This is a movie star in 21st Century America.
This is a movie star in 21st Century America
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Shia is back!!!
>This is a deadbeat former movie star in 21st Century America.
He hasn't landed a decent role since 2014.
at least he is doing someting not like you creating a thread with a phrase and an image
>Putting actors on a pedestal
Fury was a really really good movie
It's always funny when this ugly manlet gets cast as any kind of love interest
His career is on a nosedive though, that's why he's doing this ridiculous publicity stunt
>at least he is doing someting
Sure is rich, comin' from a Spaniard. Is it time for siesta yet?
That's the only reason he's doing this stupid stunt. His last known role was in Fury and he sucked. He was apparently an ass hole on the set to the director and to Pitt.
Just kidding. It's always time for siesta.
it was good tank porn, but it was a shitty movie
Yeah...this is true, regardless of what you think. this is probably the most likable thing he did in his whole life. Aprat of that, he is kinda obnoxious
absolutely american
All of them are scum, opportunistic lowlives who get down on their knees, obey their masters and exist as obedient lapdogs.
By a mere coincidence, some are actually talented and/or attractive.
He made a movie about walking around in Romania where he looked the exact same
There wasn't a single gypsy in that movie surprisingly
Let's behave about it being a shity movie
I remember a few years back, around the time of the fourth indiana jones movie, he was on letterman talking about being a badass smoking and drinking and whatnot, and letterman basically told him off for being a retard seeing as he is a role model for youth
dropped out of hollywood after that, my guess would be long term damage control but he keeps digging himself deeper
sheia lagoof
And who are you?
that's a bad thing?
I prefer that to have a country filled with niggers and crazy people with guns
Daily reminder that this is a slide threat, a fun one,but slide nonetheless.
Daily reminder that this is loosh farming.
Daily reminder that Shitta Le bugs is one of the pizzapupets and don't deserve any of your attention.
Daily reminder that pizzagate is gaining traction in other media and you are not helping.
Daily reminder that this magic is called mirror magic, just put a mirror in front of a monkey and monkey will see and monkey will do.
Daily reminder that Shitta Le bugs is a AUTISM like us , he is the perfect distraction for keep our autism in check, he is like us will never stop , disengagement is the ONLY WAY to deal whit him.
Wow, Spain. For a bit, I thought the memes about you all being retarded were just memes. I guess the memes never lie.
He's a pretty terrible actor but he has done some great directing work. He used to be pretty based when all he did was fuck with normies and paparazzi.
"Shia LaBoeuf? Hey Mikey! This drifter tinks just cus he's shy and buff we can't lock him up! Yah not even buff. How much can you bench squirrel boy?"
"Played Transformers? Whoopty fucking do kid. I played GI Joe and Mario. Yah think dat makes you some kinda rock star round here?"
"Hey littlest hobo anyone ever tell yah you look like dat jewey kid from Even Stevens? My kid loved dat show!"
What happens when the man behind the meme finally snaps? Eventually his actual mental problems are gonna cause him to an hero the set of Transformers 8: Revengence. Will he still be a meme god then?
> Star
Sure, he is probably slated for Sharknado 7
He was a guy that got a couple roles.
Massively depressed childstar with a shitload of mental issues caused by drugs and fame. Yes thats the average movie star.
"ill nuh new divee-saba"??????
a 6 pointed one