Can I sign up for the SS?
>regret voting for someone doing exactly what he said he would do
Guilt is for faggots. That shit don't work anymore.
Don't they realize that guilt only attracts weak minded Democrats?
Santa nooo :(
you are now aware the secret service can be abbreviated as SS
I literally want to kill leftists
Leftist really must want a Civil War...
>muh resistance
Do these people actually think they are the equivalent of the french during Nazi occupation?
Can't wait to vote for God Emperor the second time. Pedes, can we get a 3rd term?
>lawful resistance
>harboring illegals
I'm sorry you are butt hurt.
dennett always has had a sense of dementia about him.
whenever he's arguing with other people about any philosophical topic he'll say something so utterly stupid that its not really talking about the same subject any more.
hes a bit like a white version of deepak chopra.
pfft. What guilt?
No guilt just happiness
All smiles, buddy.
haha kill yourself libtard
Regretful Trump voters were just bernbots who voted out of spite.
fuck you and fuck crooked hillary and fuck every deluded tranny and liberal chickenhawk and ISIL enabler
Holy guacamole
People despise obnoxious liberals so much that they voted for the man that they were told is the most likely person in U.S. politics to bring about the apocalypse.
I'm not white faggot.
No matter how much others might try to make me feel guilt, it'll never work; guilt can only ever come from within, and I never regret my convictions.
Isn't this the guy who claims consciousness doesn't exist?
Shaming tactics only work when people give a shit about the opinion of whoever is trying to shame them.
I don't really care about the opinions of left-wing moonbats and I'm not interested in "having a conversation" or "engaging in dialogue". They're going to take it up the ass for 4-8 years, get creamed in 2018 and then get redistricted into oblivion in 2020.
RIP left wing faggots, it was fun to hate you.
Sorry Dan, I used to give a shit about what you and Sam say, but no longer. These people will be spouting their holier-than-thou rhetoric no matter what.
Part of me is glad that Hitchens is dead because I fear he would be on their side
Citation needed
>adds guilt
So on how many levels of guilt are you my Ameridudes?
probably, but Hitchens fucking hated the Clintons too, so he wouldn't come across as such an asspained shill.
How the mighty """horsemen""" have fallen.
Ha, pussy. You don't have balls to do it. All you can do is post online.
not american but im currently at 1.21 niggwatts of white guilt
I dunno lol maybe 5 or 6?
Take it easy comrade.
absolutely zero guilts have been obtained
They have always been a joke to anyone over 15.
diabetes is going to get him first.
The only guilt I have is not going on a jew killing rampage
lol WTF