Redpill me on Starbucks
Redpill me on Starbucks
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gud place to get pussy
Bad place to get coffee
Both correct
It's shit. Support your local coffee shop instead
way better than local shit.
There you go.
My wife and I replaced this whole business with a Keurig machine. I have literally no idea how they make money.
Brilliant business model selling the most popular drink in America, can be ran by a single person, their coffee is good but over priced.
Literally just coffee
Depends on your local shit.
Or don't order the shit-tier brew.
Top kek
Diabeetus in a mug
Go there to overpay for coffee loaded with the sugar jew and to be around liberals. However they do have the best hot chocolate around me so if want good got chocolate I have to go there
Expensive, middle of the road coffee for hipsters.
Also, pay your fucking taxes.
Espresso roasts actually lower caffeine levels. Loads of sugar and high fat milk products add to American obesity. Caffeine in is extremely habit forming and even has withdrawal symptoms. That being said, if you are in need of a pick me up corner cafe drip coffee is more efficient (free refills) cheaper and lower in fat and sugar. Starbucks is about image you don't see people typing their screenplay in Denny's.
Costa is better american coffee is Watered down shizer
Local place here is both cheaper and has better coffee. Also the people working there are usually less fake smiley which is nice.
I'm at starbucks on pol lol
muricano + 2 esresso shots are good to wake up
All those coffee joints are terrible. Just drink drip coffee black like a real man. Teache a high schooler or 20 year old to drink a "milkshake" every day and watch the freshman 15 pile on.
Shitty, burned overpriced coffee.
Espresso roasts cook out caffeine. Just drink drip coffee. Less bitter, more "wake me up", way less expensive.
Starbucks = Slut Juice
any woman that drinks it is a pretentious hipster faggot or a uggs wearing basic bitch slut
When you think about it they actually don't make any money selling coffee. They make it by overroasting it to the point you have to add a ton of shit to it to make it palatable. Starbucks isn't in the coffee business. Starbucks is in the coffee additives business.
You know nothing about coffee please get out of this thread
the real pretentious bitches go to independent coffee shops with fair trade beans and shit
if anything the starbucks where i live is mostly normies
you know you can order a medium roast
more like CHARBUCKS as in char the fuck outof the beans
but the starbucks-branded rooibos tea is excelllent (idk how much starbucks has to do with it, had it in an airport lounge not at a proper starbucks)
Kike plot. What else did you expect?
It's shit. Although this was seen at my school pic related
I do. This is my personal taste talking, but I just don't like the whole Pacific Northwest style or taste.
Drinking Ethiopian Yergacheffe as I type this.
literally another company that seeks to play off social issues and causes to get liberal money for shit coffee at high prices.
I don't drink shitty hipster coffee made by a chain started by dirty ex-hippies.
At Starbucks currently while browsing Sup Forums, drinking black coffee.
be less boozhy just drink instant
>Pepe on starbucks
Makes 50¢ coffees and sells it for $12.00 good business IMHO
Pay high for an overpriced cup of donkey piss
Full of hipsters, yuppies, and tumblrinas
Also their logo is haram
my nigga
Just get an esspresso machine at and use it at home. The most basic ones you can get are around 50 dollars and can make a latte just fine.
Also stop drinking the sugary shit.
They piss me off too because they rename drinks into other drinks that are not even close, a macchiato is not even close to their "caramel macchiato", it's like having a ruben sandwich and when you get it the sandwich isn't even close to a ruben.
really how? what do you say? do you talk? please tell me
i grew up in the PNW drinking this burnt bullshit.
I can't drink it anymore, i usually just get a tea. I mostly go to starbucks for their bomb ass breakfast sandwhiches
>French press -- $15
>40 oz high-quality grounds -- $20
>Cream/sugar if you're in to that stuff -- $10
$45 for 100 cups of better-than-Starbucks tier coffee assuming ~0.4 oz/cup of grounds. All together 45¢/cup.
Starcucks users are confirmed brain-dead hipsters.
They buy the lowest quality beans from Costa Rica just so they can say they offer Costa Rican Coffee.
I'm not home for like 18 hours a day though
it only takes 7 minutes to uses a French Press. Wtf are you talking about?
can't carry a french press in my pocket but i can carry a wallet. unfortunately if i want coffee i gotta get it from a business, and where i live that pretty much means starbucks
Buy a thermos you retard. I use my French press in the morning fill up my 27 ounce thermos hot good coffee all day for pennies. Stop funding the coffee Jew they only hire faggots, numales and liberal cunts. Make your own you lazy fuck.
*picks nose* uhhhh whatever man