Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
I'll give you 221 million guesses.
The jews
who could it be
There was no palestine state until only a short while ago. Those calling themselves palestinians are Egyptians and Jordanians.
They're still falling for the fake map meme
just give the jews their promised land and they'll stop bitching
An occupying nation decides to give the land you have peacefully lived on for hundreds of generations to a third group with no actual claim to the property, who then terrorizes and drives the actual occupants out through wholesale rape, murder, and destruction of entire villages, then declares that while they have never lived there, they have a "right to return", but the people driven out have "abandoned" their property and do not, and that anyone that objects is a dirty anti-Semite despite most of the interlopers coming from Europe.
>They're still falling for the fake map meme
The Brits
What are you planning, Shlomo? Infiltrate our movement and then make a buck?
There was no kosovan state until only a short while ago. Those calling themselves kosovan are Albanians and Serbians.
The Arabs of course. They didn't settle for the UN resolution, started a war, which they then lost, so the jews took their land. The kikes won it fair and square.
The jews, they convinced the US into WW1 to defeat Germany so that the bits would give palestine to the jews. Read about the Balfour Declaration, they were promised palestine before ww2 started and probably caused WW1 in the first place
What does your leftists want?
Your rightwing government
>likes the gay
>tolerates the moderate Moslem
>increases the welfare
>legalizes the recreational marijuana use
>made your country leader of marijuana research
>increased surveillance and security
Your government heads would be liberals according to America. If this is the right what's in the left? The ressurection of Lennin?
>. They didn't settle for the UN resolution
Oh, so UN resolutions are the final word on what's right?
I guess Israel will stop building and remove the illegal settlements because a UN resolution said it was bad.
Might makes right
Can't you fucking look at the image? Is there any something you can't understand while reading the map?
You got it wrong man. We sided with the Nazis. Germany decided to expel the Jews from Europe. We won the war and actually did it. The Germans wanted to destroy the cominterns. Despite being allied with them during the war, we did it.
Not sure what you are trying to say here, but Germany offered peace agreements with the brits before America was even part of WW1, England rejected then because they were told they could beat Germany if America was in the war. The only price that was needed to be paid was palestine to the jews. So the Jewish media flipped and started hating Germany (before this America was very pro German), listen too Benjamin freedman 1961 speech about it friend
Jews of course, they overthrew the U.N. resolution plan of a peacefull partition and just started a war against Arabs because they disagreed to just give away half their land to a bunch of immigrating minority of kikes, which the kikes then with massive foreign aid despite they denial won against an surprise disarmed populace with only sparce help of by design without defunct WW2 conscript army battalions of some freshly independent Arabs neighbours, so the jews just grabbed their land and invented a new state. The kikes have no "legal" claim on this so called state "Israel".
I honestly believe Israel will be nuked by another country in the middle east one day for what they have done.
>Oh, so UN resolutions are the final word on what's right?
No, but it was an okayish deal. The Arabs had every right to reject it and go to war, but in the end they lost. That's how wars work.
(((He knows)))
They want to deport religious Jews and replace them with African refugees.
If you want to go the route that whoever had the land last is the rightful owner, then yes it should be Palestine's land.
To me its no different than the countless other times land has been taken over. It's one of the most recent given the significance of it ("holy land" meme).
Yes goy, it's the leftists. Stop them!
Is war not sufficient "legal" claim?
Israel took the land, it's theirs now, they don't need to apologize. This like white cucks who feel the need to apologize for colonization or Americans who cry about "muh dead native americans."
All the earth belong to the White Master Race
Isreal has a policy if they get nuked to nuke Europe, so you better make sure that doesn't happen
War is what happens between armies. Israel is an occupying force responsible for the safety and preservation of property and rights of the civilians of land seized.
Meanwhile, Israel has gone full Nazi on any non-Jew by taking their property, eliminating basic rights, and ignoring crimes committed against them by Jews.
They play the "occupying army" card by making Palestinians be under the jurisdiction of Military Courts instead of civil ones, byt also claim that they have no mandate to protect the population because that is up to the local authorities. All while preventing any local infrastructure or civil authority from developing, yet financing the settlements and supplying basic services like water and sanitation they while actively restricting it to locals.
>His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
Sounds like they kept their end of the bargain to me
Funny that Israel is shaped like the end of a dagger.
Don't African refugees in Israel have to cross 2-3 other countries including huge deserts to get there?
>nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine
Really? You best read that middle part again.
But then the document does show one interesting fact.
>Palestine never existed.
>Balfour gave us Palestine.
Well, which is it.
Not if you pretend to bother about international laws that where unfortunately for kikes written a few years before their landgrabs.
Why are Filippinos intrigued so much by the Israel/Palestine conflict? Are you short on happenings in SEA and bored as fuck?
>Who was in the wrong here?
Should have stayed a desert but noooo muh chocolate rivers.
The ones that break the international law = kikes.
The image is false and propaganda. It was never Palestinian land as shown but was British
Is this map fake? Because I fell for it back in 2013
Fuck the Palestinians
Honestly I don't care at all about that shitty wasteland. I don't know why people care so much, stop sending money to the region, spend it on your own people, there is no reason to help either Palestine or Israel or any sandnigger infested shithole.
They also have to escape Muslim organ snatchers before they reach anywhere near the border.
The Brits. Israel was shortsighted. But now the exist, and what do they do now? Take the arab dick and missiles? If they didn't make it a Jewish nation then what was the point? How could it last? On one hand, Jews, and on the other hand, it got many Jews out of Europe and gave said Jews the first real chance at experiencing nationalism unlike the diaspora.
You are talking with jewish history revisionist. Its always just about throwing around some claim allegedly in favour of Jews and pretend they just BTFO everyone off.
Internal consitency with the 101 JIDF textbook revisionist lies, is irrelevant because they just let the thread die when they realize someone actually checked their "historical facts" and critically questions the narrative they try to fabricate. Its just shitposting for the sake of denial and derailing any actual consistent factual story and context.
1) British Land
2)UN propossed plan
3)Egypt and Jordan Land
4)Palestinian Land
I was joking, they have obviously become the monsters they used to validate their state, I'm also not blind, Palestine is not innocent too
get nuked senpai
Hey man I'm not jewish but you think its okay to spread dishonesty like that? like you think you're a good "goy" for throwing your own kin under the bus? Cause you're not. You're a tool.
Local politics is boring
It's just a constant state of Duterte winning and media cocksucking. I recently got interested with Israel because of their Russian relations and the more I find out about it the more impressed I get. Also how much do Lebanese hate Israel?
Yes I'm the revisionist, none of this happened I made up the letters and British war documents
>You are talking with jewish history revisionist.
The entire Jewish strategy on Palestine is revisionism. First it was the entire "Land without people for a people without a land" bullshit. Ask the million plus people there at the time about that "land without people part. Next was to eliminate any remaining reminder of prior local history. Destroy entire towns and villages, and rename anything left over and pretend the town that was there prior, never existed.
Palestine is for being subhuman
The graphic designer.
>Hey how can we get lefties on board? Ooh illustrate the conflict like its deforestation. that'll do.
The name in this whole area is Yisrael! So be it!
Who's in the wrong. The Pallies for sitting on their asses begging for white man scraps. Pallies don't even deserve a chance to retreat to Jordan where they belong.
How long before you understand you, Pallies, have no foot to stand on?
Just get out and understand you have been beaten by a superior people. White people. So fuck Palestine and all their supporters. All 5 of them. Hehehehehe!
You mugs need to read pic related to understand where this shit actually originated from:
>Ottoman Empire literally falls apart post WW1
>winning nations divide it up into protectorates
>send emissaries to try and sort this shit out and see where borders can be drawn along old national / ethnic lines
>all people manage to have their say
>Palestinans attacks emissaries and muh durka diks around with war
>Kurds do the same
>Paris Peace Conference decides "ok fuck them then, they don't wanna play ball, no nation for them"
>Oy veys petition for a Jewish state
>France says no; Bongs and Burgers say yes
>Oyveyland is finded
Palestinians got nobody to blame but themselves for skipping out on a chance the white man gave to every other ex-Ottoman region. Except Turkey, they had to fight for their nation (insert Attaturk here).
>tfw a pakistani paki is more rational than an english paki called anjem.
They just demand Israeli citizenship at this point.
greater Israel when?
>greater Israel when?
True fact: The government of Israel has never published an official map declaring borders.
>be terrorist
>want to nuke Europe many times
>only have one shitty North Korea tier nuke
>nuke Israel once and jew the kikes into nuking Europe for you.
I sand w/ neither but you're an actual annoying fucktarding reprobate