So this is gaming in 2017
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Honestly bro, you've gotta get better hobbies.
>make a mass effect
>its got a boring antagonist
>its not about the Reapers
>everyone is a bunch of nu-males
Not interested
What a character diversity though.
vidya is waste of time. go fucking do something productive
I don't know senpai, that girl looks pretty cute and has a pretty good rack to boot. I expected your usual jewed design with absolutely no cleavage and tattoos/earrings everywhere
also desu it feels like i've completely stopped playing vidya over the past year
>says the roach wasting time on Sup Forums
>its not about the Reapers
It's about evil white males taking over the universe
>not everybody is racemixed
>there is an aryan woman fucking a white male
>fighting illegal aliens
Looks utopistic to me
Mass Effect was always like this
>voices with bass turned up to 11
fuck off
inb4 half-assed cashgrab
Only 2+
1 was literally perfect.
Mass Effect: Pandering
I really hate the VA's for both characters, they sound so weak
Looks fucking sweet, I'm a cunt to everybody in ME, that hasn't changed in Andromeda , I'm happy.
i played a human supremacist
I've been waiting 600 years for this.
It's not that bad. You can create your own character anyway like in the last games, right? Or rather, design their looks.
I loved the feature where you can explore planets and find loot on the surface. Truly a wonderful game
>I don't need an army, I've got a Krogan
We get it, Bioware makes games for geeknerdz.
Hope this finally kills bioware desu
I like the feature where the enemy speaks fluent english
The sad thing is I'm still such a fan of the first game that I'll probably play this one too, that is if I can get a good torrent of it.
>in an entirely different galaxy
>still have all the same alien races in it
>we're explorers not soldiers
>I don't need an army I got a krogan
And we still never got to go to a fucking hanar planet. Fuck bioware in the ass.
Your .gif is a single frame. I know there is an animated .gif of the same picture you posted.
>storyline is about a bunch of refugees going to another galaxy to parasite their ressources
>implying people play missions with dull human squadmates
Kind of like how they think a no borders world will still have the same cultures/ interesting "alien races"
The ones you see from the original ME came to Andromeda with us. To find new worlds to colonize
>Mass Effect: Androgyna
Dr. Shitpost? I'm ME:A
>crap for children...
I cant think of a single game that says anything interesting about anything. They cant even reach the level of a mediocre drama film.
Its all just horrid action sci fi and fantasy mamo jumbo about orcs.
These hundred million dollar games are literally firefly level junk.
ME suffers from unintended trilogy syndrome.
>ME1 is brilliant
>becomes successful hit
>sequel greenlit
>relatively casual game becomes even more normified
>remove good aspects of 1st game
>game is meh
>3rd game was already planned and development began before 2nd game is released
>3rd game has the same failings that 2nd had keeping it meh
the quality of females seems to be lower than the previous games... even the alien ones looks less sexy
Her you go fampai.
i know
quip quip? quipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquipquip: the game.
>We need the avengers audience?! What do we do!?
Mass Effect as if it were directed by JJ Abrams
Space Niggers
liberals hate hetero males.
>playing Western AAA games
You're just going to get politically correct, racially diverse "games" that are targeted to casuals. If you want AAA games, look no further west than Poland
ME:A is directed by a nu-male SJW cuck
ME2 was fine though
>Protagnist looks like a mannish boy
>Sounds like a faggot
>Trailer lacks any sense of badassery
Power Rangers movie trailer looked more promising and less forced diverse
Wanna bet not-Shepard is trans?
Hmm... I thought you were forced to play as that lesbian looking main character so loss any interest for the game. You can play as a dude?
tbph, I played mass effect 1 for the 1st time a year ago while high as a kite, and it was one a great gaming experience.
In the books it describes how blond hair/blue eye people are extremely rare in human society.
How much SJW influence have in the Witcher 3? And are most J-games SJJW free?
The main narrative of the game since the first trailer was finding a new home for humanity in a strange new galaxy. Exploring was supposed to be the focus for once. But how can we have a mass effect game without some original donut steel ancient evil that we will have to fight in the end? Boring.
Not even mentioning the dinduest looking nig as a mandatory black sidekick and a butterfaced asari that will most likely be Cera's long lost intergalactic sister in terms of character development.
Mass Effect has always been SJW trash. It's literally part of the lore that Humanity was nearly entirely multiculti mixed by the time of the first game, with natural blonde hair being as rare as a space unicorn.
Games went to shit circa 2005ish.
t. gamerfag
The Illusive Man is the best thing to have come out from Mass Effect.
All hail Jack Harper, savior of humanity!
Yeah, the main charters are brother and sister, if you play as the brother the sister is AI, and vice versa.
What is it about Mass Effect female body models that makes them so sexy? All of them, they're just super sexy
yuck the writing is fucking awful
That's not a game, just a shitty 3D animation movie
Even the asari looks meh, at the end what matters is rip the models of the game for porn videos, but now with those models...
Comments from YouTube:
>Anyone who believes that a AAA company like Bioware would somehow not learn from their biggest mistake of all time is completely foolish. The writing staff is excellent, they have been for years, from characters to plot to everything. They made one big mistake at the end of the greatest gaming trilogy of all time and while that 20 minutes wasn't good by any means, the rest of the game is A+. There is no reason to believe they will make that mistake again. The only "catasthropy" would be not believing in this company that has produced better than movie level stories using the platform of video games
...there's only so much stupid I can't handle
This game will be 10/10.
>SJW females
>horrible voice acting
Despite having lots of money, games just keep getting worse.
>And are most J-games SJJW free?
Look at Yakuza 0. That game must have given some cunts a heartattack thanks to all the funny shit going on.
Neither the polish nor the japanese care for SJW. It's only western 'civilised' devs who get their funding from idiots like EA who love pandering to the MSM.
I am commander Shepard and I approve this game.
Male characters look easily crushable. Like their shoulders are all kinds of fucked up. What is wrong with them?
super tight clothes
>How much SJW influence in the Witcher 3
hard to say and most of it comes from the books which attempt to be relevant by demonstrating racism between fantastical races. Sorceresses are also muh strong independent womyn but then again you can bang them all and there's plenty of chances to fuck women over in the plot or go full deus vult.
>your hobby suck cuz I don't personally enjoy it
That's not how that works...
cant wait to pirate
my man
>Even worse animation
>Gameplay looks clunky
>Open world minecraft crafting
>Powered by a professional engine
they are not that strong
i remember one getting killed after she first fucked a merc than a soldier
the merc killed them both
Looks like your typical Canadian man
Witcher 3 dosent have any sjw influence.
they all look like 15 years old with some adult characteristics, weird. overgrown children?
>How much SJW influence have in the Witcher 3?
There's too much dialogue for me to remember but i didn't notice any really. I think it had a few jokes mocking them actually. There also wasn't a single nigger in the game outside of 1 in the first expansion.
i'll take Doom over this shit any day.
I bet they will put him on the cross because muh fragile masculinity. Every sex scene is probably him getting raped.
SJW conversation does not belong to Europe.
muh current year
Jesus, what an insufferable little faggot
Fortunately we have 2500 years of European culture to delve into.
females have male armors, not femenine chest plates
>pretty good
>Kotor 2
>So rushed it turned good into hackfest
>Neverwinter Nights
>Godawful, if not for homemade Persistent Worlds
>Neverwinter Nights 2
>Dragon Age
>Boring donut steel
>Mass effect
>Kinda good
>Mass Effect 2
>Shit's picking up
>Dragon Age 2
>Mass Effect 3
>Okay I guess, I shouldn't have expected any better
>Dragon Age: Inquisition
>Ghost Busters Reboot levels of bad
But the next one is gonna be grand, guys, I just know it!
He's perfect, ME is full of xenophobia
Games are no longer made by passionate teams of nerds. Read Masters of Doom. No modern company will ever tap that magic and produce the quality early id Software had with titles like Doom and Quake.
It's all about pure profit and agenda pushing now. There's no love put into games anymore and it shows.
this game is going to flop so fucking hard. There's a reason there's no gameplay video.
Bioware is cuck central and if you buy their garbage it's your own fault
>I don't need an army I have a Krogan
Dropped. Krogans are fucking niggers(but they have real niggers too for diversity). Genociding them and the (((Quarian))) was the only good part of Mass Effect 3
Like going to a mosque huh... whoa why did I never think of this
muh dik.
3's combat was better tbqh
Granted I only played once as a Vangaurd
Is this a movie? Looks boring tho, wouldn't watch.
>So this is gaming in 2017...
>(((AAA))) games
>(((indie))) games
No wonder shooters are so popular. People have given up on decent story and characters and just want to fucking shoot each other.
I expected there to be something in this trailer to make you alt-righters all butthurt, but uhh
It's Steve McWhiteMale sexing up a white, blond woman.
I guess the woman has an "SJW" haircut? Is that what you kiddies are upset by now?
Bioware haven't made a good game since the first Mass Effect.