How do we get rid of the of retards from r/the_donald? This board has gone to shit because of it.
Fixing Sup Forums
It's too late for this board, honestly.
You can wait for them to mature, but more retards will come with time. I think the only solution is exodus for new lands
>how to fix this board
Competent mods that aren't leftypol fags. Half of the threads in the catalog every day are obvious bait/slide/shill threads and the mods do nothing.
leafs should go first honestly
Or just accept this new wave of faggot
Sup Forums has never been a place for intelligible political discussions anyway. They're just piss in an ocean of piss.
>TRS closing
>constant media attention
is it really over?
>Competent mods that aren't leftypol fags
So you're saying it's impossible then?
>unironically creating your own little bubble inside of a bubble
>blocking out people that "trigger" you
Fuck off faget.
>impling \b\ was ever good in firts place
i have seen this meme before.
Sup Forumsacks need to start having intellectual discourse and dropping redpills again. The quality of posting has fucking tanked, hard.
He's right though. I've tried to discourage them several times but nothing seems to work. They're like somalian immigrants here for free meme handouts. I just kick it on 8ch more often these days.
You can't. You brought this upon yourselves you fuckwads, you don't get to complain now.
Damn kiwi faggot being right all the time
This board is turning to shit beyond repair ever since Trump go elected. What the hell are you guys still doing on halfch*n?
>implying it wasn't the massively orchestrated astroturf that came with Trumps campaign
>implying it wasn't the_donald
>implying the_donald wasn't setup by literal JIDF
>implying it wasn't the mods
>implying mods aren't jews
>implying it wasn't the fucking jews like it always is
Delete Sup Forums Sup Forums and have the URL redirect to 4*2chan Sup Forums. This simultaneously solves the bandwidth problem for Sup Forums, gives Sup Forums over to better moderators, alleviates all the Sup Forums invasions of other boards, and makes Sup Forums harder to find for shills.
Just beginning
Nope. No Jew blame this time, friend. It's all of your faults. You tugged and stroked and the_donald is the Trumpcummies you've always wanted, only now you realize it's sour and crunchy.
>no Jews to blame
Wanna know how i know you're new?
>posting while balls deep in a sheep
No, please, go on.
You sound like a kike.
WHOA you used a different, more offensive word for jew stop please I can't handle all your wisdom and creativity and brilliance.
So, which barn animals besides sheep do you fuck?
You sound like a redditor AND a kike. Kill yourself already.
This board went to shit when stormfags started invading.
it's too late for humanity.
babbys first Sup Forums experience
Containment board?
they will get bored after a year or so. Or they will shallow the redpill. Right now they are just a annoying presence and they spew their "alt-right" faggotry way too much.
We're fucked. Even if all of us who've realized we've been played and that this whole thing was more kike subversion started to speak up and take over, our side would just be then subverted by the kikes and then our opinions would be twisted and manipulated until they sounded just as retarded as this Reddit-tier donald stuff, and then normies would all change their opinions to ours and act like they thought of it first, and then we'd try to make each other wake up and people would call us shills and liars, and then slowly people would wake up from that subversion and then it would start all over again. This is the world the kikes have trapped us in.
/r/the_donald is cleansing your board of the degenerates. You should be thankful.
As far I know it's CTR and JIDF in here and tranny crossboarders shitposting
You're a loser obviously. Kill yourself.
It's both, it's the kikes that orchestrated this, but it's us idiots that were so eager to fall for it. How dare we pretend to be the enlightened, alternative, truth-seeking side and then be such massive faggots and tumblrinas, and just follow the path of least resistance for our side, which the kikes laid for us?
Australian dude is right, though, you sound like a kike pink guy. Personally I call them kikes because they're not even really Jews.
how would this work exactly? All it would do is that 4*2chan Sup Forums would then be flooded. Maybe the mods would be better I guess.
This is the future you chose.
le praise kek! xD
Gas yourself kike.
Oh look, yet another the_donald memekiddie.
What's wrong with r donald people? Are they not nazi enough?
Its literarily a safe space for muh donald now. Good god, I want actual discussion not jerking off to Trump's shit.
Not even stormfags are as annoying as the current faggots infesting Sup Forums. At least with them you could actually talk about shit and they were never in overwhelming numbers.
also; Stormfags have been here since forever
They have their Trump generals or whatever. Just ignore the /based nigger/ and other garbage threads.
This board has gone to shit because it is thw frontline of the current information and cultural war.
Whether you are serious or ironic, here for politics or just memes, this board is the nervous center of the "alt-right".
So people interested in that will flock here, as well as those who would see it destroyed (like antifa, CTR, JIDF).
We are getting trolled, subverted, etc... from every corner on top of just being flooded with newfags like Sup Forums.
If you enjoy this board, you are "alt right" now.
>muh memes and irony
Too late faggot, you made your bed supporting Trump, now lie in it with us.
they are safe space annoying faggots who follow their surrogate father no matter what.
>not nazi enough?
nothing remotely nazi about them friend. That is not the problem though.
Sup Forums attracts an overwhelming amount of redditors. It wouldn't be so bad if those faggots realized that not every board on this site is Sup Forums.
Don't forget Benjamin Fischbein.
I came from r the_don early during the meme way, I fully agree. The circle jerk is the shittiest part of the board and I like the discussion more than anything
I still stop in there from time to time to drop pills. Faggots whining about "muh free speech" when private businesses decide what they want to sell. Gives me conniptions.
>I like the discussion more than anything
good luck getting them going on Sup Forums with this state we are in new friend.
>The circle jerk is the shittiest part of the board
Yep. I actually miss the fights between Ancap, stormfags, leftypol and the extreme democunts.
One week of liveleak webms
>implying the trump supporters here wouldn't gargle his nasty old balls if they could
isnt that what I just said. That the trump supporters from reddit are fucking naive idiots who would blow Trump if they ever got the chance.
maybe my english is just so horrible that I did not make it clear enough.
No. I meant the supporters here. Sup Forums thinks its so different than t_d but there is no real difference. Here, or there, the end result is that Trump can do no wrong and everything bad anyone says about him is fake and a lie.