Steve Harvey owns Asian masculinity fags

LOL. Check this out.
It's from a couple days ago, but already has half a million views. Look at all the comments: it's all butthurt Asian men trying to act oppressed.

Other "prominent asians" like that fag from Vice (Eddie Huang) have responded. He tries to act like Asians are oppressed, even though they make 20% more than the average white-American.

Also notice how he complains about the "emasculation of Asian men," yet he simultaneously tries to emasculate white men and sexually objectify and fetishize their women. Asian men are such hypocrites. Tfw you realize Asians are just smarter, smaller "muh dick" dindus.

Other urls found in this thread:


muh fifth column

I've liked him since he BTFO atheists on Fox.


If you're Asian and want a white woman you got to make a lot of money, that's the only way.

If Asian men want their women back they should help in fixing white women, then all the white guys wouldn't have any reason to go for Asian girls.

Only problem with Steve Harvey is he let's his wife cuck him. He wanted to go to the inauguration but his wife wouldn't let him


>all that damage control from Asians in the comments, pretending they're whites and patting themselves on the back


Fucking niggers lmao.

Look at these guys and tell me you wouldnt fuck them no homo

Black guys are so fucking disgusting btw.

i bet that more white women are attracted to asians then to niggers.

>hahah looks like we're on a date
Damagecontrol, women would fuck at any point given the chance, their lives revolve around in the now


deret this

Why do black people hate asians again?

based Jackie Sup Forums please fuck my bitch

I don't think they do on principal, Steve was just bantzing.

what is that?

The thing is, Asians became 2 billion strong by breeding at a faster rate and sending their women to other tribes living in SE Asia and Siberia who didn't look Asian.
"Asian masculinity" guys should just embrace the fact that they are undesirable and focus on promoting WMAF and BMAF while simultaneously protesting the low birth rates in Asian countries and immigration restrictions.
This would be a rational plan for Asianizing the world, autistic schreeching about masculinity gets them nowhere.

Sexy asian men.

Steve Harvey is one of my favorite niggers.

Those comments


Because Asian migrants go into poor communities and become relatively sucessful by selling liquor to stupid black people
Then black people blame their poverty and lack of success on the Asians, and not being dumb and bying liquor
Asians hate blacks for being dumb and loud

Chink here, asianmasculinity is a joke

im gonna jack off to that video.. are you okay with that?


>It would have been better if the boy was Asian

>Why is it always a white guy. Can't it be an Indian or black guy for once?
Love April by the way!!!

>Why are newer kpop videos featuring girls fantasizing over a white male? Where's the black love?


much salt

Playing the victim will only garner you sympathy if you are jew or female.

That is why Richard Spencer has failed.

Trump will help Harvey enact his final solution to the yellow problem

Pic related

My favorite are the ones from ""white women""

Holy shit
Literally how will asianmasculinity faggots ever recover from this asshole-reaming of a lifetime?
They'll be spamming cuckold shit and nigger dicks for the rest of their lives to compensate for this.

I want that.

this shit has always been hilarious to me

like, niggers can always point to fat coalburners and shout "HOWCHU FEEL BOUT DAT WHITE BOI ALL WHYTE BITCHES LOVE MUH DIK" but gooks just don't have the option.

imagine being below even niggers

just gold diggers looking to get their hands on that sweet chinese sweatshop money

They were mad at steve harvey because they obviously didn't know he was a stand-up comedian before being a talkshow host and game show host.

He said the same type of jokes all stand-up comedians say.

Asians paid a hundred bucks a seat to hear steve say jokes like that, now they're butthurt? Im assuming it's onky a cew asians pissed... and it's probably mostly white liberal virtue signalers, fightinagainst their own racism, that are pissed.

He's just a cuck, he doesn't even want to host his own show no more.

poor chinks

When you live in a multikulti hellhole you soon notice that the minorities don't like the autochtons but they hate the other minorities.
Spics and niggers hate each other, niggers and arabs hate chinese, pakistanis hate gypsies, etc...

because asians prove success has nothing to do with race and black people don't like facing the reality that they are nothing but dindus.


I'd rather have a billion asians around me than even 100 niggers

fuck steve harvey


Niggers can't be racist. Okay? You get that? It's a fucking joke. It's funny. It's funny to people who aren't racist assholes, like YOU!

Asians are probably the only race white liberals will tell to fuck off with their Anti-White bullshit.

around 50% of asian women in the west marry outside their race and more than that date & fuck outside their race before settling down.

asian men are notoriously cucked. I have no idea what happened


Asians are honestly practice gfs for white guys. I had one for a short time, she had a nice body but that "personality" was not likeable. Also she was pretty degenerate, literally fucked a black guy after I broke up with her (she flipped out it was messy). Now I have a comfy outdoorsy anglo-american gf

Man college was a gook fuckfest for me. Good times.
There was this one Chinese chick who was like 4 ft tall, it was like having a sex doll and she loved being carried around and put into all sorts of positions, like hanging her by her feet as she sucked me off upside down.
Only white women now though. At least I still have the videos when I get that yellow fever feeling.

Imagine being a 6"5 Aryan in Asia

They treat their women like crap back in their home country and are terrible with being affectionate. Seriously, countries like China and other Asian countries are the only places on earth where the female suicide rate is higher than the male suicide rate. Stop and think for a second how fucking bizarre that is.

LOL David Bond is the biggest fucking villain among asianmasculinity guys

There is a chinese girl in my high school who is like 5' who wants me but all my friends thinks she is ugly af. Should i fuck her?

hoverhand invariant: tiger claw

Asians are intellectually inferior to Whites.

do you want to?

2/10 would bang

Yeah i am horny af. Haven't felt pussy since the day i came out. But i don't think she is hot or shit. I just want to get it over with.


Get her to do your schoolwork if she is smart

In 7th grade there was this Korean girl who had a huge crush on my friend

she used to do all of his art projects for him

yeah dude, totally. I hear their snatch is horizontal and not vertical. Totally true bro.

>on Sup Forums
>bragging about chicks wanting the D

Do it but for fucks sake don't become attached and in a few years post some awful thread on Sup Forums about not wanting to racemix but you love your asian wife.

Geez, why do you think "asian masculinity" is even a thing.

go for it nigga get it in boi

Nah she is lazy af. She is one of those exchange students who was sent here.

I know the reputation that asian exchange students have in America and she is just like that. She has lived here for like 6 years now and her danish is still shitty.

The chink is a fag in pic.

Eh there's lots of ugly Asian chicks out there it's true. In general I'd say that they are uglier than white women. Definitely shorter (but that means more fun to me). The one I'm talking about was a qtpi but I screwed ugly ones too, I basically fucked anything willing in college.

For the experience I'd say go for it. It's fun to carry them around and they love it. All women actually love it but a lot of white women are too big and fat.

Do this to her:

Yeah she also has that asian mustache so i don't think she shaves or shit. Rarely wears makeup and weighs a couple of kilos too much by asian standards. Pretty ugly.

the biggest difference is that with an ugly white woman, there's still a chance she's got a big ass and big boobs. Also white women have puffy pussies, not little slits. They're sexier to look at

stop waiting for the perfect waifu to fall out of the sky and fuck the ugly chick. Your friends will look up to you.

Then do it faggot what are you waiting for? The perfect girl? Protip: she doesn't exist.

Fuck and chuck asian girls in college then settle with a white woman for reproduction. That's what I did.


Go to 44s

steve harvey coulda kept going about the chinese food bit
>you eat it and 30 minutes later you still hungry

r/hapas and that Youtube channel "Eurasian Writer" is 100% anti-white male. They try to conceal it as Asian male issues, yet everything concentrates around finding negative things in white males and positive things in Asian males.

Just look at the anger and bitterness:

>I don't eat what I can't pronunce

top fucking kek

This guys is Pro-Trump so he's based

Thats the problem

They are pretty but pretty in a feminine way. I would fuck them right in their tight little boipussies.

They are not men. Just overly cosmeticized women with feminine penises.

I don't have anything against Asians, but god damn would it be suffering to be one in America

>comfy outdoorsy anglo-american gf
Living the dream user.

>Youtube comments
>My boyfriend is half Polish and half Thai, and his DAD is the Asian one! I have plenty of friends who have white moms and asian dads.

top kek

>asian mustache
Are you sure it's not a trap, bruh?
Most asians are fairly hairless, even the men. She sounds like a 1/10.
No arguments here. Like I said most are very "plain." But when you find a cute Asian girl they are CUTE.

lmao that needs to be a soundclip

Polished drawing doesn't give the same feelings as the original...


>effeminate beta males

also Huang stop using Nordic country's resources.

not really if youre a millenial
asians are cool

t. xiao xi

>She has pic related


No joke, over half of the biggest SJW's I knew in college were Asian girls/guys.

>inb4 westernized gooks

They are left leaning parasites. The only respectable ones are either autistic Japs or based Vietnamese.

Hell, the most conservative person I knew in college was this Colombian kid who grew up during Escobar's shenanigans. Guy was always talking about how we shouldn't even bother imprisoning black men who commit crimes and just kill them on the spot.

Steve Harvey is a national treasure

Asians are bros, stop this divide and conquer shit.

Why white men got triggered so easily with AMWF and Asian men in general?

>He tries to act like Asians are oppressed
Asian men in America are
The women have the free ride for feminism and being non-white going for them but they still get shit on by everyone liberal group there is
Asian men outright get treated just as bad as whites in most cases
t. best friend is a flip and has proved this to me many times

I don't see anything.
If she's got a mustache just ask her to shave it before you two fuck lol what's the big deal?

>White women are too big.
For you.

can you blame them? In the west, half of their women end up marrying whites and more than that fuck at least one white guy

To put it in perspective, only 5% of whites (both men and women) marry outside their race

Imagine if 50% of white women married outside their race, I'm sure we'd be pissed too

Post her pics here and we'll decide for you.

>Asians are honestly practice gfs for white guys.

We don't. We feel mostly indifferent towards them. Although some of us are sick of seeing asian owned stores in poor black communities.

Its like a dog humping at your wifes leg, its just sad and annoying.

I have to agree with the practice gf comment made earlier in the thread.

Viet here
This whole Asian masculinity is lame af.
It is a mix of "I want to fuck white women" and "I hate white men"
Tho I gotta admit that Asian chicks marry and fuck outta their race a lot. Asians are desperate to assimilate into white society (both men and women). However women have it easier with the option of being a slut. Some Asian chicks are white dick chasers. That's why you have a lot of shitty Asian chicks with beta white faggots producing Elliot Rodgers. Tons of supreme gentlemen are in the making right now. I would not be surprised if there is mass school shooting in the future in liberal areas from hapas who are son of white beta and Asian feminist moms.
Kpop is fucking shitty and full of sissy faggots singing some kind of poorly copied US pops.
tbqhwu, I don't know how to fix this. Asian men are poorly portrayed in mass media. Asian chicks already sell out.
Well I already fuck white chicks so I don't care about my own women anymore.