Will California secede? Their lawmakers are in full revolt and the people are mobilizing. Doesn't look good.

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>Secession? Where?

They can all go back to Mexico

But after we invade Mexico they are getting deported to Colombia

Lets hope. We'll lock a republican majority for the next century.

A bunch of limp-wristed white knight faggots, trannies, mexicans, and celebrity garbage


The entire US military force

If they try to secede they will start Civil War 2, and there is no way they can win.

Cuba, Baja California and Oaxaca? Polk was no fool!

>Becomes majority Mexican
>Relentlessly threatens secession
Really jogs my cogs

Sounds good to me.

I live in California and i work for a living. I love it here, just round up all the liberals and leave the rest of us alone.


The electoral votes needed will go down as well m8, not necessarily. Unless all the libfags decide to move to their new shithole country with a homeless population of 50%

Wherever there secessionism rises, Sherman too rises from his grave with a ghostly band of mercenaries to burn down everything the secesh love

>Commiefornia secedes

...and nothing of value was lost

I would love to see the state go through years of litigation, spend millions of dollars on campaigning, and it passes.
Then the very next day thousands of Troops and Tanks rolling down the streets, shooting protestors. Arrive at the state capital, just to have the Governor announce "lol no secession"

do it, and that faggot moonbeam can be strung up when the state chokes on sand.

Good riddance. The land of fruits and nuts.

Are you going to flee the state or go full WOLVERINES on the People's Army of California? Better start planning now user, or you're going to be drafted by the state and forced in a foxhole with Paco and Carl the cuck.

>California secedes
>Libs lose 55 electoral votes and guarantee a Republican edge in every election for at least the next 50 years despite a modified electoral college amount

Good plan. Do it you fucking commies.

That would be funny as fuck, like a social experiment to see how shit progressive culture can make a place

>this could have happened

Fucking glorious

Let them, then we can designate the state the same as North Korea. We can have a mine field and everything.

>Secede from the USA
>2 weeks later everybody dead from dehydration

But what will liberals eats, when all the coffee shops are finally empty?

>new secessionist movement
>bunch of lefty states surrounded by seas of red states
>little to know cohesion
> even with in blue states the state are mostly red
>civil war 2 is just a few sieges around a few cities
>liberals utterly btfo
>leftism is deamonized for a century like the confederacy was

Please let this happen

Make that wall extend up the eastern border of calibfornia on up to oregon and to the ocean

fuck them. good riddance

AGAIN, no they can't.
California owes billions to the federal government. California cities have bankrupted more than other states. California has to import power and water. The federal gov't won't allow the loss of shipping ports and military bases. California farming can't exist without federal subsidies.

Go RP somewhere else.

This kind of low effort shit posting is second only to flat earth bullshit

Calexit was a gigantic troll. Its constitutionally impossible you uneducated idiots

Trump should provide free transit to California to all illegals.

>forgets secession == war and liberals can't fight.

>Democrats lose 55 electoral votes
>Republicans lose 0

They will attempt but all they will do is revitalize the multiple Californias. There will be 2 Blue Areas and 4-5 Red States. Leftists BTFO'd


I would move there instantly

There are some conservative areas left here in California. All is not lost, yet.

I don't know why this is even a thing. It's not even legal and the Supreme Court in the 1800s said it's not legal so there's no way to leave.

>California secedes
>blockade around the state
>libtards die of dehydration after 1 week.

Yeah go for it. #Calexit


it's called "average day in the mixed race catholic conservative paradise of Mexico"

Can't you wait until we become culturally enriched just like Mexico/Brazil?

>he hasn't seen the footage

oh god what footage? do u mean this?

ah shit wrong one

I was just about to say I'll dump my Mexico folder if anyone is interested

What's there to lose?

there is way more than just one video

please invade us and kill all the spics.

oh god why? why are they doing this? why? also ITS WRONG FOOTAGE AGAIN ASSHOLE (ur doing this on purpose aren't u?)


wut is mundonarco dot com?

Because the savage brutality of Mexico must be documented or else you wouldn't habeeb it.

does it hurt when they cut their throats? do they just go numb from bloodloss quick?

It's a blog that reports all the cartel activity that never makes it into the press because the cartels will literally kill any reports that cover violence in Mexico.

Also the US media is complicit since they want to make Mexico look "inviting" to Americans.

I don't know I've never been beheaded before





No, it will never secede and I have no idea why you imbeciles keep roleplaying as if it will.

There's a better chance of Mexico being annexed than CA seceding.

Yeah but you can expect most of those liberals from SF or LA to move to places like AZ or TX.

It'll never happen. Executive overreach will make sure of that, even if the state goes into full on dissent.

this is cuz drug cartels? What drugs do they deal in?

I live in cali no one here is mobilizing.

holy ficking shit. the fucking tacos are IS mudslime level subhumans. i now want trump to nuke mexico instead of just building a wall.

>They can all go back to Mexico
this. why dont they just leave the country if they dont like it?

Joke's on you, we have flooding this year.

Trump is a divider, so I wouldnt be surprised if California wants out.

>blockade all the water pumped into California from the desert
Nice try, but if that was a thing there wouldn't have been a drought in the first place.

California gets its water and power from out of state, depends heavily on federal subsidies, an is mostly a fucking desert. If they leave, they'll become a 3rd world country in a week.

Go away California!!!

meth, coke, weed, heroin typical stuff

>yfw Narcos are worse than ISIS

Ain't gonna happen without a full blown war and if that does occur Californians who want to succeed have no military numbers to even fight their own conservative citizens who will not fight for this illegal succession.

No america=no free money from white gringos

pretty obvious why they are here

Lets just make California a territory.

I honestly don't believe they would move. These liberals are fucking idiots. If given the opportunity they would willingly allow themselves to fall under Mexican rule if we willingly let California go.

It would only be after they renounce their citizenship and actually live IN Mexico that they would realize the gravity of their mistake.

California won't secede. Easier to just ignore Trump and go about our business. He can't stop us from continuing to be liberal, and Californians are used to killing federal agents over marijuana, so killing them over politics isn't a big difference.

>their own conservative citizens who will not fight for this illegal succession
We're talking about secession, not replacing the vice president, first of all.
Second, Californian conservatives are mostly more Californian than conservative, and California liberals are among the most well-armed liberals in the country, despite gun regulation memes.

>If given the opportunity they would willingly allow themselves to fall under Mexican rule if we willingly let California go.
This is 100% true. We were Mexican before USAmerican anyway.

Fuck no I'm a Liberal from California and nothing even close to that is happening we're all just going to vote next time and get cheetoh Jesus out. I swear Conservatives are so melodramatic

That's disappointing.

Oh well

Send them there, my family will happily take care of them, with bullets and machetes.

Such is life, I know.

>California seceding
>doesn't look good
If I were Trump I'd just sell Commiefornia back to fuckin' Mexico.