Looks like the eternal Jew got BTFO again. What does Sup Forums think he did?
Shia got decided general
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Daily reminder that this is a slide threat, a fun one,but slide nonetheless.
Daily reminder that this is loosh farming.
Daily reminder that Shitta Le bugs is one of the pizzapupets and don't deserve any of your attention.
Daily reminder that pizzagate is gaining traction in other media and you are not helping.
Daily reminder that this magic is called mirror magic, just put a mirror in front of a monkey and monkey will see and monkey will do.
Daily reminder that Shitta Le bugs is a AUTISM like us , he is the perfect distraction for keep our autism in check, he is like us will never stop , disengagement is the ONLY WAY to deal whit him.
Probably read to much antifag propaganda and tried to punch a nazi.
Nobody cares.
He's back at his hewillnotdivideus "art project," nobody gives a shit. He shoved a Sup Forums kid or something, who fucking cares, this shit is getting stale.
We don't have to guess. A Sup Forumslack walked up to him and said "Hitler did nothing wrong" and Shia lost his shit.
Go away shill
Well there is that one time where he was in the face of those two guys screaming "he will no divide us." One of them he shoved with his body and he licked the other guy's face.
Maybe Optimus Prime will break him out
lol but what's with former Disney child actors going off the depend in their adult lives?
>Maybe Optimus Prime will break him out
>sees flag
>not suprised
Side effects of their MK Ultra brainwashing.
hit a 16 year old Sup Forumsack in the head. And it was the naruto kid. The story is directly related to pol and /our/guys. How can you not care, this should be the top story on pol.
fuck you pizzagay .
go get loosh elsewere.
Didn't he literally punch a guy on a live stream?
Do you know what loosh is? How are people gathering loosh from this? The entire purpose of loosh is that it is farmed by extra dimensional entities. People don't use loosh.
Assaulted a 13 year old.
Leaf posting at its worst
Shia punched a minority child
is Shia a racist?
Looks like another washed up actor got 15 extra minutes of fame.
your autism blows my mind. One of the people on stream literally said "pizza gate is real" into a live stream with a bunch of people around the world watching - is this person sliding pizzagate?
bitch we got him on tape
pretty bad, but believe it or not I have seen way worse
give it a rest schlomo, you're fooling nobody
Video of the assault, victims testimony and arrest
wtf is a slide thread really?
Shia is jewish.
Some troll told him hitler did nothing wrong.
Hitler killed jews.
Shia is a jew.
It's pretty straightforward, his assault was illegal but justified.
>Jew detected
I still don't know what this HWNDU is?
Anti trump performance art