How can we get Calexit

To be a thing? Seriously FUCK CALIFORNA, it's nothing more than a open door for illegal immigrants. Y'all even give illegals liscences and college!

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I rather want Texit to happen. Then I would move too Texas.

Hell no, Texas is very conservative (outside of college town *cough cough* Austin and big cities *cough cough* Dallas.)

Yes please
Without the ability to siphon water from the surrounding states all the Californians will shrivel up and die without their glorious activated almonds

#Cuckexit should be the right name

What's stopping Californians from flooding back into our country after their experiment fails?


you do know california holds over 50% of pacific coast line

and also holds like 10 or 15% of our nations military bases

so yeah they aren't leaving the union anytime soon

its gonna take a nuclear bomb for them to leave.

Don't care.

Don't care.

>facts that represent just how painfully stupid an idea is, and why it will not/should not happen
>durr i don't care senpai WE WON LIBTARD TEARS NOT AN ARGUMENT

nu-pol was a mistake
trump was a mistake
your life was a mistake


The union is a marriage without a divorce.
There is no argument to be made that would allow a state to "secede" (rebel) without declaring war on the USA.

In such an event the rebels will be killed mercilessly and things will resume as normal.

Offer us a deal.
If we could leave wthout risking our lives & our children's lives _ if you would guarantee not to start a war_ we'd be gone yesterday.
Every Californian I know is down with this.

you can check out, but you can never leave.

if you guys won't out so much, why not move?

My family has been here for 8 generations. This is OUR home.

your not going anywhere buddy, ever.

>most of our food comes from California
>most of our entertaiment comes California
>most of our tech innovations come from California

I really hope they secede so I can move there and leave you retards

Can confirm. At Baylor right now and almost everyone is white, Christian and Republican.

Then get ready, cause we won't shut up.

and I'm a little offended you brought it up.

>generating revenue without US copyright law

California would be amazing if they deported illegals.

Its the best land in the US, don't give up the best land to a bunch of cucks you cowards.

Everyone on pol should be moving to California to take it back.

+ Landmines

>most of our food comes from California

same, rest of the usa sucks desu


>most of our food comes form California
Variety is not quantity.
If you think California produces the bulk of the produce in the US that's absolutely not true.

What California produces is the largest VARIETY of produce. (mostly water-intensive crops they couldn't grow without other states pumping in water)


>tech companies moving to lower tax red states

Whelp, you sure stumped me


So ironic that the "greatest Republican president" was the one that ended up turning Cali into a solid blue shithole.

Imagine if it had stayed red. GOP would literally never lose another election.


Reminder that CA has MORE THAN TWICE the GDP of Texas and the US economy would crumble overnight if CA left the union. The army would have to invade because it would cripple the US. Deal with it.

again, they wouldnt have a fraction of that without us copyright protections. we'll straight up just copy all the shit you produce- it's all virtual

Are you retarded?
Can you read those dates?

>California leaves
>Takes it's 55 electoral votes with it
>American Democratic party never wins the presidency again

please leave

75% of the other 49 states would need to approve California's plan before it could do anything.

Also, California would collapse under a mountain of debts.

The assets IN the state aren't necessarily owned by citizens OF the state.

I don't live in CA. You think copyright protection has anything to do with the two largest US ports being in CA? Or the agriculture? Do you know how expensive it would be for China to ship elsewhere? Imagine if OR and WA went with CA and it would be even more devastating. The fact that you think the US could remain the same after CA leaving the union should disqualify you from this argument.


>California Secedes
>Becomes Communist state
>Gets rolled by US

Just say the word.
If we can go without a war, we're outta here.

East Asia would prop up CA for many reasons. CA would be just fine on its own, it's the US that would suffer.

kek. you think the state owns all the land at ports?

maybe you guys should focus more on real education and not so much on enumerating faux genders

>If you think California produces the bulk of the produce in the US that's absolutely not true.

Name other states that produce as much food as California

And even if they did they have shit poor weather to sustain it

>(mostly water-intensive crops they couldn't grow without other states pumping in water)


>tech companies moving to lower tax red states

Tech companies are thriving in California

You might be able to get California to pitch in on that wall.

Lil Kim is threatening to nuke ca. Guess he doesn't know he'd be doing us a favor.

we should just nuke cally

Thought Cali was only made habitable due to massive amounts of water irrigation? If there's ever a serious water shortage wouldn't the land turn into a desert?

Obama still would have won both times even without California

No more raisins for you!

I vote YES

Haha, yeah, no.
California is famous among anthropologists for the fact that our natives never really had wars because the land was so bountiful.
Sadly, that's why they were mostly wiped out so easily.

>most of our food comes from California
>most of our tech innovations come from California

The drought is a lie, user. It's all about leftists pushing climate change horseshit here.

Tbh the six Californias plan wasn't bad, Northern and Eastern California need to be on our side.

It's actually all about Southern Californa taking all the water for movie star lawns and almond farms.
Just saying.

you would lose 4-5 trillion in gdp
and the federales would lose a lot of tax revenue, leading to larger deficits, leading to larger debt

>luxury agriculture mostly
>(((sillicon valley)))
American education, everyone.


we need astroturfing money

Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska & the Dakotas produce more corn, wheat, soybeans and etc than anywhere on Earth. An there is an ocean of fresh water underground..

California is good for almonds, dingleberrys and smelly hippie libtards but that's about it.

Californians keep bragging how the US would collapse without them.

I have the faint suspicion that it's the other way around.

how would you defend yourself from China invasion? surfboards?

>if you would guarantee not to start a war
topkek m8 US army would move in literally 5 minutes after a declaration of independence

at least they could get rid of gangbangers and mexican drug pushers as "enemy combatants" and make california habitable for human life again

>this retarded faggot still thinks MURRICA has 5 trillion in gdp
hey grandpa, even that nigger king admits MURRICA right now only has 3.7 tillion in gdp

>tech companies in red states


leaf etc.

Please, make California get the fuck out.

Reagan won california both times, retard.

>corn, wheat, soybeans

>literally the worst shit you can eat next to sugar

Enjoy the diabetes

Let them leave then designate the state the same as North Korea.

And where that wall hits the Colorado River at the southern tip of Nevada, it becomes a dam.


Texas is best state. Yeah there's niggers, spics and sjws but white conservative Texans don't associate with them. Send one to a small Texas town and they will not last a week.

Aaand that's why we aren't leaving.
Birthplace of the Black Panthers, motherfucker.

Calfornia...the largest group of faggots and mentally deranged on Earth.

I have family there and it's beautiful, but most of you are fucking hopeless.

I seriously want this to happen, but we deport all the transplants that flooded my state too.

Also we get to hold more water up in Western Colorado

Oh for the love of God, PLEASE split off. Then Jefferson can split, rejoin the union, and trll So-Cal to go fuck itself.

Just give them to Mexico.


Sadly impossible, would require a constitutional amendment and you'd never get the blue states to BTFO themselves.

You should probably FORCE us to secede.

Haha, welcome to 1-party system, USA

Hey brah, can I tell you something personal?

You're a massive faggot.

*grabs dick*

Nice skank.

Go back to Tumblr you clueless fuck.

You do know not all the state is blue right, the north and inland are red. Only the shit hole big cities are blue

Would this be an acceptable idea? I know it won't happen, but what's Sup Forums's opinion on it?

let them leave the union, well just declare war and take it back by force,while removing the leftists at the same fucking win....shotgun on beach front property.

Wealthy chinese own a great deal of real estate in california, so much that it has artificially boosted rent and the cost of buying a house. There is no invasion, they economically own california.

>Birthplace of the Black Panthers, motherfucker.
Ahh, so you're a faggot and a nigger.

Most of those tech companies will move to Texas when you tax them to death to pay for tranny rights

I say we let California becoem the ceespool of mexican/south american dump and let them secede and deny them entry forever to the rest of the US states.

Don't know how thrilled I am about California getting six times as many senators

But the ones not from LA-SF areas might be okay

California needs to stop having

>Space X
>Tesla Motors

It's kinda REALLY pissing me off actually


Idiots who think tech companies will stay in sillicon valley after seccession are delusional.

The only thing that US provides to these companies compared to, for example, Europe is large market.

Now ideal large market consists of
>A lot of consumers
>Sufficient amount of educated workforce
>Low taxes

First of all, if Commiefornia was to secede, they would stop dreaming about higher taxes, since with higher taxes all the tech companies would disappear in a heartbeat.

Second of all, the size of market would drop to 20%, this would make california uncompetative with EU and the rest of US. All US needs to bring all the tech companies from California is some import tax on electronics.

And third of all, if you want low taxes and educated people at the same time you must first import as much people as you can, both educated and uneducated, then leave the uneducated niggers in Luisiana, leave the uneducated spics in New Mexico and bring whoever is educated in Sillicon Valley. This all works fine within the US, but if Commiefornia was to secede, this wouldn't work anymore. They'd have to import all the shit they could in order to pick the educated out.

California can only cuck itself with secession. I fully support Californian secession.

Short answer: No.

Yeah because he fucking gave amnesty to every spic in California.

Jewbook Jewywood and Twitjew can stay