Umm, sweetie, you can stop now.
We get it. You hate people of color. Want to see them all dead.
Message received buddy. You can calm down now and actually try to help your country's citizens.
Umm, sweetie, you can stop now.
We get it. You hate people of color. Want to see them all dead.
Message received buddy. You can calm down now and actually try to help your country's citizens.
Other urls found in this thread:
>you hate people of colour
i sure fucking do, non whites ruin everything
That's why he's deporting them, to help actual citizens.
He is helping his country's citizens sweetie, by getting rid of the illegals. Patriots are ecstatic about it. Only non Americans support illegals.
>Says he's going to do it the entire time
>Does it
>Still act surprised
Um, no honey. Didn't you hear?
Trump wants full amnesty for everyone here. The wall isn't happening either! Right wingers literally elected a guy more pro illegal immigration than Jeb Bush.
He didn't say people of color, just illegals. Can't you read?
This will probably help those countries having people that learn how to be awesome in America to be forced to make their real country better.
11 million illegals. 11 fucking million! Half the popuation of my country. How was it let get this bad in the first place is the real question.
if this is true, i might come to the us,
need a lazy swiss guy?
I'm tired Sup Forums I didn't expect this much winning, can we lose a little bit? Just so I can get some rest, please?
Umm, sorry, dear :) Shouldn't have broken the law, sweetie. Maybe you can go help your homeland, honey! I know, sunshine, building a country is very hard. But that wall is getting built and you're paying for it, muffinhead ;)
because muh feelings
well done ausbro
>You can calm down now and actually try to help your country's citizens.
That's exactly what he's doing.
Progressives wanting voters and neocons wanting slave labor
>The order would end the DACA program. Now, it says that work permits already issued under the program will remain valid. However, these permits are all already set to expire at some point in the next two years, and once they expire, they will not be renewed, according to the order. Starting very soon, a trickle of immigrants would start to lose their DACA protections — and by January 2019, barring a policy reversal or an act of Congress, all of them would.
Daily reminder that they've literally been using the "muh 11 million" number since the 1980's. It's a meme amount.
Oh noes.
> illegal wetbacks gtfo back to mexico
> honest mexican americans who work and pay their yaxes can stay
It's not rocket surgery.
>Creating fair laws that are less strict than Mexico is hate
>Expecting people to be civil and follow the laws of the country you move to is hate
Liberal logic
Fuck off shill
A leaf who doesn't shit post? Are you behind a proxy?
>11 million illegal immigrants
>25% of them voted for Hillary
>this claim has validity
No honey bun sugar plum.
I have to say I watched it from the start but seeing it become real.
Shit, i wish my country had few people in it. One of our cities have more than half your country pop.
They have to go back desu.
>defending illegals
Reminder that this is treason.
>leaving Switzerland for anything
What witcher gear is this?
Aww, angel. Are you stealing our memes now? Come on, everyone knows the right wing is unoriginal, but you don't need to go that low, pumpkin
You haven't seen shit yet.
>Message received buddy. You can calm down now and actually try to help your country's citizens.
Some might argue deporting illegales is helping your countrys citizens also it has nothing to do with color if you break the law its all the same i assume.
How long before Babysitting Bessie disappears mysteriously
>all illegal immigrants are POC
There are plenty of illegal immigrants who are white, you fucking racist cunt.
I hope he pulls through with his promise of immigration reform once this is over and makes legal migration easier.
>11M Highly concentrated illegal immigrants
I called it yesterday with a get. Voter fraud is real.
Well they go by past expierince ..usually politicians lie lel
Um sweet heart these are my memes, ok pumpkin?
Then who the fuck is going to clean my house!?Some stupid liberal that cleans for 10 minutes, decides he need a break and plays pokemon go for an hour before he decides he works too hard and quits!
>umm sweetie
shut the fuck up nigger
You do know Obama deported many illegal immigrants, right?
The Democrat party was not going to make it legal to suddenly sneak in the country, live off the grid, not pay taxes and be in basically low--wage slave labour.....
That's how I know the Democrats were just playing up minorities like usual. Why? because convincing women like myself, and minorities they are oppressed and need them, big daddy government to help.
If you subscribe to emails from the liberals, or Democrats in your case, you'll see they ask fr hundreds of thousands of dollars every year to " stop the evil conservatives/ republicans" e.t.c e.t.c....
That's why the contrived war and this need to keep people dependant is so pertinent to their campaign; they trick us into giving them a lot of money, plus our tax dollars too.
I wanted Obama to win twice, and I wanted Trump to win this time. I am not remotely racist.
Grow up,sweetie. Take a more well-rounded perspective and calm down.
Listen to Muslims, Black's, Latino's and women who voted Trump. Those minority voices changed my mind.
Yeah and they work for shit pay and live in houses with like 29 people in them so they can work for shit pay. They are like full grown teenagers.
> break the law
> be mad the law is enforced
Really coagulates my coronaries
They've been using this 11M figure since at least 2000. The real number is 35M+. 11M is the new six gorillion.
Illegal aliens. That is what they are. That is what they are called.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Sweetie, if he gets rid of illegals they'll be less people using up welfare and other government handouts, sweetie.
Sauces on 35mil figure? Interested in knowing how deep the rabbit hole goes.
>memes can be stolen
>trump wants to see peepul uv collour dead
>deports them
>doesn't kill them
What did he mean by this?
What about the niggers?
what is the actual problem of getting rid of people with a criminal record and make the rest just citizens and then for the future apply border control. It would be a middle ground and you dont have to deport innocent people cause a mass outrage and possibly lose the next election. Just get rid of the criminals one and make the rest legal this one time... but of course i am a idiot so what do i know.
Deporting spics removes our surplus of cheap, unskilled labor. The primary beneficiaries of this policy will be American spics and American niggers.
400 of the 800 jobs saved at carrier, that earn an average of $23/hr, are worked by minorities.
Checkmate, libfags.
Reminder that 11 million is the number reported by MSM. The actual number of people living in the US illegally is probably closer to 20-30 million. Of course it is almost impossible to know the real total, so 11 million is a safe bet for the number of illegals easily identified and deported. So the article isn't necessarily inaccurate but I didn't see anyone else mention this yet so i figured i might as well bring it up.
Kek recognizes you as an honorary American for this post. Praised.
I'm okay with this.
>care about black lives
>allow immigrants to flood your country.
pick one.
you're right, i'll stay home, thanks for opening my eyes
all those isolated injun reservations voting for gibs
>try to help your country's citizens
First step in helping our citizens is removing non-citizens
Umm I can do anything I want sweetie, and stopping isn't on that list
Girl you know it's only gonna get worse for you, honey
>all 11 million
The absolute madman is actually gonna do it.
Hang on, doesn't them being undocumented automatically make them felons for doing this shit illegally?
Why do people not want this? They are breaking the law. If you say that this is "small time", then you might as well let people drive without a driver's license/permit. Same thing.
hmm, 11 million, where have I heard that number before?
So then what's a realistic number? 20? 30?
If you say 50 I'm not going to believe it but I am going to jerk off to the thought of all those mexishits getting carted off in the middle of the night.
Kristallnacht 2: Taco Boogaloo
How is deporting 11 million people mostly mexicans gonna help exactly? I want keypoints not just HURR DURR bullshit. Who's gonna pick the fruits and clean your houses? Is there even citizens willing to do that?
niggers may bitch and moan constantly, but when it comes down to it they're mostly patriotic as fuck. these fucking spics hate america and actively try to not integrate
illegal immigrants are just that.....illegal
theyve literally been saying this since i was a kid in the 90s
Break the law and the law comes for you. That simple but you retarded liberals don't see that. I want to see all liberals burned at the stake.
Seems there's nice undocumented people, but fuck son, they're going to be deported, it's part of the core plan. They can work to qualify as required immigrants from over there.
It fucking sucks balls I would know personally as a White person trying to get out of Africa, but that's just the way she goes..
I really have no idea. But, I also consider all of the U.S.-born children of illegals to also be illegal, although we are told that they are citizens.
Yep. Toronto, everyone.
can confirm
every single illegal is a lawbreaker user
Really though, what are the economic implications of deporting a significant amount of illegals?
For example, will we have enough manpower to harvest agriculture, revamp infrastructure, etc?
>country's citizens
yea that's why he is deporting all the illegal mexicans
Lol so? Illegal you need to go
>Oh, did I do that?
This is just the beginning
answer me fucktard
>illegals means POC
Fucking racist
>Illegal Immigrants
Pick one