Since when has propaganda gotten so aesthetically pleasing

Since when has propaganda gotten so aesthetically pleasing.
Pretty sure its called F A S H W A V E

Sharing what i have while waiting for OC


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>stealing vaporwave and synthwave aesthetics


>Just sharing what i saved from other anons
Anyone got the tutorial on how to make them ?

Fashwave is an insult to vaporwave and completely ignores the philosophy of it.

This is pathetic. hAve some fucking dignity you autistic spergs. Plus, how can you go around making jokes about death squads and then get mad when Richard Spencer gets punched in the face? You support murder but not a good manly fist fight because you're pasty puny armed video game playing losers

>Making jokes
This is where you should have stopped for a moment to think it through








Mishima was a faggot though

I don't know his story that well, i just saved the art.

He was alledged to have visited gay bars I believe, but he did have a wife and kids.

I don't care what he fucks, i only care about what he did

privilege is misspelled.

check it

(and these digits, kek willing)

What he did was fuck sexy twinks

I just saved them, thx for pointing it out.


Good thing he's dead then ? idc

>embrace hardship

Jesus Christ these are hideous, I knew you fuckers worshipped satan

>good manly fist fight
>cucked cunt king hits a bloke in the middle of an interview
Oh fuck off mate, this is bait

Have a (You)



You clearly have no eye for the genre. This looks terrible.

You sure showed me

So I like these a lot.


What are they actually being used for? I know you're not printing these and putting them up. Are you sharing them to social media? Or are you just making these for shits and giggles?

I have the png of this btw but file limit size is too low

I just like them, so i save what i can.
Just sharing here because OP asked.


>implying vaporwave hasn't been ours all along

is the aesthete that made this one here? it is my favorite




Why is antifa stealing our æsthetics?

It's everyone's property, they're communists, remember ?

Almost out


Bump these are amazing



David deserves better!

Last one i have


You co opted last year's already long dead A E S T H E T I C vaporwave meme and pretend you're fucking original

I know, over the computer, that you are a fucking loser.

I just know it. You are so cringe that I can know you to your core being by how fucking pathetic this shit is and how cool you THINK it is (and believe others feel the same.)

Everyone is laughing at you and you think it's applause.
