>muh western values
>muh traditional women
Sup Forums permanently btfo.
You just voted a gold digging whore into the white house. Lol congrats cucks
>muh western values
>muh traditional women
Sup Forums permanently btfo.
You just voted a gold digging whore into the white house. Lol congrats cucks
But seriously, we can't let this whore get the nuclear codes
I mean yeah the dude is doing everything he promised and is basically my exact political ideal, but you can see his wife's tits so basically I'm a democrat now.
>slut shaming
Grow up.
the electoral college was created to prevent people like that from being the First Lady
I'm ok with giving my own people more leeway than the enemy
Oh honey...
theres a pic of chelsea clinton literally spreading her gash to the camera
but isn't she just a strong liberated woman experiencing her sexuality
I dont even care if a meteor hits this planet anymore
>muh classy first lady!!
>Michael Obama
>some man that larps as a woman
>mummy suitable for cummies
>gave birth to the living embodyment of Sup Forums
>leftists love all sorts of degeneracy
>suddenly become puritans when it suits their agenda
seriously just fuck off
Oh, look, a tolerant liberal slut shaming Mrs. Trump. Please, tell me more about hypocrisy.
Atleast shes not a monkey
No one voted for Michelle just like no one voted for Melania.
>Sup Forums btfo
Im sure a lot of us come here just to rip on liberals, but nice to see how fickle they are as long as it's in spite of conservatives.
>the party of slut walks and sexual freedom is not pearl clutching for sexual conservatism
>because I'm on the political left I can't make fun of whores like our first lady
I've always slut shamed and won't stop now.
>first lady a literal prostitute
>president has children from 3 women
>he's white
Kek, if the Obama's were like the Trump family they would be ROASTED endlessly.
not even a good bait thread
i'm actually dissapointed
>two virtuous, upright daughters
They're trashy as all hell.
if u want my attention pls spread this meme uncensored.
wtf i hate models now
>mike obama
>not proud to be an american
>want to be the next first lady
Stop living in the past user.
Stop slut shaming!
>advocating for the son of a nigger loving whore, literally
All women are depraved sociopaths.
Democrats need to occupy my dick
It's funny when I read in the magazines about female athletes posing for nude photos, women who have given birth showing their scars etc., then it's empowering and brave. When I read about Melania showing her body she's a whore.
underrated kek.
Gold diggers>feminists
At least gold diggers are attractive and will have sex with you, feminists are 100% useless.
Isn't she from one of your tiny little countries in Europe or something? She's represents you guys too.
Did they forget Obama's mom did porn with lesbians too? And that the pornographer is likely Obama's real dad?
If Michelle Obama did that we would all have got PTSD from the pics
It's not even feminism that's the biggest problem with Michelle. It's that she was on the same side as her husband in all those "If I had a son it would be like Trayvon Martin" cases.
People who think posing for nude pictures is worse crime than defending murderers and advocating for racial and gender divide need help.
I'm sure her being able to do this without being beheaded is about western values.
eh, libs are much bigger hypocrites
I thought slut shaming was wrong and that this was empowering to women?
It's honestly not that bad. If she's hot and she gets paid big bucks to pose naked who cares. If she did porn that's different or if she is an actual slut that's different , but just nudes are pretty weak indicator of degeneracy.
No, I don't think the Obamas are unclassy. I never did. I just never liked Obama's policies.
I dont mind if other mens preferences regarding women are different then mine. I really dont care.
I want a faithfull loving wife who never in her life will think about another man in a sexual way and will never leave me. I want to be the same for her.
If someone wants a doll, let him.
Melania Trump is a self-made millionaire who spent her first 13 years living in a state-built concrete housing block, and lived through the Yugoslav Wars.
Michele Obama is an upper-middle class white girl from a nice neighborhood in Chicago.
Melania gets a few passes. Michelle does not.
Are you body shaming Melania? Why is she as a woman not allowed to express her sexuality, stop oppressing her.
>get used to it
>Look, I'm all for sexual empowerment through public nudity
>But not when they're actually hot, that's racist!
So this is what desperation looks like
Tastes delicious
I don't get it, isn't this exactly what you cry about all the time? Women expressing their right for being slutty? She's slutty, The Emperor does his job better than his former-it's a win win, stop bitching about everything and die
That's what happens when you send someone else's 15 year old daughter to Mexico for Spring Break.
Obama was a coke dealer in college, and a faggot his entire life.
These things need to come to light, because the demorat party needs to be extinct.
if michelle obama had photos like that out
i'd be plucking out my eyeballs
>Michael Obama
Are you even trying?
occupy my asshole, democrats
>Michelle Obama
You mean Michael?
>slut shaming
I thought the left was against this.
Well she did win the popular vote.
Were is the uncensored version?
are you even trying?
I knew you liked being pegged!
this is fake.
>artistic nudity
>somehow shameful
Yeah, nej.
you act like racism is a bad thing, cuck
"artistic nudity" is a liberal code word for "pornography" you're retarded if you believe this photo isn't shopped.
shes not a slut you hillary shill this photo is fake
We finally have a reasonable female role model in the white house.
Here's another one who gives a shit
>B-b-but republicans would do it too!
Sick of this fucking argument. Michelle received no criticism from conservatives, and a monkey picture on Google caused an uproar. I'm sick of this deflection where liberals act like republicans would do the same thing, like there were people rioting at Obama's inauguration or attacking Obama supporters. Had Clinton won, I guarantee you wouldn't have seen all the bullshit you saw this weekend
They are the hypocrites for slut-shaming™ someone just because she's the wife of a politician they demonize.
fake news
>that boobjob
she was so much hotter before
>calling the first lady a slut
ctr confirmed. fuck off. photo is shopped.
It's 2017, you bigot. Who made you the moral authority? The religious left strikes again!
If Michelle Obama had pics like this, I would never stop vomiting
moochelle is a tranny you faggot.
>The right is only allowed to slut shame
I didn't vote for Melania
Tell me about it, brother.
But Obama is black so drawing attention to this is racist.
Wew lad.
I would vote for a faggot if they were pro-free market and pro-liberty generally.
Not giving OP the (You) he so badly wants.
Remember to sage.
conservatives hate obama and his family,another example of why we consider liberalism a mental disorder
not to mention,barack obama was a gay nigger who sucked cock in a bathhouse
the left are all godless atheist perverts you fucking retard.
>choom gang
>bathhouse barry
>his white communist mother was a pornstar
but i guess this is ok because hes black and liberal isnt that right democrats
If you wanna bring up the past
Bring up how Clinton called blacks "superpredators"
Or how Hillary defended a rapist
Or how she covered up for him
Or how she laughed at the victim
Compared to a woman who takes money from countries with horrid human rights records and Idolizes a woman who threw her own country down the toilet?
I would say Melania is less worse than Hillary.
I'm into having a milf be our first lady. I don't give a fuck what she accomplished. It's not like she's running the country. People are so fucking petty.
No, we're the tolerant progressives in this timeline, user.
>"Don't judge women for nude pics!"
>"judge women for nude pics!"
Feminists need to be culled from the rest of the population.
modeling pictures from 30 years ago
no one cares
"But if Michelle..." Shut the fuck up. No one would have ever taken nudes of that Ape
On the other side, I bet Bill would do the job of the First Lady better than any First Lady before
Is that Chernarus?!
>If Michelle Obama had these photos in her past...
I would vomit
It was either melania as first lady or Bill Clinton as first lady, who is more smuttier? Exactly.
I think there's a big difference between posing for tasteful nudes and snorted coke and sucking twenty dicks at a party.
You have no idea how correct that picture is. If I ever saw a picture of Michelle Obama naked you bet id want to forget it ever happened. But im not sure about the forgiving part, I guess everything has a price.