They're not wrong

They're not wrong.





About time that they're being recognized. If it were Europe, the list would have to be thrice a day to keep up.


Wasn't it just crimes committed by illegal immigrants? Why are they trying to spin this shit again? FAKE NEWS, YOU'RE FIRED.


This family

Well, Hitler did nothing wrong.



I hope he's got a lot of ink

Actually it says aliens. His speech made it clear that he meant illegals but the wording of the order has a much wider scope.


of course they fake news is trying to spin it, else they wouldn't be fake news.

wtf i love hitler now

2 > 3 > 1

>implying hitler did anything wrong at all

Damn guys, remember all those documents trump had stacked up during one of his speeches? I just found out something incredible! See pic!



Every hour my admiration for Trump grows.

I wish we would have a Brit/Trump to step in an purge this country of degeneracy, from paedophile grooming gangs from Rotherham to the House of Lords.


Hitler seemed like a pretty cool guy

Well it's a fact per capita immigrants commit way more crimes than White Americans

But Liberals use raw numbers & try to say Whitey is the problem

Im glad Trump is correcting the record


so if they are comparing trump to hitler, wouldnt that meant that there truly is a group of people trying to overthrow and undermine the current/past government

history really does repeat itself.
when will we learn


Look at the sweet hat

>They're not wrong.

Neither was Hitler.


This is fake news.

Real news would be "Donald Trump is going to publish a list of crimes committed each week by criminal illegal aliens in sanctuary cities."

Notice the difference? This is why we don't take the news seriously anymore.

What did Hitler have against mexicans. Seems like a weird thing for him to do.

>implying you ever took news seriously

Face it, you're just a neanderthal.

>If you make a hat big enough, people will eventually come to dance around it.

Hitler also took a shit once. Anyone who ever poops is literally Hitler.

I'm a cog in the machine that got Trump elected, and because of blatant lying and fake news from liberals and the media such as the OP's example, I'm a guaranteed vote against liberals for the next 60-80 years. I am a permanent vote against them, this is their punishment for lying. Nothing can ever be done to sway my vote because of how bad they lied. Millions more of people like me were created this election cycle. It's likely Democrats will lose power for the next several decades because of how bad they fucked up here.

weird and he supports Israel...wait

2 > 1 > 3

good taste

nether was Hitler

>Hitler also did this

Hitler drank water too


Ugh. Shoulda been first post.

He's really putting local politicians in a bind here. They want to signal to their minority and liberal constituents, but they also have to keep shit running.

They'll make a show of their resistance just long enough to look principled, then they'll cave, loudly lamenting federal pressure that threatened to ruin their fair city.

It's you, step up user

No he didn't.

Fucking liars.

Hitler also wore pants.

Better ban that now.

Their implications are, though.

>crimes aren't bad if they're done by immigrants


>Hitler spoke to large crowds too
>Hitler breathed oxygen too

What makes you think comparing anything to Hitler is a bad thing anymore?

Hitler wore ties! Confirmed nazist

not yet but hopefully he'll get there

Actually it says aliens who enter illegally.
Then "such aliens"
So it's extremely specific in talking only of illegal immigrants

>crimes done by illegal immigrants are not worse/more common than crimes done by citizens

The problem with likening this to Hitler comes here:

Has migrant crime been hidden on purpose? Yes. Has some countries actually advised cops & media to not give out descriptions, only publish whitewashed or heavily censored pics, lie about crime statistics and ban statistics gathering of migrant vs X crime? Yes.
Have Sweden just released the guys who (allegedly) gangraped the wheelchair bound woman on Gotland because she didnĀ“t struggle enough? Yes.

They have a point as relevant as the old adage that Hitler also drank water.

Nice. I hope he becomes a true fascist.

Hitler also breathed air. You better not be breathing OP.



Well well well

Of course they aren't. But citizens are citizens and are our burden. If a citizen commits a crime, they go to jail, and the government foots to bill for the cost of their incarceration. However our government should not have to pay the costs of incarcerating people who shouldn't even be here in the first place. They should not be our burden to bear. This is even more important if the crimes they are committing are against citizens of our country.

fuck, marry, kill

Free Speech society is already in the process of being created at Uni.

I also intend to use it to recruit hardline Right wingers. See you in the Crusade for Europe.

Maybe if they keep repeating that every trivial thing makes you literally Hitler, people will finally realize that Hitler was the good guy. It either normalizes it or makes the comparison lose any sort of impact.

As soon as Trump makes 3.3 million jobs in a year he will officially gain Hitler status.

Where the fuck did "The Independent" come from and why are people using it as a legit source?
Independent my ass.

Nice try, Achmed.

Some EDL blokes must have kicked your ass. So, you're acting out.

So? The Muslims have a crime map site in Canada tracking anything anti-Islamic with a list and a google map pin for where it happened.

Someone needs to photoshop the H into a T.

Or an R.

This. holy shit that british faggot has awful taste.

Hitler also provided universal healthcare

Hitler also bombed North Africa


Hitler also drank water.

I did. Until I realized it was all blantly lying to me to push someone's narratives.


Hitler and Trump also have been known to drink water. What's your point?

LITERALLY "Not my president"

2>1>3 is the only combination

1. she's the only one that doesn't have a fucking phone in her pocket


If they keep saying everyone's hitler, one day we're gonna get a "literal hitler" and no ones gonna give a shit because everyone's already "literally hitler". Fucking dumbass liberals.

hey you know what else hitler did

He created an economy worth a fuck and had an unemployment rating of virtually zero

Hitler was against beating animals

You can't just go, "Trump did this. Hitler also did this." You probably do some shit hitler did too, faggot

if you wake up in the morning, you're fucking hitler, if you eat a meal 3 times a day, you're fucking hitler, if you have a fucking laugh, you're fucking hitler

what the fuck can he do that hitler didn't do

Obama had an army of kids to follow his ideals called the Obama Youth Brgade. Hitler also did this with his Hitler Youth.

why give them a device that enables coal burning?

Same thing can be said backwards. If you keep refusing to notice the similarities between x person and Hitler one day you'll get a "literal Hitler" and will ignore it like you did everyone else.

His economy was propped up by the war

Why must you act this way

everyone's economy was propped up by the war, except for yours, you were too busy being bombed

>propped up by a nonexistent war

Hitler drank tea.
Hitler woke up.
Hitler spoke to the people.
Hitler smiled.
Hitler was sad.
Hitler was angry.
Hitler was happy.


I can't wait for the Weekly Beaner Report.

That's pretty bad photoshop.

Hitler also pulled his country out of a worldwide depression whike the rest of the world remained in the depression.

FDR took Hitler's economic model...

And FDR is the Democrat's God.



Trump will have dinner take a shit then go to bed.

>Hitler did this


>HITLERALLY "Not my president"


Hitler was also a Vegetarian and cared and created many animals rights laws

Does that mean these things should not be allowed?