Is he becoming too aggressive with this? What will happen when he goes up against the Chinese?!? Oh god...
Is he becoming too aggressive with this? What will happen when he goes up against the Chinese?!? Oh god
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A US-China WWIII is good for Europe since it would be fought in the Pacific.
A US-Russia WWIII would be bad for Europe since it would be fought in Europe.
And since I'm in Europe, I support Mr Trumps anti-China pro-Russia policy 100%.
Norkor threatens to nuke its neighbors and people pay them not to. I think we'll be fine for cancelling a meeting
they will all bend the knee
>of jobs and companies lost.
What did he mean by this?
Just invade mexico, plunder it, and use that wealth to build a wall in the southern border with the rest of latin america.
Fucking the Chinese is his end game.
That tweet is a continuation of another tweet.
I work for a steel mill that supplies defense contractors with exotic alloys. I hope we go to war with somebody. Business has already started picking up.
He's going to end up getting in trade wars with everyone as a foreignpolicy and tied up in an avalanche of lawsuits domestically. This moron and his simple minded, goose stepping sycophants think he can just strong arm any opposition with executive orders. What a fucking idiot.
It worked for Obama
Calm down, Toronto. Trudeau will soon bend the knee and you will be bending over backwards to justify everything Trump does.
i want war with mexico so bad. Please God make it happen.
I actually would love it if this happened but they already invaded our country once and they only took what they wanted
>Americans want to be drafted and thrown in the meatgrinder of war with China
>Americans want to kill this because they love their daddy Trump
WW2 would have been perfect if it was only US vs Japan
Europe ruined everything. Of course then it wouldnt have been a world war technically just a Pacific rim war
I love exotic alloys.
I don't. Russia is authoritarian piece of shit, so are Russians, Ukranians, Belarus and most Poles. I look forward to the future of big and strong EU, China and America.
I cant wait till they start attacking the wall builders
shit is going to get good fast
>Is he becoming too aggressive with this? What will happen when he goes up against the Chinese?!? Oh god...
Mexico is not China, mexico is shit and you can easily bitch slap it when you want to.
No we wanted way more but the gay ass slavery question ruined it
The meeting has been cancelled
I'm not even concern trolling here, I do think he's being too aggressive right now.
If he is a semi-smart business man he simply plays his position. The more dominant you are over your counterpart the more aggressive you can play your hand.
with China the US is pretty much at eye level and he will behave accordingly unless he is a arrogant moron (which he might be)
china will get fucked basically. Who do you think they sell to, and the fact that we do not need cheap goods they provide.
>I'm watching Britain march into the future
>whilst simulataneously watching trump destroy America with 140 characters and a toupee
Kek. Is there any more cucked nation that the USA?
Nice concern trolling, faget.
We would be using most of Europe as a base of operations.
>reduced from an empire into a sad rainy island in 100 years
I just feel sorry for you guys
>strongest economic market in the world
>strongest military in the world
>cant do what it wants
Yeah okay
I looked into it, it takes at least a year to withdraw from nafta. There are a LOT of things that could happen until then.
no worries
>exotic alloys
ravioli ravioli
give me the formuioli
Not really, Mexico actually has everything to loose apart from some farm land they can get back for their own benefit, but most of the cash flows from US into Mexico. Plus the wall which will damage Mexicos cartels which are tied to the government in many ways, Mexico is literally fucked if they play nasty with Trump.
what is mexico going to do. they have no leverage... that is what this is forcing them to recognize. China _does_ have leverage...
We literally wont be fighting any wars, you moronic meme children. Trump runs on an isolationist platform of regulating trade and handling domestic issues first.
Unless fucking attacked, we arent gunna be pawns in some global conflict. Russia is Europe's problem. Middle East and Africa is Europe's problem now. And China is a bleeding, beaten horse that may have an economic collaspe in the near future. And China is fucking Asia/Russias problem to deal with.
Hes daring the Mexican plebident to cancel the meeting, which would bring Trump to put on the table that the US will be leaving NAFTA and a harsher illegal immigrant policy.
Their regime is propped up by us. If we sealed the border and ceased trade, they'd crumble and undergo a revolution, which is what they need. These people need us, we don't need them.
>We literally wont be fighting any wars, you moronic meme children.
>We will destroy ISIS
so how is Trump gonna do that without a war ? I agree with your statement but he said he was gonna defeat ISIS in his speech so that kinda contradicts what he was saying about not being part of global conflicts.
If you're scared of the Chinese you don't deserve that flag above your post.
I don't know what timeline you're in, but Trump's hair is genuine, just like his campaign promises.
I don't care how many spicy tears Mexico cries, the wall will go up.
>implying you can do anything without America's help
welp, you got him there, must feel good
GREAT North America when??
After Trump Annex Mexico Canada is the next one.
Damn it sound cool
No, Mexico is in no position to demand anything or act nasty.
I hate Trump and I love that he's going all out. The more unstable he gets the quicker the rest of the government will need to apply their intervention measures.
i pacific rimmed your mom last night
>What will happen when he goes up against the Chinese?
He will win. As he always does. They will bend knee to him.
But who knows what he needs to do to get them there
That's the Rotherham motto
>Is he becoming too aggressive with this? What will happen when he goes up against the Chinese?!? Oh god...
It doesnt matter to him that they wont turn up. He has called their bluff. He knows exactly what he is going to do.
Now he gets to Trump them in a way that shows the world what happens when you go up against Trump.
Fuck you mexico you already invaded and started slaughtering us in our homes and public. Youre goverment shoots our border guards from helicopters our government gives them, with guns and ammo given to them.
Fuck mexico. We should declare war and napalm the whole fucking country.
You sound just like your father.
He is going to live by "reputation spills less blood" but first he has to spill Mexican blood. Costs him nothing.
>Is he becoming too aggressive with this? What will happen when he goes up against the Chinese?!? Oh god...
It's about time the American President went back to acting like he's the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet, because he is. There's no wringing of hands when dealing with Mexico, or China.
Get the fuck out of my country you fucking coward.
You're our mother. Deal with it.
Guess who the manlet is meeting next week. Gazprom just announced yuuuge investments into our oil industry.
>I want people to die so the business I work for profits.
kys selfish scum
You can't out-negotiate Trump. They will all lose.
How much does she cost for 30 minutes?
Trump is so manly holy shit.
Are you saying that the people of the world are hot headed and have short tempers and are going to go to physical war just because we don't let them take advantage of our market anymore?
Seems like a very racist thing to say.
so so far we have flames on the side and big machine gun every 20 ft. now we need flamethrower on the back, and big n-bomb strapped to the bottom.
nothing will happen to the US.
China will suffer, but they are use to it.
Trump has been a perfect president so far!
we really have no need or want for anything else in Mexico. We are done with them.
He talks big but never follows through. Retards here used to think he'd jail Clinton. He didn't, nor will Mexico pay for the wall
It pays to seem crazy and unpredictable, really.
implying she won't be dead soon anyway. BTW, how did this one survive her first few minutes of life? Don't they typically throw the female babies in the trash?
>tfw Donald Trump will never dominate you in bed.
The Mexican president has cancel ´d the meeting. this would let him look weak so he decides to cancel the meeting to show that he has any kind of power.
trump is getting more and more pathetic and desperate.
What a jome of a man.
Cant run his family, cant produce a healthy child and now cant lead a country.
Not aggressive enough.
don't fuck with USA, we set the rules, even if mexishits are too dumb to admit they need the fucking wall:
> b mexishit: spend 300 BILLION fighting drug war
> offer to build a 10B wall and end drug war
Alternate timeline. That ship has sailed.
croats are ok
they used to be subhuman
now they are ok
better than mushits.
t. Roach homo.
>big and strong EU
You forgot to mention how cucked by SJWs they are.
How it works:
> oh wall, maybe I don't come
> ok please wait, we were just playing to our media
> please mr president
> por favooooooooor ok we build the wall
De-sanction Russia, let the other red white and blue handle them. Ez pz.
Mexican government is ran by the cartels. They don't want a wall or to renegotiate NAFTA because they want to bring in drugs into the United States. No client, no profit.
Tungsten? Cobalt? Lithium?
Give me some exotic names you naughty metalman
Hahaha I may hate your shit hole of a country but your bantz are good.
Shit Donald you don't want too many enemies
You're literally retarded.
Remember this guy can deploy Nuclear Weapons.
>Nuke Mexico
>No Wall Needed
>Save Money
Do it, Donald.
Don't understand why people fear the Chinese, we would probably win the war within 2 months.
Air Craft Carrers
>US -19
>China - 1 from Soviet Era
Military Aircraft
>US - 13k+, also designed the B2 stealth bomber back in 1978. Own more than 90% of Anti High/Tank/Personal Helicopters
>China - 2k, barely build their first stealth fighter a few years ago.
We would fucking shit all over China, Muh Billion people. Yeah how will they feed them when we send Tomakhawks at Dams, critical agricultural farms and other areas of interest. Also many of them are anti government, if we could get around 5% of them to support our ideology we could fund them to start a rebellion. Too fucking ez m8.
Trump accomplishments so far:
-Alienating allies NATO & EU
-Bowing down to Putin
-Pissing of China
Actually we wanted Baja and much of northern Mexico but President Polk's peace negotiator disobeyed orders and let Mexico keep far more clay than we occupied.
>current year
>superpowers going to conventional war
>starting a rebellion in china
lel don't you kids have school?
Just place a 10℅ tax on money transfer to Mexico.
More like watching muslims march into your wife's vagina
>tfw no qt Chinese wife
>I don't know what I'm talking about post
>Bringing up aircraft carriers