What the ACTUAL FUCK did he mean by this??
Are ayylmaos real?
Has the invasion already begun?
What the ACTUAL FUCK did he mean by this??
Are ayylmaos real?
Has the invasion already begun?
Other urls found in this thread:
>American education
What he means is
>disgusting fat Beaner goblin scum
But we have to play nice.
You retards call illegal immigrants aliens. That's mostly because you live on your own little planet where everything is deep fried and literally everything you do causes cancer.
I hope it will include reptiloids and Hillary will be there too.
Wow you dumb
ayy lmao
Shoo shoo swampjew
>be mexican
>see americans criticizing mexicans for being garbage
>even though I know deep down that mexicans are garbage, because of having an emotional state of a 16 year old girl, can't even deal with the feelings that accepting this fact brings
>deny any and all accusations of mexicans being a sub-standard people
>blame Americans for any problems
>blame south americans for any problems
>when that doesn't work, claim victimhood and assert that everyone is just out to bully the poor mexican people because racism
>doesn't even know what racism is
The funniest part is you Mexicans like to claim you're all manly men and shit when in reality you're just emotional women. "Machismo"? Give me a break. Masculine men don't play the victim at any sign of emotional trauma.
God dammit you stupid fucking burger
belonging to a foreign country or nation.
a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living.
"an illegal alien"
No, we call them alien because its quicker then illigal immagrant.
Allien just means foreign you uneducated twat.
When you're at a bar and the barman asks which spirit you want he's not asking you to choose between a ghost and a poltergeist. American education everyone.
>inb4 just trolling lel
Crop circles: 15
Cattle mutilation: 5
Abductions for testing: 2
Kek, fp(alright)p
>literally a space nigger
My sides!
Holy fucking shit, he will show them in the wrong.
Praise Trump, praise KEK.
Hope Europe follows his leadership soon.
>anal probings: >9000
Are moon people aliens?
>tfw spic (Dominican)
>tfw I accept the fact of my slight inferiority
>strive the hardest to be at the right side of the bell curve
I truly believe I am either at the median or at a quarter after the bell curve, I still haven't taken an IQ Test or a 23 and me tho. I want to know where my white (mother) genes come from.
If the US were to become an ethno-state I would at least join a foreign legion-tier organization, at least I'll die with dignity and with a purpose other than making tacos in some intersection on some unpronounceable citi in Mexico
Every gene pool has its 1%. If you're working hard, and you're smart, and you're kind and a good person/citizen, then you're already exactly what an American should be and you can marry whoever the hell you want and have genetically great kids.
That's why you always see ugly rich fucks with hot ass trophy wives. Even though they're not genetically awesome all around, they worked super hard and hustled and basically bootstrapped their genes into another bloodline through merit alone. And IMO that's awesome.
Honestly it really isn't just about that m8. As long as you have your shit squared away your good famalam.
Honestly the only way the US should go to ethnostate, it would be better to balkanize and allow each region to do there own thing.
I'd rather have a weekly report of all the crimes committed by Wall Street.
It's a tough thought to think about, I think about it sometimes, if we ethno-state nao then I'd be deported to cali or wherever the spics are sent to, that would mean I'd have to be around the garbage of society, I want to live in a nice, high trust society, half of all the spics can't do this, niggers are proven not to be able to accomplish this either. (inb4 Chile, Chile is the whitest country in SA, compared with the rest of the nations there)
Thanks m8, I know this, it's why I'm in the National Guard, and I'm aiming for a degree in mechanical engineering so one day I can own my own job shop and live comfortably shooting guns on my own land. Literally the American dream . I try every day to add purpose and worth to my life, and I feel like it's working, I'm better than I was last year, and last year I was better than the year before and so on, meanwhile all the other spics from my HS class are either living on welfare, arrested at least once, or deal drugs for a living, many such cases all over the country. SAD!
I hope to one day amass enough resources to attract a white qt Christian GF (sorry Nazifags, although I agree with you, I'm not committing genetic suicide, and spics are ugly after 27)
you wouldnt get much
he said aliens not fags
it's a term used to reference illegals you fucking dildo
Why I need to see a weekly list of crimes committed by illegal immigrants that Trump hired for his businesses? Do the crimes of illegal immigrants count some significant amount more than the crimes of citizens? No. Do the crimes of citizens count some significant amount less than those of illegal aliens? No. Is this a distraction campaign? Is this supposed to fuel racist feelings towards Hispanics? Is this a move to appease racist faggots? It doesn't get illegal immigrants deported. So the purpose is only distraction/animosity?
wtf, how is this not a copy pasta, did u actually write that?
ayyyy why you oppress me lmao
>Do the crimes of illegal immigrants count some significant amount more than the crimes of citizens?
Yes, they do
it's important to say illegal aliens because the Left has been blurring the lines between legal and illegal immigration so many idiots don't see a difference
Immigrants, he said immigrants.
'alien' is the language used in the current immigration laws. How retarded are you guys lmao
> Aliens
This is the code that DEMS use to describe thier route to totalitarianism.
> We are in contact with and getting help from Aliens
conspiracies are just an imaginative reading of that.
Yea, right. Have of fun getting robbed by a white American citizen. At least it wasn't by Hernandez the illegal alien.
The rest of us who are not retarded will avoid getting robbed by anyone.
You still haven't come up with some kind of reason for this weekly publication.
Illegal aliens you massive clickbaiting faggot
>Have of fun getting robbed by a white American citizen
I can't because that rarely happens.
>You still haven't come up with some kind of reason for this weekly publication.
Their presence is already an affront, illegally being here and being a shitfuck about it (committing crime) is an even worse slap in the face.
It's a tactic to dehumanize immigrants. He knew exactly what he was doing.
daily reminder that they are behind everything
taking bait this obvious