Whats the % of females on /pol

Whats the % of females on /pol

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I wouldn't be surprised if it's close to reflecting real life with a 50/50 split.

The real question is what's the % of female(male) on this board.

im a female so more than 0% you fucking leaf

Dont ask dont tell

>on Sup Forums

I'm thinking close to 50/50 best case but I can see it being 33/66

post pic of feminine penis

you would be suprise from google data it was like 30% and i know some female user who are polacks

Considering the amount I've met on /soc/ that admit they come here, it's more than you'd think.

Also at least half were nonwhite.

Sup Forums is diverse and diversity is strength. Inshallah.

My guess is about 14/88


Fuck off you trans pig.

Trannies don't count.

me i have no one to talk to about politics and when i bring it up with my boyfriend he gets confused and my parents say i get too angry discussing issues so i just get on here

Mentally ill crossdressers arent female

72%, only .0015% if you are counting naturally born females with no surgical alterations

Proof women admire men, and are drawn to those in the know.

I'll take a wild guess of 5-10%

30-50% of therm of them are /soc/ normies or Tumblrwhales who call us bigots, but then get redpilled later on.

And lose weight.

Zero point zero

I am female.

why do you role play faggot

0% until proven otherwise

As it should be. Women are not expected to fight wars so their political moves and opinions carry less consequence.

25%. maybe less. probably less.

Yup. And the majority of the sales I got from when I advertised on Sup Forums specifically were largely female. (They were buying trump hats)

oh you

>women on pol
this meme has to stop

for a board that never has any females a lot of them magically showed up to troll in the same thread

How many women you think are in this thread right now? Post vocaroos, girls, to show how many there are.

is your boyfriend a leftie cuck?

same here but with my girlfriend

cool then im still a female


ok i have already posted a pic of it on tumblr before so here you go :^)

Sadly this person gets it..

1-7% of the lurkers.
1-3% of the posters.

These are conservative numbers.

Just because Sweden has no men doesn't mean you're a woman

>tfw my gf(female) browsers Sup Forums
Comfy as fugg mayne

That's practically a penis, I'm not comfortable saying you're "female"

There is at least one, she was in the hwndu stream with tendies.

Exactly. This is why seeing opinionated women like Ann Coulter (as much as I admire her work) and that other skinny, corpse-like woman on Red Ice Radio just disgusts me. Get back in the kitchen, bitch. What the fuck are you doing telling me what to believe?

Superior sex checking in

I know a Columbian chick who frequents Sup Forums, quite the weeb but hides her power level pretty well.

My fiance is relatively conservative and orthadox, but doesn't do more than lurk /vg/ for the content she likes on this site.

>that proves anything

oh heres mine ;)


that's because women on pol is mostly a meme.
They are pervert guys with weird fantasies. Ignore them.

we already know men are here.


post the real version

We are all women or trans-women on here.
And no one is white except CTR and the antifa posters.

>can't shit in a toilet
>claims any kind of superiority

nice try, pajeet.

>10/10 for originality

if anyone here is actually a woman and proves it i will eat my maga hat

i have two female friends that browse Sup Forums but they are retarded alt lite leftists kinda

bee my poo princess

HWNDU stream confirms

Sup Forums is NOT a white board

Hopefully none. The West needs to be patriarchal to return to it's former glory so women should not be accepted on this board

am i white?

protip: i'm not

Depends how you define women I guess.
>wish they were a woman
Probably 20-30%
>having a vagina
10% tops
>being a pussy
Feels like 80-90% but I guess those newfags are just very vocal so probably 40-50%.

The google data often assumes many women are actually men though because it's based on their interests. You like video games? MARKED AS MALE! It's a dumb system.

then why ask?


(jews are white lets be real)

youre chinese. I can tell by the horrible floor tiles, i see them in china all the time.

>Muh poo
>Muh White supremacy because ancestors with the same level of melanin wuz kangz and shieet
>t. Basement-dwelling NEET or lowly blue-collar trash who feels superior by bashing poorer nations

Almost 0%

Women don't play vidya though

>no feminine penis

that is a feminine penis aka huge clitoris

sweden doesn't have any men but at the same time im not a woman...this means you believe in the xe gender? americuck confirmed

does it count if I'm a superior trap

Are you serious? Do you actually think that there aren't women here? What kind of proof do you want? Are you going to film you eating the hat?

Only an Indian who's had minimal exposure to the internet would think an impact font meme is funny.

just remember, india. when you become the most powerful nation in the world, Sup Forums's candidate called india a great friend. let us destroy the paki scourge together.

why are u grabbin ur dick, ill do that for u

strong projection from the bloated mongrel detected lmfao.

how come you're too stupid to manage shitting in a toilet? i can drop a drop of litter on the floor and an untrained cat can shit in it, but you're such an invalid retard that you literally *can't properly defecate*.

what's it like being a glue eating retard, pajeet?

Are you the user who sells patches?


you just think we are males when we post. if we identify as female, the content of our post is ignored and the fact that we are female becomes the main focus.

If I were to have to make a real guess, say for instance if a cash prize were on offer for the closest answer, I'd say about 1 in 15. 7.5%.

i'm one! i browse pol every once in a while, when i get too fed up with tumbrl/twitter drying discourse, i don't engage with those people but i need something like pol to remind myself that not everyone is a paranoid over socialized liberal plus yeah i might be a nazbol anyway but politics is ugly so i don't participate

They lurk and rarely post


Think it's prolly 10-15 lurkers
5-10% posters.

I've seen a few threads getting a high show of hands.

Also, they pretty much have to leave their gender at their door here. Only Newsluts will make threads about their gender, mostly because they get feelings for senpai and want based men to like em.

Not even.

Hi OP.

Where my shadiladies at?


truthfully quite a few. definitely >40% though, and you'd never know who was female unless they wanted to subject themselves to the venerable 'tits or gtfo' tradition.

We wouldn't even know it. And that's fine.

We shouldn't even have flags desu.

what % of females on Sup Forums, if there are any, have mental issues?

>nazbol italian "female" on the internet on Sup Forums scared of politics

>t. Typical autistic peabrained Trumpanzee brimming with self-pride for being White since he has nothing individualistic of note to be proud of anyway

>>>We shouldn't even have flags desu.

Found the catalan.

>Poe's law detector off the charts

Not many, hopefully. I like cock, woman can fuck off, they steal all the cocks and they're generally two faced cunts

artstation.com/artist/tully They make em

Feminine Penis* Tits or gtfo is a dead meem

most people here are women pretending to be men

We post, we just don't attention whore like tumblr faggots. The point of Sup Forums is a place to post anonymously. Prefacing everything with "I have tits hear me roar" is fucking retarded. Most women on Sup Forums will never reveal themselves. In threads like this, where someone is specifically asking, that's a little different. It's just like hiding your power level.

Dane actually. I'm a filthy expat stealing your money and littering your beaches.

How many times have you been BLACKED?

Same lol. I got my boyfriend to vote for Trump, but he's still too intent on "seeing things from their perspective". Has black friends and thinks I'm a racist. I mean he's not wrong, but I wish he'd see what I see.

solid 0



There are no girls on the internet [pic relevant]

>women on Sup Forums don't exist
No, this meme needs to stop.

Yeah I've seen a few female artists in the industry, but anything else is negligible