Why do so many "alt right" people want to ban pornography? You'd think that a movement filled with internet savvy young men would understand how hard this would fail.
Why do so many "alt right" people want to ban pornography...
Jail the Jewish producers.
You can tell CTR is back by the mind numbingly stupid bait posts.
Hahahaha control left ftw
It's not a lot but there is a faction. The redpill comes in many flavors. The more conserva christcuck edition has some anti-porn energy. Even though I think you are baiting it's important to know the (((ALT-RIGHT))) has no clear motives. It's a collection of reactionary sentiment that's united against PC culture and the establishment.So you'll find anything from liberals who think it needs to burn down to be built up to literal nazis vying for any support they can get.
Part of the way they manage to make the "movement" grow is to not be critical of peoples ideas and thoughts and more rely on that whatever sticks will fit and so on.
Explain to me how that's going to work. You're going to send a SWAT team to everyone who wants to see some virtual tits? Even more retarded than jailing pirates.
"banning" porn is stupid, but teaching about how it robs you of your time, desire and virility is good.
And stop mixing common sense and neo-nazism, projected duality is a weapon of shills (which basically run this board by now)
And the counter-movement knows too little about what it does to dopamine, motivation and ambition. Not to mention the reduction of sex & children. Porn induced erectile dysfunction is a thing and more young men than ever have it. No source because I am hungry.
This ctrl-left Argie shill has been at it since olden days of yesteryear. Only takes a few breaks because he is a casual who canĀ“t hang.
holy shit, this is an automated response
Can we even assess the amount of control shills have by now?
Reminds me of the old bot spams cca 2009-ish with 2-3 legit people per thread of 400 posts.
ban production and distribution, shut down all porno sites
Don lemon has a crippling opiate addiction
New ones will pop up instantly, it's the internet.
Also of course there are always foreign sites.
>You'd think that a movement filled with internet savvy young men
Being able to find your way to Sup Forums and Twitter doesn't make you internet savvy, retards.
The internet was and is built almost entirely by leftists. You know, people who are smart enough to get a degree, write a reputable article or build a computer.
I understand maybe you will never ban all pornograhy but at least access to it will be restricted.
Maybe not internet savvy for real, but compared to the people in government, who have no idea how it works.
For example literally everybody on Sup Forums is aware of the hydra effect and the streisand effect which are ever present on the internet.
i doubt it.
i wonder how many threads are bots with proxies that post inside their own threads for maximum bait or whatever the subject may be.
then again thats absurd to consider, but whats been happening and whats happened before, it is somethig to think about
>bait posts
Sup Forums has always been in favor of banning the "pornographic jew."
internet "savv"y men understand why this is a broblgdanov
More than we think I guess, seeing as how the important or investigative stuff like Assange, Antarctica, pizzagate, debt ceiling, etc. has mighty trouble staying afloat in the sea of nonsense. Have you got any experience with the other chan?
Cigarettes and alcohol ate bad for you as well. One could argue spending time browsing Sup Forums as wasteful too. Might as well ban all these while we're at it.
It causes psychological problems. Look at Sup Forums ffs. Every second post is about bbc and boi pussy.
i dont use any other chans, from what i have heard its pretty much also tons of shit. i just filter and hide all the shitty threads and focus on, i wouldnt use the word learning, but none the less gathering information from all the seperate viewpoints and making decisions of whatever is on hand
David Brock go fuck another pizza and then kill yourself
Anybody who uses the label "alt-right" is a moron.