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>being mad at hot chicks going to the gym
He sounds like a faggot to be honest.
The first chick he rips on (MissMiaFit) is actually pretty based and took a stood up against Muslims in Denmark harassing white women.
But this faggot doesn't know that just based on appearances.
>Knights who "lift"
[Desire to liberate the people from aristocratic yoke intensifies]
there's a huge difference between 'fit girls working out at the gym to stay fit' and 'girls with lucky genetics acting like a fool at the gym because they know if they actually seriously worked out the first thing to go would be the stored fat in their butt and hips'
I go to the uni gym. Really I just go to do cardio and calisthenics. I'm not really into lifting that much.
What I find hilarious though is no one breaks a sweat working out. All of these dumb sluts ride the eliptical half assed for 15 minutes while they watch a show and then leave.
All of the guys that guy wear those gay string tank tops and check each other out. Gym culture is toxic.
Did you even watch the video? He's not upset that women are going at the gym, but that some (not all) women use it as either a means to justify being fat or to slut it up.
Your anti-rapefugee queen is in the second category. You can't deny she loves slutting it up. Pic related is one of the first results on google images, I fucking dare you to tell me she's not a slut. Especially when a lot of these instagram models are notorious for whoring themselves out to oil sheiks in Dubai. They don't work out to stay in shape, or to get strong, or because their job requires it (something like being in the police force, military or construction) but to whore themselves out.
Idiots like you stop thinking the moment you see a pretty girl and you think everyone who gives you a boner is automatically infallible. Take that boner, shove it up your ass and go fuck yourself.
lifting has always been for homos anyway
Why do you give a shit? Shes hot and makes money because shes hot.
Women love attention and they get a lot of it at the gym. I see gym bunnies all the time, but you know what you do? You ignore them because you're there to workout not bitch about some slut taking pictures.
>Why do you give a shit?
Watch the video again. Women like her are the big problem with (female) gym culture.
>getting this mad at fit girls showing ass
>fitness is degenerate
he shits on the girl doing 135x7 and 99% of the board cant do 10 pushups
guy sounds like an angry faggot that can't get laid
>gym culture
Jesus Christ I'll say it again. WHO GIVES A SHIT? If these women want to show off their asses let them, if they want to throw out their backs with shitty form let them, and if they want to go to the gym for ten minutes take some photos and leave let them.
When I go to the gym I do it for me not to go leer at some stupid bitch "lifting".
>girls being hot is a problem
go back to watching dudes flex you faggots
>some (not all) women use it as either a means to justify being fat
Nobody does that
He sounds pretty jaded, bitter and close-minded to be honest. Let alone that he does the most superficial thing - judging people by appearence.
What is wrong with women showing their female beauty? Why should they be forced to take up restrictions and hide inside clothes?
>"but to whore themselves out."
Working out to be desireable and land guys of the highest quality for themselfes is a bad thing now?
What kind of problem? Does it hurt you in any way? Does it impact your quality of life in any negative way?
>women don't go to the gym, dye their hair neon, get feminist tats, become degenerate sluts
>women go to the gym, get fit, become degenerate sluts
Hmm. Hmmmmmm. I don't think the gym is the common denoiminator here chaps?
this is the saddest guy ever. just jerk off to porn like a normal person instead of looking up workout selfies on instagram and yelling "SHES A CLASSY LADY I BET SHE TAKES LOTS OF DICKS" as you record yourself jerking off
>these girls are all whores in panties and a bra
>scrolls past pictures of guys flexing in even less clothing
>He sounds pretty jaded, bitter and close-minded to be honest
yea, any man that bad mouths wimmin does
>Let alone that he does the most superficial thing - judging people by appearence.
who doesnt, tell me when you see a fat person do you treat them the same as you would a fitizen? also when dating, do ask her out after her friendzoned's you or based on her looks?
>What is wrong with women showing their female beauty?
theres a time and a place, the gym either. what woman wants men coming up to her, asking her out or talking to her at the gym
>Why should they be forced to take up restrictions and hide inside clothes?
I can almost see everytime, this turns me on, and I assume it does to most men.
>Working out to be desireable and land guys of the highest quality for themselfes is a bad thing now?
>not working out for long term health benefits
shouldn't you be filming a scat porn schneider
My woman is a pretty serious gym rat musclelady and she tends to hate other women at the gym.
Shes fucking swole and she thinks the other girls look down their noses at her for it while the men just look impressed and aroused.
>Being this pissy women want attention
The guy made a 15 minute video bitching about women showing off.
>>not working out for long term health benefits
>you can only workout for one reason
>girls being hot is a problem
Well, there's a time and place.
Don't you think this kind of attention-seeking gets annoying at times?
It's usually considered inadequate in the workplace for example (for now anyway).
Because it is fucking annoying when you're trying to do something else. You're not supposed to try to get attention and distract people like this, you're supposed to be working and let others work. Because women definitively can go over board with this. They turn everything into social games and men are too dumb to just ignore them (and they know that). The rest of their lives can be like this, but when they're at work or at the gym or focusing on doing whatever else, most people don't want women trying to turn the whole thing into their mating ritual. There's a reason people didn't women in certain settings in the first place. They can't help themselves unless this behavior is shamed.
The whole gym thing seems like it's another place for people to hook up. That's one reason I avoid it.
This is why I have a bench and weights at home.
Fuck normies
/fit/ fags get out. And take your ugly he women with you.
Why would I be annoyed by someone posting selfies? I don't have autism.
>Bro I would have gotten my one rep max today but that girl was wearing yoga pants
>I am so raged at her it is all her fault I can't pick up heavy things and move them around better
The guy in the video is so full blown autism it is just hilarious.
Bra = inappropriate
Sports Bra = I bet you are classy you stupid whore
Not in the gym = fake
Lifting things = not heavy enough slut
Yoga Pants with "fat tucked in" = wearing it wrong
Yoga Pants = whore I bet you suck tons of dicks
What does this faggot even want? For the entire world to stop triggering him with selfies or for no woman to post unless she is bench pressing 800 pounds and wearing a hijab?
Need more pics of that hoe for research purposes
Most girls don't like how they look when they're sweaty and without makeup and don't want to try to hit on hot guys when they're like that. And they don't want other guys trying to hit on them because they think they have a chance because they're not at their best.
Those staged instagram pictures are something else though.
Dope vid
There are gyms in America where grunting is forbidden. Because lifting heavy and grunting is toxic masculinity and it makes other people self-conscious I guess. You can get kicked out if you grunt kek. "Planet Fitness" IIRC.
fucking degenerate, lusting after thots. your mind is weak, what are you even doing here?
>I found the Chink in your armor Sire.
Looks like my ex wife.
Dude no. Most people have unnaturally low muscle mass because they don't work outside. It's not healthy. People should lift to make up for our unnatural lifestyle. You don't have to do a lot of it mind you. If you don't lift at least do some other exercise or some sport.
Did you watch the video? The very first segment showed several examples of that. Untrained hamplanets deadlifting half their bodyweight and pretending that they are powerlifters because they would be laughed at if they said that they were training for fitness.
>Working out to be desireable and land guys of the highest quality for themselfes is a bad thing now?
That's not what they are doing though, they are making bank on instagram because of all the thirsty betas that fawn over them. Most of them are probably not interested in "landing" a guy anyway and just wants to ride the cock carousel like all other reasonably attractive
what a faggot.
planet fitness is a genius example of free market capitalism.
>make a gym
>ban fit people from coming
>all fatties
>fat acceptance safe space
>literally give them "pizza days" at the gym where you hand out free pizza
>they never get skinny so they never leave your gym
>And they don't want other guys trying to hit on them because they think they have a chance because they're not at their best.
Yeah yeah I know my fucking place.
>you can't judge people on appearence
>on instagram
Top Kek.
Hope for the Yanks yet.
You put it on /fit?
half of the pictures he clicked on had ~50-100 likes.
>making bank
She's so fucking cute
Do you have a squat rack for squats and deadlifts?
>Working out at gym
>see /fit/ bunny
>get a rush of high test and my workout increases
who even complains about shit like this
>they never get skinny so they never leave your gym
AND they need more healthcare services.
And their furniture wears down faster, etc.
The economy's thriving!
I bet she has totally stuck that flute inside her
Not a proper squat rack cage but yah a squat rack.
>doctors making money
>gym owner is making money
>furniture company is making money
>fat dumb people die faster
sounds like you hate capitalism user. please let me know your alternative system. I guess we could try communism and at least they would be skinny because of food rations.
The guy squatting is still wearing a tampon on the bar despite the armour.
who cares
women don't lift
women don't do ANYTHING for its inherent value
everything they do is for attention or approval
not breaking news here
is he gay?
Look at all the white knights roast you. Kek. Good man toothpaste
This guy is literally the biggest faggot of all time. Searching for things to be angry about.
Well, that's the other point of the video, isn't it? Some of them are making bank, and all these tens of thousands of other girls are trying to emulate them, because this is what "fitness" has become.
I think I'm a common sense kind of guy.
People being unhealthy (and probably less happy) and other people wasting resources on them (even if they make money, they could have been doing something more productive for others instead) isn't ideal.
Unhealthy people should be cured. Not kept sick and treated forever for profit. Those who do so are parasites. That's where social policies and culture could change to make capitalism serve the people better.
Monica Mollica
>Eww no I don't want to lift, I don't want to become huge that's gross.
Like it's going to happen by accident overnight kek. If you lift a little you just get and look healthier.
whores have existed since BC days. women haven't "become" anything. the only thing that has changed is more women are in the gym now and it is more acceptable for them to lift.
the only problem is if your steroids are making you really angry and you haven't had sex because you think it will "hurt your gains" so you have to yell at pictures of girls on instagram and record it.
most of these girls are just trying to impress/shame/compare themselves to other girls. they don't give a shit about all the cringey comments they get from beta stalkers.
>Liking women that want to be men
Gas yourself degenerate
I see Brandi Love, i upvote.
>WAH! Why are people using their god given natural features?
Big babies. These women are only using what is best for them. You can't blame them for that. Instead get mad at the virgins who allow them to get money from all that attention. If I was a women with a fat ass and tits, I would use that shit to my advantage.
Am sorry, read your post after and I now have the bad feels
Mobile won't let delete
Pls no bully
>Searching for things to be angry about.
This is what some people on Sup Forums do all day. The guy is just making some youtube money along the way.
>Because you have the ability to murder millions you should
>Blame the people who weren't successful in assassinating you for all the genocide
Kill yourself, as long as it has a pussy there will always be betas going for what they want
ok fatty
and i am a free will kind of guy. its not the governments job to babysit or force anyone to change their life. they know it is unhealthy its not like they are being tricked into being fat.
they have chosen to be fat and not shit is going to stop them from doing it. might as well get paid to let them eat pizza in your gym so they can go home and reward themselves for their hard workout instead of taxing productive members of society and pissing it into the wind trying to fix shitty plebs.
>You can't blame them for that.
Just watch me.
All the whiteknights ITT, geeze.
I want to kiss her ass.
they banned me for asking for saouce for htread pic lol btw its Monica Mowi
70 kilos, wew. Also, why do pleb bars have knurling on the center of the bar? It just tears your shit up on cleans, f a m.
>its not the governments job to
The west is not lolbertarian and never will be. It's the government's job to do A LOT of things.
Right now it truly sucks at it (mostly because of corruption). It might get better soon though.
But promoting public health is definitively one of the role of government. It'll save everyone money and free up people to do more productive things. Treating sick people instead of curing them isn't being productive. It's just making money.
Our society is massively engineered already. Pretending that it isn't is ridiculous. I'm all for a shift towards more free market, but making people sick is an instance of the free market failing people. If we are to have free market, this must be stopped. Otherwise people will reject it. Also, it's a moral issue by itself.
Kek this guy sounds like the /fit/ Common Filth
I think you are confusing "I awant to look at that butt" with whiteknighting.
What't sthe difference between a SJW telling how white guys should behave and you telling how some women should behave?
I think the problem is how much women indulge in themselves over exercising. There's no humility. Like it's a place where your ego can roam free, which is fucking annoying. Wearing skin tight pants and a sports bra under any circumstance at the gym is pure arrogance and begging for attention. Confidence is alright. But keep it in your head.
It shows desperation to have eyes on you and have people think you're attractive. It's typical R-Selected breeding strategy. "If I wear these tight ass pants and a bra that emphasizes my tits, guys will see all of my contours and I will be considered a good candidate for breeding."
Do it to stay healthy. Don't go to subliminally beg for cock.
>waaah hot women use their looks for their benefit,do you even lift sis?
Who cares
they're attention whores but it's not the fault of the industry. it's the fault of horny men on the internet who like Instagram sluts.
they wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the men who give them the attention and therefore money through sponsorships.
Hello tumblr my old friend
>What't sthe difference between a SJW telling how white guys should behave and you telling how some women should behave?
We tell white guys how they should behave all the time too.
Degeneracy affects everyone.
It's kind of silly and harmless in this case, but it's indicative of other issues.
If the women werent utilized to sell and encourage whatever gym they frequent, and if guys didnt find this attractive the women wouldnt care to workout
Its all about validation and women are insecure, big whoop. Be glad women are getting in shape regardless.
>Beta who thinks he gets it
You're the guy women aim for when they put on their mating display. You encourage the vanity and self-absorption. You're just looking for the tits and ass. Any woman desperate enough to put it out there like that has some sort of mental inadequacy and has a chance of being a loopy hell ride.
A good 70% of the women at my gym spend all day sitting around and playing with their phones.
Sometimes they even chat with the trainers, distracting them from their job.
>women showing off their looks (mostly to impress and make other women jealous) is literally the same as murder
True. This isn't a big deal in this particular case.
But generally, it's MUCH easier to shame women into proper behavior than men. Men can be controlled with their libido however.
This can make women very useful to shape society. But right now they're being used by (((them))), etc.
>here's a faithful looking chick who's never cheated on her bf
haaaaaaaaahahahaha dude couldn't sound more cucked if he tried
These fit chicks make income from camwhoring on snapchat/instagram shilling some bullshit "recovery drink" they never actually drink. It's how they can afford to work out F/T and not have to 9-5 job it.
That's why you see selfies and shit in the gym, nobody over here in N. America cares.
In Europe they care because they have an ancient "gymnasium" culture that doesn't exist over here in the new world en.wikipedia.org
WTF is happening here?
You guys all got enthralled by fitfat girls' butts?
He's just making fun of girls pretending to be powerlifters to show off their butts.
No big deal. It was amusing.
>siding with the roasties, ever
It's a known fact that most guys who lift are closet fags, of course they're attracted to her, who else would be? Not to mention normal women are not at all attracted to guys who are ripped. "Women" who lift are disgusting and you are objectively gay if you disagree.
>tfw went to the gym for the first time ever on monday and I'm still hurting everywhere and walking, sitting and standing up is a fucking ordeal every time
>you telling how some women should behave
That's the natural order of things. Men are supposed to control women, that's why mankind has survived for such a long time.
He sounds a bit butthurt though.
as a swole ex-/fit/izen that has lifted 8 years I can only agree that the fitness-"model" scene is degenerate as shit. At the same time based lifters like clarence have only a fraction of attention as dyel whores and turks that post their mediocre bodies and advertise shitty supplements
Completely normal. Don't be a pussy.
>tfw no jacked up centaur gf to fuck from behind
Seriously though, girls look GOOD with a wee bit of muscle mass. And that's really not a lot of exercise.
They also look good a bit chubby.
Just don't be skelly kek.
Sounds like you didn't stretch.
After an initial period of adaptation for each muscle group, you're not supposed to feel excessively sore after working out.
Stretch well and take it slow dude.
Heh. Yeah.
Frankly I don't really have a problem with women doing things like this.
The pretending is silly though and nothing wrong with pointing it out.
If you're still feeling that badly you went to heavy.
When you start working out always start on low weights, even if you have the strength to do more, because your body needs to adjust.
>They also look good a bit chubby.
>mating display
>yea, any man that bad mouths wimmin does
There is no reason to bad mouth anyone. What does it accomplish except wasting time and energy and getting yourself into a pissy mood?
>who doesnt, tell me when you see a fat person do you treat them the same as you would a fitizen?
It's one of those low aspects of human nature that we all have. Yet there is no reason to give into that aspect of ourself, for each of us DOES know better than that.
>theres a time and a place, the gym either. what woman wants men coming up to her, asking her out or talking to her at the gym
If I would be ripped as fuck, I'd try to emphasize on it to and present my strengths to atract a partner. I don't see anything bad in it.
>>Working out to be desireable and land guys of the highest quality for themselfes is a bad thing now?
>not working out for long term health benefits
Why not both