If you have this scar on your arm you were not born in a 1st world country
If you have this scar on your arm you were not born in a 1st world country
we don't vaccinate for that anymore. it's been eradicated here
I'm a proud owner of this scar
what is this
>getting medicine
>not good
>not degeneracy
"Smallpox vaccines were given by way of multiple needle pricks into the skin that placed the LIVE sister virus therein. A scab formed and fell off, thus leaving the scar. "
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little globalist? I'll have you know infowars.com gets over 11 million hits a month, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Bohemian Grove, and I have over 300 confirmed Bilderberg protests. I am trained in memetic warfare and I'm the top pundit in the entire US. You are nothing to me but just another shill. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with taking our guns and making frogs gay? Think again, globalist. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of alt-rightists across the world and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, globalist. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call the European Union. You're fucking dead, goblin. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in information warfare, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States alt-right and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable propaganda off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" propaganda was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, Soros.
Mine healed so I don't have it anymore.
We called that BCG here, it's a vaccine for child diseases. I don't have it because I escaped from school this day.
checkmate I never believed I was born in a first world country
all my family has this
wtf is it
i have it
now what?
we know, Alex
relax man
all people born in US before 1965 have this scar
I was born in a 2.5-world country and i still have it...conclusion:its not an argument...
I have a scar that looks like that from getting an endmill jammed in my arm
your theory is wrong OP
I own that scar too. I got it in 1965 I believe. Maybe 1964.
Believe it or not, people in their 60's, 70's, and 80's use Sup Forums.
Isn't that the polio vaccine scar?
>using drugs and not letting the will of god let your life end when your time is due
how old are you?
I have loads of chicken pox scars on my whole body that look kind of like that.
post timestamp proof
I don't believe it.
Well since 1 in 100,000 died from that vaccination, once smallpox was eradicated from a nation, they generally stopped giving it.
And in 1966.
I got it too inshallah
Or you served in the military like a real goddamn American.
i got one in muh welfare queen days in the army m8. pretty sure everyone does
The mark of the beast.
Mine healed so well it didn't leave a scar.
Thanks, based military medics.
We are 2. world countries at worst. Look at africa and other 3rd world countries
Ah fuck who am I kidding. I joined to see the planet and fuck bitches.
Either way - I have that scar.
Lies, I was born in Jordan and I don't have it
Although I WAS born in a private hospital so idk if that changes anything
Tell us about the great depression
I agree
What the fuck
>current year
>actually getting chicken pox instead of being vaccinated
o i am a laffin
My grandparents still had this.
Bullshit!... American born and raised... military brat, got my small pox vaccination scar on my arm
Anyone over 40 has that scar.
What would happen to you, if smallpox would reappear? Would you be immune like most european to the plague or would you die due to lack of immunity?
Both my parents have that scar.
Post saggy boobs or gtfo
Yep, I got it from polio vaccine.
>mfw I have probably called someone's great-grandfather a faggot
Chicken pox vaccine didn't come out until 1995 you fucking babby.
So how old are you like, nearly 80 right??
Not true. I was born in the USA but I have it because I had to go to sandniggerland.
WHO fucking scoured the globe for that shit. Next to impossible for it to come back.
Answered your own question you are a militarybrat...the base doctors most likely give soldier children more vaccines as the soldier might bring home some 3rd world cootie that he is immunitized for but still carries
At least my dick is not cut.
Hola amigo. Just wondering if what you said there was sincere or facetious. Please let me know. Thanks, your northern friend.
(((terrorist))) attack
>Chicken pox vaccine didn't come out until 1995 you fucking babby.
I'm 25 m8, you're just old.
>tfw can never get shingles, because I've never been infected.
You should get the shingles vaccine as you approach 60.
t. pharmacist
Great Britain was a 1st World Country 50 years ago and I know someone who has this.
I was 100% sure i had It now i look at my arm and its not there, what is hapening. Are the Bogdanofs behind It?
I have this scar but on my balls, what does it mean?
Please give timestamp?
brainforce actually worked for me lol not even kidding
>you were not born in a 1st world country
The US isn't a "first world country".
pole checking in. my mom has it too. wtf is it.
Grandpa is that you?
>what is this
A scar Jewish doctors leave to mark Goys for life, so they can't later pretend to be Jews.
As a coverup they convince the Goyim that it's some kind of vaccine.
Nice body, sexy and fit, but she moves like a goddamn retard
My mom has this because her family moved to Spain for a few years.
You can vaccinate people for smallpox with your semen
Shit test, I have it and I wasn't born in 1st world country.
I have that scar on my arm. My native country is flag related. I'm a blonde haired blue-eyed Aryan. I was vaccinated against my will when I joined Uncle Sam's military.
Grandpa Nurgle... good choice if you want to live forever
Huh, where is this scar supposed to be. I have been vaccinated but I can't find it.
Vat is dat?
Yeah, but we can also use this(along with other jewish traits) to identify the jew, can't we?
Brazilians have it
It's a mark you get after having fucked a child.
Pizzagate is real.
Spain here. I have it as well. Honestly, I don't even remember what it's for, and it got even more fucked in a motorcycle accident.
i was born in the usa
but i got mine on vacation as a baby because my family could afford to travel and the vaccine came from an american pharma company
so do i break even ?
yes, a smallpox vaccine, that is exactly what it is
I have that scar on my left arm I was born in the USA now what?
I've had no vaccines at all in my life and I've never been sick.
If you have that scar it means your butt got passed around by jews
>1 post by this id
Seriously gramps post a timestamp.
Also I'll buy your old guns and protect them before your asshole grandkid pawns them for weed.
Fuck, you I'm 62, you ignorant little shit.
I wish I had one desu because the Norks might have weaponized smallpox
you have 32 hours left
Russia, 1989.
Have the vaccination scar.
mommy has that scar she was born in '56
tell me more.
Too young to have this (30) but a lot of 70+ people here have it.
Dude.. do NOT even suggest this in jest...
Smallpox is literally the scourge or mankind...
Ultra contagious and lethal, and even if you do survive you are permanently scarred.
Eliminating smallpox has been the #1 thing mankind has done medicinally
Stop pussyfooting around.
BCG is for tuberculosis, the scar in OP is from the smallpox vaccine
>UK Govt decides to stop giving TB jab to kids just as importation of camel fuckers is reaching its peak levels under Labour
>my age group was the 1st school year not to recieve the jab
>I now personally know 2 people who have had TB
I have the scar on my forehead, what does it mean?
Am I the chosen one?
it is cool to be vaccinated, yehhhh dude!
I received the vaccine but never got the scar. You're just weak.
>1950's america was firstworld
best time
50+ too famalam, it's not THAT old.
Born in 1977 here. I don't have it.