fried chicken wings

Just keep making it more and more offensive until they give up

reply with SHEEEEIT

All these countries working together to make something beautiful.

I fucking love you guys and I can't wait to move to glorious America.

Why couldn't either of you two post earlier?

how about you make the Philipines great again

Ohh shid.

Tell them to fuck off and you will change it when all the other rogue and alt twitter accounts change theirs. Then stop responding

I hope a nigger rapes you and let you live.

Ok. I think this will be the last straw.

>army of ((((((((((((((davids))))))))

You fucked up what could've been a good thing.


Holy fuck my sides

Sorry, mate. I'm moving to a fully red state and all my neighbors are white and pro-trump.


followed , some rouge accounts are still available

Yeah, this sounds a lot more like the Sup Forums I know and love.



No response yet.....

They must be chimping out at NAACP headquarters.

How long until I am banned you think?

I fucked that up

checked and keked

you might need to change the outside words to something like NEGROES ARE ACTUALLY COLORED POLLACKS etc

top satan

I think the NAAPoC are chimping to twitter and it's a matter of time before they drop the ban hammer

If I could request from OP more Sheeeits?