2 millions +, illiterate, backward muslims, pedophiles, rapists, thieves, sexually deviant, were invited by these dumb krauts to celebrate diversity. This is just the first generation... These 2 millions will become 6 in less than 10 years. How dead is Germany? Is it worth saving? Should the fall of the krauts be an example of what not to do, for future generations .
How dead is Germany?
Stop fucking overreacting. Life in Germany is fine.
SaysWhat's not better than Ukraine?
African countries. We're shit, but at least we don't eat each other
Yes Deutschestan is dead just like in my country we all deserve this
You got a point son ;)
Welcome to out daily ,,I hate germany le destroyer of Europe, 300 times!!!" thread.
Truth hurts user
2 million... family re-unification (which is BY LAW allowed) means that every shitskin that is given legal residence can bring their immediate family (which may include: Grandparents, parents, siblings and their siblings children).
Each shitskin may bring 6 or more people into Europe EACH.
No one is even talking about this yet.
fuck you stupid cockhole.
>The moment you realize it's over
we need to immigrate in masses to australia and take over australia.
We will rise again. Kek confirms
>Ukraine gets overran with Jews
>Suddenly Ukrainian posters everywhere saying how great refugees are
>Pure coincidence
I'm afraid you will never rise. Your economy will support millions of unemployed parasites... You will work all your life, to pay for muslims to chill and reproduce.
I would rather camp in Namibia than in Ukraine.
Atleast i would wake up having all my stuff and be alive in Namibia.
60%. lol.
Btw we survived 2 worlds wars and we will survive this too.
> How dead is Germany?
If all of them don't go back,I am pretty sure me as an old man will life in the kaliphat.
I am not even making this up,we actively getting destroyed.Same applies to France,Sweden,England and Belgium.
At this point the only thing I can say is our Regime truly want us dead.The reeducation after WW2 opened the way for this cultural Marxism.
Our old german society gets destroyed each day more and more.At this point I believe as mentioned before if political change doesn't deport them all,I am pretty sure civil war will happen in my life time.
Damn Horthy, that was savage
>it is not that many
>still far away from Sweden or France level
>people already shifted from their "refugees welcome" mindset, only leftards still support it
>CDU/Merkel realised they fucked up and already changing their policy, preparing to win back lost voters by being more strict
>pretty sure we will fix a few problems regarding the migrants in the next years, a way more restrictive migrant policy
>the only thing that could stop us is SPD, but I'm sure they won't get more votes than CDU
But I love this sensationalism like "Germany is doomed", "rape crisis" and so on. I hope the international press and our media continues to highlight every crime commited by a migrant in Germany. This just reinforces the "enough is enough" mindset of the Germany people.
Well you have to admit that inviting your enemy, feeding him, letting him rape your women, and paying him in the process, isn't the best strategy if you want to survive son.
Its muttis wir schaffen das if you did not spot it in the first place. (We are going to make it)
Not only that,it's not like the second or third generation of muslims thinks of them selfs as germans.
They don't want to assimilate,most of them atleast.
Very true
What I hear about what's going on with you sounds much worse than anything I've read here.
And you were kind,did not even mention the army second-third generation turks there.
>2 million... family re-unification (which is BY LAW allowed) means that every shitskin that is given legal residence can bring their immediate family (which may include: Grandparents, parents, siblings and their siblings children).
>Each shitskin may bring 6 or more people into Europe EACH.
>No one is even talking about this yet.
We are talking about this. Family re-unification is suspended for two years (probably illegal but who cares). If you are not allowed to stay you won't be able to bring your family. I'm pretty sure our government will offer good money to persuade people who are allowed to stay here to go back home (still way cheaper than have them here).
racial mixing ruins your heritage PERMANENTLY
the worry isnt about the people but MIXED RACE COUPLES AND KIDS
that is the most EVIL thing to do, it is ACTUAL GENOCIDE and people are making jokes about how many immigrants vs non immigrants population as if that matters
THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS THE PERMANENT DESTRUCTION OF HERITAGE THROUGH RACE MIXING. thy can all be deported one day, but if the native ethnic Germans are bread out it's over FOR FUCKING EVER.
this is sick, SICK, SICK. It's not a joke, not funny, not something to meme about.
Add about 6m turks alone. There should be a lot more muslils who arent turks but I wont put a figure if its in the 100thousands or a million
Yeah I was just counting the NEW invaders... But of course bro, add to that the turks, the north africans... It's nuts!
>hitler destroyed europe
Today a bunch of my colleagues started a conversation about Trump and all they said was just repeated phrases they heard on TV. It was sad to hear. There isn't even a way to argue with these people - they are mindless drones without their own opinions. Arguing with them would be like arguing with a TV.
Just saying that alone is a tenth of the german population. Take into account family reunitions which might easily put the 2mim reffugees at 4 or even 6mil
Yeah the trump distraction is strong within the press. You can't argue with these people, they take their feelings for facts!
We will deport race traitors. Go enjoy your life as a muslim in the desert.
This has a lot to do with the muslim faith. Islam is the problem!
I really hope all the terrorists attacks, rapes, honor killings in Europe are going to burn islamophobia into people's minds, especially in the upcoming generation of politcians.
Phobia is an irrational fear.
Fearing islam is not irrational,therefore its not a phobia.
That's rich coming from an american, you are most probably mixed yourself. My best friend is russian/german/finnish/swedish and he's blue eyed and nobody would claim he's not Swedish, I'm 170cm, brown haired and brown eyed and have 100% Swedish heritage as far back as we've looked. What you think you are preserving doesn't exist. The important thing is that we do not let islam change our culture, and that we do not let the immigrant population get too large (which is too late, we'll have to turn it around). Swedes will always exist, regardless of mixing, not every single one of the ~9 million Swedes will race-mix, that's just paranoia. As long as Sweden exists as a majority Swedish state, that is.
True, but I also hope current politicians will be executed on live television. Maybe some torture to increase the joy.
It's better for me to never meet one in real life, I'll simply kill him.
"Ex-muslim" is my favorite word in any language
>be me
>be mail carrier der DEUTSCHEN POST AG
>deliver letters to refugee home
>some registered letter to Mohammed Mohammed
> (^^^^^^ thats no joke, that's his Name ^^^^)
>look into refugee home
>Footprints on fresh painted walls everywhere
>letterboxes destroyed
>smells like rotten fungi?!
>even though the Building was new
>Some refugee throws away empty box of cigarretes on the Floor before your feet
>leave, sent letter back to addressor
But that is fucking good though. Nothing is more provoking than a non-European thinking he is European.
I think that you shouldn't worry about krauts, burger.
Why do you even deliver the mail? Just throw it away or burn it. You have to start somewhere.
3 millions actually and it keeping with no end in sight.
Germany cannot be considered as Europeans anymore.
>Allied Nations also, destroyed Europe by pushing back the Germans.
>Soviets spread Communism, which destroyed Europe's many identities as well as physically mutilation of states.
I believe the main issue in Germany is Turks and their gangs.
Culture is SHIT it can be changed in a single generation.
Once you mix with the people of the south, of afirca, of asia, you have vandalized your genetic heritage PERMANENTLY and society can never recover.
Culture comes from race. Preserve the latter to preserve the former.
Yo what's the plan for France? Given your electoral system, ain't Le Pen fucked?
Le Pen is shit
Fillon is /ourguy/
Isn't half your population like Africans and shit?
You mong, do you sincerely believe Swedes are in any danger of dissapearing as a genotype(or phenotype, whatever)? There's about 9 million pure Swedes, that shit would take hundreds of years to breed away unless there was some mongol-style genocide on Swedes.
You are talking to a degenerate.No point in that.
Did you think swedes need black cock because they are retarded?They fucked up their gene-pool and now trying to save it with black genes.
Yeah I agree LePen is a trap. Hope Fillon will keep his balls!
because it is registered
t. ignorant burger who never set a foot on german soil and thinks he knows the country through Sup Forums
google "look who's back"
You know you're not swedish right. I know it, so you must know it too! You're a fuckin Somali! How many white women did you rape jamal?
During the Weimar republic, Berlin was like Las Vegas on degenerate steroids and child porn. The Germans are fucked in the head from the beginning. But at least they aren't fucking kikes.
A generation is 25 years. How many do you think it will take until that 9 million is 1 million? And from there, 200,000 swedes of only European ancestry?
Ahh too afraid to lose the job? Let me tell you something. In a few years you will lose your life if you don't start doing something.
We have to throw sand into the machine, it isn't that hard. If they fire you they have one person less to pay for the invaders.
So fuck em, be prepared to lose something. Doesn't fucking matter because we will lose it either way. Just make sure you know how to do some survival and you will be ok.
I spent shit loads of time in Germany, back when it used to be cool... You know, when 1000 women didn't get rape during new year. You must be a migrant... or a cuck... But in both cases, you're a bitch.
We are like two steps behind America cucked
Soon people will disown their German heritage and identify as just European like you cucks have thrown away your heritage.
People will stop knowing their ancestors and only find out their genetic makeup through these test you Americans have to do.
And everyone will choose their race and gender on a whim. Again like you god damn Americans are doing.
After the War Germany desperately wanted to be America. And now we are. And the rest of Europe rightfully hates us for it.
The irony of Americans calling us cucks though is too funny.
>be illegal immigrants to australia
>get picked up by coast guard
>end up on island full of asian muslims
Tnx man
Still way less fucked than you are...
When were you in Germany?
1998 - 2005?
Back then we were ruled by Schröder. The fucking SPD.
That was liberal Germany to the maximum.
And you thought that was good?
What do you identify as?
American? If so you are beyond fucked.
>soft arab waifus vs manfaced traitorous germans
>use germany as your puppet state for 70+ years
>set up hate speechs laws you get so upset over
>put germans through 70+ years of anti german propaganda
>have germany take the fault for the refugee crisis despite them already being on euro soil
>have germany take the heat from burgerland who caused this mess
>germany still ends up being saver and whiter than the former allied forces
really makes you think
Good pic to spread on normiesites but not true at all.
We call black people 'swedes'.
Idiot. Youre comparing germany to africa+burgers.
But we will Germany's level soon, if nothing is done.
You may, but you must remove 1 kebab for every german family.
Nah just nuke it senpai.
For the luz.
We dont talk about reality here Hans, this is alternate facts world of poltards.
My god the delusion is strong with you.
France has more muslims then we do. Also our muslims are mostly turks, not north africans.
Btw: Turks have lower crimerate than poles while north africans have 10 times the average rate.
i just hate history repeating itself despite the information all being out there. and now that trump has won facts dont seem to matter at all anymore.
Trust me Germany is finished.
The krauts are too naive and kind-hearted to raise their protection mechanisms. This culture of hedonism and fun has destroyed their sence of reality.
Why did Germany have NS? Because we don't do things naturally what others do instinctively. That's why the government had to force us into being assholes. And this is not longer possible.
For immigrants we are nothing but sheep and they are wolves.
Shitskins are skitskins who care about their shade of brown
And nope you're biggest shitskins group is Syrian now
>Be a beautiful, smart, tall, athletic, hard working people
>Replace native population with immigrants
You stuff there would amount to a stone and a stick I presume.
Honestly, not as dead as the USA.
whatever you say, t*rk
we are forced at gun point to accept it
our welfare system doesnt pay out shit if you are white and in order to keep your job you have to be politically correct. even worse german women are pretty much trained to oppose their men and help the special victims to ruin your life
die usa ist 10000 mal besser.
seit jahren ist es unglaublich schwer in die usa einzuwandern.
das einzige land , dass einfach millionen von illegalen reinlässt und diese dann auch noch schön von steuergeldern versorgt ist deutschland.
I don't hate the US.
I am saying for some reason white Europeans are the only group who are told to just throw away their heritage.
Africans are told to hold on to their African part and identify as both African and American. Same with Asians
That is why you have people like Shaun White identify as black. He is mostly white but since white "weighs" nothing in America it has no identity it just falls away and he FEELS more black.
You always mock Germans for feeling guilt but I take that over your literal NOTHING. That is your heritage. Nothing. And you chose it freely.
You don't identify with your homeland and in the future given European birth rates compared to africa and asia you will be completely black or yellow
And nobody will even know white Americans existed. They will say they have records of people identifying as African-American or Asian-America or native American but no European American. Those never existed. Nobody identified as European-American
I wanna say you were tricked into it but honestly I think you gave away your heritage. European just came with too much guilt so you decided to trade it away for American.
Ignore the frenchman. They will be the most fucked because of this refugee crisis (even more than Sweden) because of Just Soli and that is kinda our fault.
So let him the delusion that it is at least worse in Germany. Its the only thing he has.
You should stop blaming women like some weak faggot. Women are just as much against immigration as men, but they are easier to keep in check with a media pushing a collective thought.
Biggest problem is successful men not caring about anything else than their career and ego.
You need a reality check buddy.
Beyond fucked. There's so many roaches, rapefugees and of course permanently drunk Poles and Russians. If i don't go out of my way to actually meet with friends and family, i don't hear anyone actually speaking German. It's all just shouting rapefugees everywhere.
>this delusion
Träum weiter, Kleinkind. Uns gehts hier hervorragend, im direkten Vergleich.