""""Land of the Free"""" BTFO

Not even a full democracy anymore LMAO


We are doing fine as of this week.

Mind your own business


>implying we were a full democracy in the first place
I don't get this meme

says who?

Were a democratic republic.

>Headline makes you think Trump is to blame.
>Liberals will only read the headline and spout nonsense about Trump's dictatorship.
>BIG BOLD LETTERS in article say the reason is actually people like Hillary Clinton and the rest of the swamp that are laws onto themselves and can't be trusted.

America never was a full democracy. Its a constitutional republic.

Never was, republic is a word in the dictionary.

>The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) is a British business within The Economist Group providing forecasting and advisory services through research and analysis, such as monthly country reports, five-year country economic forecasts, country risk service reports, and industry reports

nobody cares britcuck.

by (((them)))

Is a constitutional republic.

When was the USA ever a full democracy? And I don't mean that as some sort of political commentary, we just aren't one. We are a Republic and always have been last I checked.

Would it have been downgraded if Mrs Clinton had won the electoral college but lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes?

Yes its a republic. Full democracies have no safeguards for minorities, republics do.

Idiots who didnt pay attention during their civics class

The Economist.
>Not to kick the country while it’s down, but the US has just been downgraded from a 'full democracy' to a 'flawed democracy'.
>This is according to the Economist Intelligence Unit’s 2016 Democracy Index. In 2015, it states, the number of ‘full’ democracies was 20, but now it has fallen to 19 – thanks to the US.
>The country's score fell to 7.98 in 2016 from 8.05 in 2015, and anything under 8.00 is not a ‘full democracy’.
>This, the Unit states, is ‘because of a further erosion of trust in government and elected officials there’.

>The Economist writes:
>>The downgrade was not a consequence of Donald Trump.
>>Rather, it was caused by the same factors that led Mr Trump to the White House: a continued erosion of trust in government and elected officials.

>The index measures data gathered from global surveys, and looks specifically at: electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties.
>In at number one is Norway, with an impressive score of 9.93 out of 10, and North Korea ranks at the bottom.
>Britain’s score increased from 2015 to 2016, due to the high 72% turnout for the EU referendum. Well, at least one good thing came from that.

Oh no! We aren't appeasing the powers that turned you into the pathetic shithole of a country you've become.


We were never a full democracy. Were a republic. Why do libs claim they are smart and yet they cant distinguish a democracy from a republic...

> butthurt thinktank: the article

>The person I wanted to win lost, the system is flawed!