Sup Forums, when will we strike back against the antifa scum and the whores?
Sup Forums, when will we strike back against the antifa scum and the whores?
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nothing is stopping you.
Spencer is a weak willed faggot. He just wants attention.
If he truly believed in what he spoke he would fight back. If I voiced my opinion and someone punched me for it you best believe they are going to get hit or woman.
He's a spineless loser.
Never because you're little faggot nerds living out your fascist fantasies on an anime forum.
Patience Senpai they will kamakazee themselves
Nobody cares about your paid psyops actor
Why are libs trying to meme this Spencer guy
Who the fuck is he?
I want to murder this retarded cunt.
Pretty much this. If one of these little antifa dildo takers ever lays a finger on me I'll go fucking nuclear on them.
i could go punch some bitch but that's not good enough. i want an organized attack on a national level. i want to see the bodies of thousands of antifas left unburied in the streets. i want these subhumans to be punished for their traitorous behavior.
Antifa has fallen into all the traps that have been set for them. Everything has gone perfectly to plan.
no he didn;t its the same incident. Who are you trying to fool leftypol shill
Honestly we should start an operation in retaliation. Lets call it
This will never happen. They scatter like rats when the shit hits the fan.
That's the biggest problem I have with Spencer. Punch back and they will take off or start to yell for the police. It truly is amazing.
she's one of those stupid whores who thinks getting passed around and fucked by niggers is "empowering". absolute scum of the earth.
>dinky dick white nationalist who bandwagons muh alt right gets punched in the face repeatedly for his efforts
Literally fuck Spencer, he tried to harness a political movement for his own personal gain and got wrekt.
is a LARP'er doing it for money.
>implying you'll ever leave your ecochamber
>implying you'll ever leave your basement
One last time fuckers, we like Trump ironically for the kek. We're not literally retarded enough to actually support him unironically.
I can't wait for when he gets his security detail with shoot first orders.
He is doing it for the money, his problem and we are not his army
If he can't defend himself, or take appropriate measures against this, he isn't worthy of leading anything
stop roleplaying queer
The only thing you have shown yourself to be is an idiot. You seriously think the smart thing to do is fight back when surrounded? Good luck with that.
richard spencer is the most obvious COINTELPRO operation in history
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
Even if you think you're joking, antifa and normies can't and won't see it that way.
Ironically or unironically, you supported Trump. You made your bed, now you and the rest of the "only here for the memes" crowd have to lie in it.
You're with us now faggot.
I love seeing the Sup Forumstards pretend they can take on a crowd of antifa.
The slow push for acceptance of violence against the "right".
What do you think the end game is here guys?
What an embarrassment
Just take your AR15...
another case of leftist politics being literal anarchy and terrorism
When we finally have enough woke niggas to assemble an army.
never just like your "race war". You people are far too pathetic to actually do something
>let me 1v10 black block
>let me fight back after getting sucker punched
>let me get into a fight as carrying the title of "le ebool nazi"
what could go wrong
I don't care about Spencer. He's a raging faggot.
nice meme arrow friend haha and u attached a funny image u must come here often
Yeah, you Internet tough guy would stand your ground in his situation. The peacful non-white libtards were chasing him like you see in the mob beatings in Africa... (which usually end with a few cobblestones against the head and a burning tire around your neck)
Shut the fuck up
He's been doing this since atleast 08, back then this board was sharting around with Chanology and the majority of Sup Forums voted for Obama.
>not being armed
This. Fuck that faggot, just another limp wristed cuck trying to ride the wave and get attention. Hope they keep smacking him.
>Spencer makes an appearance
>Spencer makes another appearance
>Spencer makes another appearance
It's almost like they don't even realize that they keep losing.
You guys are pussies who don't do shit except go on autistic shooting sprees and even then you literally kill yourselves at the end
Also, why directly fight antifa back? We have the LAW on our side. Should they try something so heinous, they'll get arrested, charged with felonies and sent to prison for YEARS.
Do as Jesus said, turn the other cheek, be the bigger person, and laugh as these degenerates go to prison and ruin their lives permanently.
That will accomplish absolutely nothing besides giving you an adrenaline rush for the 15 minutes you're shooting.
No (You) wouldn't (You) LARPing faggot
If I lived there, I would wear a pepe shirt just so a antifa nigger would get triggered so I could wreck his shit.
How antifaggots are even a threat in US lol. Here in popand they are so minor because our right-wing movements and football hooligans kicked their shit in so hard nobody reveals that they are antifa anymore. We got a saying "Antifa, łowcy hiva" which roughly translates to Antifa, the hiv hunters. Everyone knows this saying here if i ask them about antifa. You should be doing the same, Amerocans, i know you got it in you.
> if theyre trying to shut you down it means youre doing something right
I see what he is doing. Easy PR for the undecided.
It doesn't really seem like you need to strike back at Antifa.
US cops are doing a great job beating the shit out of them and charging them with felonies.. and those who escape the beating end up getting shot by other Antifa
Richard Spencer is a nobody. How he became famous is beyond me, but he doesn't deserve the attention he gets. I hope he keeps getting sucker punched
I don't like Spencer either but you went for the 'little dick' card so it's hard to take you seriously.
thats is exactly what it is
>Turn your opponents into martyrs by repeatedly assaulting them, turning your more moderate opponents more extreme
>Assault random people too, just for good measure, turning centrists to the side of your opponents
How do people fall for this shit every fucking time? History just repeats itself endlessly.
This guy knows what's up. Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.
Thank god I can conceal carry. These antifa are getting out of fucking control and I'll have no problem stepping in if they are harassing/assaulting someone.
Got my gf a saturday night special. She is a lot more vulnerable as a sane traditional woman (a crack addiction is less expensive compared to what she spends on antique bakeware and knickknacks from post WW2 era.
>being this mad
Everytime Richard Spencer gets punched, Hitler smiles
Don't follow those that have accomplished nothing other than get the media to make them famous. Spencer isn't even a war vet
>hitting people in the face will help your political cause
That´s retarded, you will allways loose supporters or people on the edge of the fence if you do it.
The spencerfags know this and know that they aren´t strong enough yet,
They will grow with this.
It's an embarassment really
Because extremists are dumb people. Extremists in general, not their leaders.
Reminder that if you think that sodomite enabler doesn't deserve to get beaten up, you hate your country.
When will you rightist faggots actually stand up and fight for what you believe in like the leftists? Fucking pathetic.
>Spencer thread
>guaranteed 300 replies
STOP responding to this faggot's threads.
Anytime someone brings up Spencer whether as an OP or just a response, ignore them. Let's see to it that no Spencer poster gets a single reply.
I'm libertarian but if I was white nationalist I would be trying to push Jared Taylor. He isn't a flaming faggot like Spencer is. He's not an adrenaline junkie thrill seeker like Spencer is. He has a shot at communicating with outsiders to some degree unlike Spencer.
This is wishful thinking
Leftists WILL beat you to death if they have the chance
I know you like LARPing as a super tough guy on an little chinese girl cartoon shitposting forum but it doesn't mean that your enemies actually do scatter in reality
Pity Spencer is a WN faggot and /k/ can't send McNiggerator to defend him, like it did with Clive Bundy.
Why don't he make an appearance in a concealed carry stand your ground state?
nice d&c
I like how the sign behind him says WHITE LIVES MATTER TOO MUCH.
zo dolerant
They're not, really. Trump won't protect their brownshirt mobs like Merkel does, and if they keep playing the knock-out game like a bunch of niggers then one of these days some of them are going to get shot by a hothead who fights back.
None of you ever will :^)
>We have the LAW on our side.
No you don't,those antifas cunt never go to prison,you got to have to fight back there is nothing else you can do.
This is clearly fake and gay
> If I voiced my opinion and someone punched me for it you best believe they are going to get hit or woman.
Too bad you're all such fucking pussies you never will voice your opinions LOL
Yfw when Spencer embraces his true form
we need a new religion that teaches the lessons fro m the past 2000 years.
I like Trump but I don't like Spencer.
I don't even get triggered by white nationalism. I just really don't like Spencer.
>doing anything alone without being surrounded by thier hugbox buddies
You are funny user.
I'd pick David Duke and/or Don Black
Did any of you listen to stormfront radio this morning?
Daily reminder that some antifa weakling got killed in one punch by a french skinhead a few years ago
>pull knives on nationalists voicing their opinions
>get stabbed by your own knives
The majority of THIS community voted for Obama? Glad I didn't start using it until this election cycle, jesus fuck.
pol will not fight back.
Right wing people are inherently non violent.
Only progressives are brave enough to risk injury/death/arrest by engaging in violence.
WHen's the last time you saw the right accomplish anything?
Didn't think so
Now that it has become a meme to punch him and protestors are going to try it every time they see him, he just needs to start carrying a gun and claim self-defense.
Wow, shitty fallacy, Spencer lover.
>He thinks the "fags r hwite" Chealsea is a strong independent womyn" piece of shit isn't the enemy within.
Congrats, you hate America.
I bet you haven't told s single person outside of your Internet safes pace
I bet you're even afraid to tell your parents
that stupid fucking pic and reply were word for word something a redditfag might say, get out.
>Sup Forums
choose one.
Sup Forums is a hurt-box. everything that goes against public opinion gets replies and starts discussion. this is true freedom of speech.
The way I see it is to just kick back, troll them into another frenzy of creating a garbage can holocaust 2.0 and indulge in the memes and bantz as they get $25k fines and the prospect of10 years in a federal prison
>let me get into a fight as carrying the title of "le ebool nazi"
He literally gave this title to himself; he can feel free to reap the rewards.
If you want to give yourself the title of leader that's fine, but be prepared to defend the title and earn it. So far all he has is behave like a faggot and cater to 16 year olds.
He's a martyr.
I would love that if he shot a antifa bitch to set a example for everyone to follow, too bad he is controlled opposition just to make us look weak and powerless.
Nobody is falling for your slimy trick there, Spencer faggot.
How many rape gangs have you participated in ahmed?
Except it's probably more for the thrills than for the money.
How come you faggots are not organizing right wing death squads? You fucks have guns and big cars, what are you waiting for?
I don't like Nazis, but I also don't think punching people is okay- if one side gets that power, the other side does too.
However, is Spencer an actual white supremacist? Lots of people say so, but I can't find any proof. Anybody got quotes/links?