So a week or so ago Ben Swann made a report on CBS realitycheck about Pizzagate which was the first unbiased MSM report which was pretty superficial, but fair.
Since then there is apparently no trace of him and he dissappeared
So was he really just suicided? Did he take cover to avoid being suicided? (((Fake news)))?
>Google declined to provide a listing of the banned sites.
>we will tell you what is real goy >you dont need to know what the lies are, just believe we are telling the truth >dont think critically yourself goyim, we do the work for you and decide whats real
Hunter Cruz
He hasn't posted on Twitter since the 23rd, send him a DM?
Jaxon Johnson
Lincoln Parker
is this the only reason to believe he is missing? does he regularly update his twitter?
This sounds like a job for Sup Forums and definitely can't be swept under the rug if true. Sup Forums needs something to do and has kinda been unemployed since pizzagate. maybe we can get this to catch on, for bens sake at least.
Jason Rogers
Luke Miller
i've sent him a normal tweet with the article asking if he is alright. maybe he will answer. maybe it draws attention to it in case he is a gonner. (i seriously dont hope so as he seemes to be one of the only based journalists who actually does some work for the people
Sup Forums needs to take more action irl and screw some elitists' asses.
Pizzagate must be busted asap. Start working user.
Isaiah Foster
the article sites the daily fucking beast
Grayson Hernandez
Theyre stalling Jeff Sessions as long as they can, we're still holding off until we fill up the cabinet
Isaiah Hill
If he's really missing, pizzagate confirmed for real.
Hunter James
I think he's just suspended by (((management))) and hopefully not suicided.
Nolan Roberts
its confirmed real months ago, even years only under a different name. people just refuse to believe it
Jeremiah Morales
Pizzagate confirmed itself, m8. is ben swann missing, that's the question
you live in Norway faggot.. so what? your opinion shouldn't matter cause you come from a shitty place.. okay..
Jaxson Lopez
It's all true. The worst part of it is that what we do know is just the tip of a very large and ugly iceberg.
Jacob Perry
Jose Miller
Did Hillary have him killed?
Ryan Bennett
Five days does not make one a Missing Person, chaps?
Looking at his fb, he posts pretty much once a week only.
He's also funded by crowdsourcing, which is interesting. Probably the only way a journalist can remain impartial and still be included in the corporate news cycle.
I doubt pizzagate satanists would bump off the only msm journalist reporting on the story. That would draw so much attention to it that it might be taken up by the shills. It's not like the chap broke anything new, anyway. Fair play to him for doing the report, though.
They all do it, "royals" in particular cannibalize and mass murder children by the thousands.
The Age of Aquarius is one of truth. And the amount of poor kids these inbred retards have tortured and murdered and eaten will shockl humanities soul so much that ALL people who pretend to have authority over another will most certainly be killed. Be it the mayor or the president or a so called "Queen"
Ian Parker
As if the former speaker of the house is gonna be put in general population. He's wheelchair bound so he's likely in a med prison
Elijah Baker
how come laura silsby got only 6 months for shildtrafficing of 33 children?
i believe there is already enough reason to do so with them without the whole satanic pedo deathcult going on
He covered the news and was told by the higher ups to dissapear for a while.
And of course this isn't censorship of any kind.
Andrew Campbell
The satanic death cult is what will rally humanity to reject authority in all its forms.
Basically so much evil will be shown, that humanity will be forced to "polarize" and turn completely to the light/good.
They will be forced to accept that they allowed this evil to happen for thousands of years, and their collective guilt and rage will exterminate the satanists/saturnists and get rid of the concept of authority over another sentient being entirely, or at the very least for thousands of years in a "Golden Age".
Zachary Richardson
put in the emails to link it to clinton and her foundation
Bentley Evans
They moved the camera again and the oil price doesn't match the date.
>It's on the voat.
Julian Peterson
Branding somebody a serial child molestor is part of the punishment: that never goes away, and can never be un-applied.
There was probably not enough evidence to convict for longer. The law is tricky to actually stick in these cases, as the prosecution often does not have physical or even circumstantial evidence to back up the witness claims. So they don't risk the higher crimes and stick a whole bunch of lesser ones onto them instead.
Plus he'll have his head kicked in inside prison, which is always an added bonus in these cases.
Nathan Wilson
i hope so, except the golden age was under cronus, which is saturn like moloch and saturn, and there were pictures on alefantis instagramm, or someone affiliated with him where cronus ate pizza (instead of his children, but seeing how they sexualize pizza in their pics he still ate children i guess)
Christopher Robinson
Statute of limitations was expired on the abuse cases. He's in a medical prison, he had a stroke prior to sentencing and is wheelchair bound.
Juan Richardson
Saturn is the God of time (death). The Golden Age was actually "above" Saturn, in that humanity collectively learned to live in the moment, and not crave control and power. Gradually we grew crueler for whatever reason, culminating in institutionalized rape, murder, and cannibalism of thousands of innocent kids. All to gain power, and probably because these depraved lunatics actually enjoy it, or derive sexual pleasure from it.
Why do you think the Podestas have a mural of Jeffrey Dahmer's real cadaver work in Tony's home? These people worship death and consider it "art" to derive pleasure from cannibalism and killing.
They are pure evil.
National Socialism was just the first bump back against their depravity. It was timid as to what is likely to come. They themselves know they cannot stop the wheel of ages. They know they are doomed, and I suspect they will attempt to kill all people not like them in the coming years (WW3 baiting).
Joshua Bell
>that pic i fucking knew the money symbols are some runes or occult symbols. i just knew it.
>16And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, >17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark — the name of the beast or the number of its name.
>so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark you cant buy anything without money, so money=mark of the beast?
>to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, the mark of the beast in on your right hand, symbolically for your deeds, or your forehead, in your mind.
if you only have money in your mind, and only do things for money, you will not get into heaven.
Daniel Perez
especially the WW3 baiting seemed to happen in the last days of obamas presidency. he realy tried to trigger war with them.
agreed with all the rest too
Ian Carter
Convenient. Now if he squeals on his accomplices it'll be written off as brainwrong babbling.
This organized paedo stuff has been going on for years it seems. Maybe it was always going on at the Above The Law level?
I wonder what they actually see in it? Given that they could fuck the shit out of 16 year olds here in the UK quite legally. Why did Prince Andrew risk everything to fuck a blonde fourteen year old grill? That still hasn't been resolved, and the MSM over here just pretends like it never happened these days. They can't explain away this photograph, so they just... stopped reporting on it.
Nathan Turner
they get off by doing stuff and overstepping the limits. the normal guy is satisfied with goin over a red traffic light, starting a fight in a bar, take some drugs. but all that wont do a thing either way, so they have to do something bigger and get away with it.
furthermore the pedostuff is great for blackmail. you get their allegence since noone else will provide kids for them except for you, and if he still wants to screw you over you have videotapes of him fucking kids and sacrificing them.
many of them probably were victims of such abuse themselves making them think its normal (kids that were raped often commit sexual acts to other kids too as they see it as normal then), + a mix of MKUltra
Brody James
>I wonder what they see in it
They're inbred and thoroughly insane.
The actual rulers of the world do not break natural moral laws, they use the psychopathic royals and other filth to do the dark rituals for them, avoiding the brunt of karmic consequence when the Age of Aquarius brings light upon these issues.
There is no why. They are EVIL. It's that simple. They love to torture, to kill, to eat human flesh. Think Jeffrey Dahmer, but all throughout the so called "elite".
Adam Sullivan
>hundreds of people warn Ben to hire private security and avoid small aircraft and hot tubs after his video >he doesn't listen
Why do they never listen?
Thomas Martin
Robert Hall
I heard that cops regularly chill at that gas station across the street ever since CPP was put on the map. Could those just be undercover cops?
Really hoping its the Feds
Ethan Ross
they probably think "(((they))) cant be that stupid to kill me, people would realize the connection"
but they are that stupid, and the people dont realize it. at least barely anyone
he couldve been taken into protective custody, hes not necessarily captured by (((them))). but its still suspicious.
Dylan Ortiz
Julian Lee
lets hope it. but considering that fbi and CIA might as well be in on it (at least the higher ups) its up to debate if he really would be save there
Hudson Rodriguez
Did some research on the washington monument and it's a giant masonic plot to have the monument in that particular place in a particular shape, the originally planed monument was a normal one.
Anyone who studies it, will think that there is an occult connection to the cities layout.
Therefore any edgy crazy satanist will try to make use of it.
Kayden Kelly
oh i didnt mean protective custody by the government
Jack Ramirez
bumping for him to be alive.
Jordan Phillips
the video i posted goes into it, and other sight of DC and streetlay outs. he also talks about the pyramids and how they encoded the speed of light and the size of the earth in relation to the moon in them with an accuracy of over 99%.
spooky shit to be honest realizing how far advanced they must have been, and where they ended. cant help but feel we will end the same
Jordan Allen
Dominic Parker
I like the stories of the last kings, back when the kingdoms were dissapearing and the last one, it's always both a hero and a villain.
The dychotomy produced by the destruction of a rotting empire and the wonders they created.
All indicates that he's alive, but his job it's in danger.
>Hey guys, Ben Swann here... I want to thank everyone who has contributed to the ISIS video crowdfund. Unfortunately, we are not going to be moving forward with that project at this time. EVERYONE who contributed WILL BE REFUNDED THEIR FULL DONATION.
or he is indeed hiding and thus cant make the report on it. we should assume he is alive and dead untill we see him somewhere in person
Levi Ortiz
i wonder why ? what possible subjet could be he covering that threat his job?
Ayden Gutierrez
Oh shit dollars and all american culture and republic is based on Macons ?
No shit Hans, FreeMasons are the one who gave you your freedom you cuck. Please stop getting brainwashed by stupid theories, use your mind.
>inb4 i'm the brainwashed. Most masons I had the chance to encounter had really high moral and were mostly nice with everybody. One even help my parents find a good home when they were getting expelled.
Adrian Gray
Remember Combetta?
Remember what he did?
Where is he now?
That's right
Christian Hernandez
Isaac Garcia
Apparently it's enough with pizzagate.
James Sanchez
Yea, a post is not proof of life, but I am not sure it is full 100% "oh shit" time yet...
Nolan Hernandez
No no no no this can't be fucking real
HE WAS OUR GUY. I remember the threads
Elijah Collins
im not saying all masons are evil, in fact they probably started off as good trying to secure knowledge in times where the church tried to destroyed it. but they have been infiltrated, subverted, and at least the higher ups arent benelovent anymore. washington even wrote a letter about the freemasons being infiltrated.
also they still hold back knowledge in time where they werent burned for witchcraft anymore. why is that? holding back knowledge other than your secret fetishes for traps and furryporn is treason to humanity, and because of that i wont trust any secret society, or someone inside one.
Michael Walker
its not, but its time to keep an eye out for him. happening con 3 i guess
Ryan Price
>missing tweets 14 minutes ago
Jackson Gutierrez
His twitter responds all of a sudden like this? He's already dead.
Brandon Long
>So was he really just suicided?
would not be surprised if he was
Ayden Campbell
>has been investigating the ISIS stuff over a year >first guy to objectively talk about pizzagate in public television >still brings no actual debunking or revelation >goes missing for a couple of days >suddenly announces his project is cancelled
If that doesn't stink I don't know what does.
Brandon Collins
It was about time you started to shill.
Masons are a big organization, with a variety of members and plots over their history.
Some of them have ended goverments,
But my point is that the places, maybe aren't under masonic control, but the symbolic value of the architecture, tne layout of the city, attracts researchers of the occult.
Isn't it?
Luis Collins
Information and knowledge is the most valuable thing for us humans, it's not money or anything else. I don't see why they should give , and don't think people could actually understand, the secrets they are taking back from all. They might have been infiltrated but don't forget that every Lodge has its "secrets" and a corrupted lodge is quickly dismantled, so no harm can be done to ALL masonic lodges.
Also deep inside you know that a separation between the people and the government is not bad if done in a proper way. It has to be done in some way or another or you get people like TRUMP as POTUS/W
Kevin Jackson
Connor Reed
Ser Swann must be found!
Christian Wood
faggot kike shill.
Austin Watson
Ok buddy, why don't you leave the USA and maybe live in China you little fuck.
Justin Perez
bumping again .
remember Shitta le Bugs is a pizzapupet who was rape by his Father.
Connor Adams
do you feel in charge?
Jonathan Myers
lol yea! Will be keeping an eye out! Thanks for looking out for "our-guy" Ben, based German-bro. ;)
Eli Bennett
I don't, I suggest you something because you don't seem to like what I just said.
Angel Robinson
Posted this in another thread but don't want this to get lost. Take a look at the address, 3600 Barham Blvd. That's the Oakwood Apartments.
Camden Murphy
>Information and knowledge is the most valuable thing for us humans, it's not money or anything else. thats exactly why they should share it. but they chose to not do so in order to keep their power. thats treason as the knowledge could benefit all of mankind. anyone who holds important knowledge but holds it back should be shot, since he wont share that knowledge either way there is no loss in that