You're Looking at the Next Chancellor of Germany
Next leader of a 28% opposition is probably more accurate
ja mann die petry is cool
where are the men in Germany, oh i forget the are still coming from the middle east
She literally looks like a short haired, and whiter version of my mother. Weird.
Seems legit.
She looks cute.
Why does Germany only elect ugly women as their leaders?
Because most female leaders are ugly nerds.
Stop watching porn, a leader is supposed to look powerful, not nice.
Who, this dyke?
>25% of germans are foreigners
>women predominantly vote for socialism and welcome rapefugees because Mohammad's dick is so good
>noone would ever form a coalition with them because "muh nazis"
They would have to get 50+%. It's literally impossible.
I thought Germany's choices were Merkel or Shultz?
That's a chick? Holy shit, Germany is in so much trouble.
This isn't 'murica, user.
mal schauen, aufjedenfall besser als der olle höcke
Yea looks powerfull to me
You have to go back.
oh god she's so goddamn ugly
being rightwing, sure, but get some fucking tan, she looks like a ghost
Ferris Buler, you're my hero.
Hello Mehmet!
And now you are looking to her husband.
Gonna make Krautland Great Again.
smug anime lolis are the most powerful race on the earth
checkmate mountain germans?
Suede are a great band, I look forward to him breaking out random versions of Animal Nitrate at press conferences.
ich hätte lieber wieder eine männliche führungsperson :(
anything remotely fuckable is already in pieces behind the local mosque
Is some guy touching her neck?
An election would be as close as in Burgerland if people could choose between her and Merkel.
>deputy chancellor
you guys need an alpha male, like trump, not another twat
yeah, exactly
Frauke is a top-tier qt you mongrel
>Can`t even control her own party
Isn't AfD pro-EU?
She's cute but NEEDS A FUCKING TAN
Also, Germany needs a male alpha like Trump to come in and make these women voters get back in line and vote right
she's probably had some muslim dick by the looks of it. you guys are screwed loool
Not really, no.
yeah sure
Last time we selected a handsome man he put us in the totalen krieg.
Anything to prevent this
I find her inexplicably attractive
delet this
Ulrich is a savage
>short hair
Shit taste my dudes
So what party is she from?
Post your face when he is the chancellor
He'll be. Just wait. Germans won't give up the cuckold throne to Sweden.
I want her to peg me so bad
she's adorable
Hoping for a SPD + Linke + Grünen Government just to see everyone freak out and then germany dies off forever
shes the mother of 5 children and looks like this
show me an american women that can pull that off
same desu, gonna vote for spd
No, they'd just have to become the largest non-opposition party. 25-30% would be a doable fraction for that. Unfortunately, with Merkel steering the CDU, nobody will form a coalition with them. Her leftist perspective on immigration turned a natural coalition partner for her party into a diametral opponent.
Unfortunately borderline impossible. Other parties form coalitions to stop them and they always drop their spaghetti every other week.
If Nordic countries ever do turn right wing it'll be through sudden force, not democracy. Your population is way way way too cucked.
10/10 qt
would wife and raise traditional family with
'Ampel'-coalision will be superior
Proof me wrong
Looks like a carpet muncher
kek not even 4% of votes it will get.
I cant tell what gender that is. good job Germany, you make lose respect for you everyday
i want to fight for her
Frauke has pretty nice boobs.
Why do you Germanic idiots keep electing women to your most powerful positions?
They will destroy your country.
Would you please consider stopping your heart for a couple of hours?
shes pregnant, they are swelling
The drawback is, if she becomes Chancellor and fails to deliver
That's why i'm voting for this guy
I am looking, but I am not seeing an obvious gender...
I like you, goy.
mein Genosse
She's p cute for her age actually (41)
She's also a doctor with a chemist background
We are told AfD is losing support... like 11% or some shit.. is this another Lying Lie?
It is more probable that Schluchzi die Pussy becomes the next chancellor. And that is not very probable either.
Don't play with my emotions, Germany
They're busy playing Forklift Simulator.
First of all, the only thing Germany deserves at this point is a nuclear holocaust.
Zonenpussy geh nach Hause
Germany is dead stop beating it with a stick,its sad i know and hard to accept but....its over,face it.