
I have a question for all the "TRUMP NOT MY KING OF MURRICA" faggots. If you FEEL this strongly about this, why don't you cucks and faggots actually do something about it instead of bitching and whining on the streets and wasting our valuable resources keeping your useless existences on this planet? Do you know what other parts of the world would actually do when they are in the same situation as you faggots are in?
What is your retarded sad excuse? It's not like Calexit movement is not there. All you retards have to do is join and push calexit and make it happen, ALL of the ground works had been done for you faggots. So break away from this "WORST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD" and make a new one so you cucks and faggots can install your idol and goddess, shillary, as the "rightful" king.
Seriously SJW faggots and cucks, what is your excuses for you not to take part in calexit? Answer me.

get off your ass and prove to the world that you are no push over and make calexit happen you fucking leftist faggots

We go right, they go left into the sea

Cant we justcutoff eater from the Colorado river?

you get LEFT behind califags, good luck managing those earthquakes without federal assistance though, I'm sure the dregs of the third world you've imported for votes will help out and not eat you and your dogs when push comes to shove

Its total liberal fantasy, but its pretty hilarious.

>fags leave the union
>its now near impossible for shitlibs to elect a Democrat again
>America is now significantly whiter again
>silicon valley would leave California and relocate, probably to Texas
>California utterly fails as a state within a year

Uppity fag leftists actually think its a good idea too. Hilarious.

>what is physics
god damn MURRICA schools

We've been through this before, and I'll say it again: none of these twink faggots would ever pick up a gun for their cause, should they actually go through with their idiotic plan. I live in the Silicon Valley, and I encounter these idiots all the time. They're all bark, and no bite.

I don't think they understand that secession comes with an open declaration of war.

Why are you asking Sup Forums? ask on reddit fag

>including blacks and hispanics in every metric of our schooling
>if we had demographics like poland we'd be 1 or 2 in the world
really makes your peanuts vibrate

Ya seriously, I really want to live somewhere warm. I can deal with the left in cali, we have the same shit here. Can we convince California to become a new province in Canada?

I doubt this. Anyone in the tech sector in Texas is waayyyy over paid. I did recruiting for an agency for some time and they make stupid amounts of money

>Cali leaves
>immediately porto reeko
>flags dont change


>leaf can into American geography
At least you tried.

>no one wants to
are sjw even bother trying anymore? almost every nigger there want race war

Didn't Lex Luthor try this already?

>you can just make a river stop flowing or massive amount of water from running

The colorado river flows into CA and provides ther water.
Loyal American water for loyal american citizens

>You can't divert or dam a river.

Wew lad.

Califucka will never exit the Union.

You actually can redirect rivers and throw up dams so the fuckers get a trickle.

>comic books are real
no wonder MURRICA is going to be ded soon

Make Lake Powell Great Again!

When USA do something right, California do something left

>this retard thinks dams just stops water completely and "divert" river means they can make rivers go uphill
see pic


Calexit feels so deliciously ironic after Leftists have spent decades mocking Texas and Republicans generally as being pro-secession like "the confederacy" to escape Democrat tyranny, when in reality the Democratic Party has always been the party of nullification and secession and the Republican Party has always been the party of the union.