This is a bit off-topic but it has to do with women, like 20% of the threads in here.
So i've been dating this girl for 4 months now, she is 19, cute as hell, extremely shy, and here's the thing, she is still a virgin. (Im 24). Her being very shy basically means a very, VERY slow relationship which im fine with. Just to give you an idea ,We kissed yesterday for the first time, it was her very first french kiss.
My problem is, all my friends are making jokes about it, how i should just dump her and that it would take a decade before we get to have sex and a family, which is my ultimate goal (family, not sex). They also make cuck jokes all the time about me and her. And i started to think that, maybe they're right, you know? I mean, she isn't even one of those interesting shy /lit/-type of girls who read a million books and have lots of knowledge and something to say, have an opinion on things. She got nothing of that. So what keeps me going you ask? I honestly want a slow relationship after my last one went to shit. But i am a man, and i got needs.
Would it be ok, considering my situation, to go with another woman just for sex? She won't find out anyway. Even if she finds out, maybe she will reconsider and at least hold my hand once in a while. It's like she's scared of boys.
What should i do Lads? Anyone been here before?
Hey Sup Forums need your advicd
Definitely cheat on her.
Is it so easy for you? I never cheated before. It's not like i dont have any feelings about her. Fuck.
I mean, think about it, i will probably never have the chance again to find a pure gf.
>all my friends are making jokes about it,
as they should. youre this chicks beard. shes a faggot bro. if shes anti sex now at such a young age shes dead inside or a lesbo yo
She's definitely not lesbian. Or does she not know it yet..?
Dude you fucked me up with this one.
>4 months
It's fucking nothing.
You know what? I envy you. I don't even want sex, just a close, trustful relationship. Don't destroy that, you idiot.
let me put it this way. at 15 i had a gf of the same age. any time we we out of view of adults she grabbed hold of the dick and didnt let go. sucking and jerking me off in school, begging to be cummed in every time we fucked. THIS is normal
>Taking advice from degenerate shills
I don't see anything wrong with it as long as shes not getting it somewhere else.
Stick with her, honestly, fuck what your friends say. 4 months is nothing, and if you are a able to forge a good relationship over time it has a much higher chance of not falling a part in mere moments due to some trivial shit.
And if you get a solid relationship going that will mean a better, safer and more secure future for your potential kids, and after all that's what it's all about. You'll get pussy eventually and it will most likely be much more enjoyable and intimate due to having spent a solid amount of time getting to know eachother.
both of you helped me more than you think you did. Thank you.
Don't dump her. Being reluctant about having sex is a very good thing. I also doubt that she will have problems with sex if you agree that you want to get married, have children and live together.
And no, do not, under any circumstances, let lust take over. Lust is a deadly sin, remember? Treasure your girlfriend, and just keep jacking off, I don't know. You'll have sex one day, don't worry.
Good luck to you, mate.
>tfw want to procreate and maintain the German people
>tfw I can't talk to grills
I wish I stayed a bluepilled Nihilist
Err no it's not normal. Being a literal cumslut and a lusty bitch is horrible.
>Would it be ok, considering my situation, to go with another woman just for sex?
This makes you no better than an animal and you cannot keep your word.
Is there a concrete reason to think she's lying about the Sup Forumss? Your friends are likely jealous because there aren't girls like this anymore.
My take is that women aren't worth trusting any longer, but unless you've got something tangible to go on... Has she lied to you about anything?
Also pic related.
Jesus christ how weak and pathetic you sound.
And talking with strangers on the internet doesn't count as having friends.
God, you're pathetic, OP. You disgust me.