Laugh at Trumpsters

This is a laugh at Trumpsters thread for Mexico not backing down.

Have fun paying for the wall dumb asses.

>fiscally not conservative

But but remember you all hated Obama for the stimulus bill? You dumb fucks will be the cause for the recession.

Other urls found in this thread:

You're paying, Jose.

Or we use force.

how do you expect trump to revenge himself on mexico for this affront?

if america is gonna pay fot it (it's not) you're gonna pay for it too.
but probably youMre a nigger who doesn't pay taxes,right?

You should have stayed a colony, friendos, say good night

Trump ruined the last shitskin that picked a fight with him. It's not going end well Mexico.

Literally this

i thought right wing retards love devaluing their currency

muh brexit

muh usd too strong

Yes my President!

Paying for it willingly was the better deal. No it'll be even more expensive

Did you really get locked up at the inauguration, Obama leaf?


Mexico will pay big consequences for messing with Trump for messing with Kek.

Shadilay Mexico will fall.

I've never seen anyone happy to be digging their own grave before.

Mexico must be a pretty fun place.

>Have fun paying for the wall dumb asses
but Mexico will. Just put on a mexican specific border tax and the wall will be paid in no time, by mexicans, for Mexicans.

But Mexico is already paying for the wall.

The peso is in free fall. The Mexican economy is starting to collapse. There are riots in the streets and the country is on the verge of civil war.

Mexico is paying dearly.

The good news is the wall will actually be good for our southern neighbor. It will force them to rethink their own economy. It might also help them to deal with the cartel problem

I truly hope things get better for Mexico.

>This is a laugh at Trumpsters thread for Mexico not backing down.

there's an article that was posted earlier that basically said that if mexico tries to bluff, we shut down wire transfers of the billions sent back each year to families. this causes a huge uproar on both sides of the border, but the law is already in place, except for some tweaking.

100 dollars easily earned in the usa is a fucking fortune in a poverty stricken mexican village.

once mexicans on both sides of the border are mad enough, mexico will talk.

>>fiscally not conservative
How much money goes to sanctuary cities?

Cutting their funding could pay for the wall.

>I've never seen anyone happy to be digging their own grave before.
>Mexico must be a pretty fun place

Well, it is a commin place where one is fored to dig their own grave. Their Halloween decorations are real skeletons and mutilated corpses. And Halloween is year round there.


> a retarded commie talking about economy

shut up leaf

Is there any bit of Mexico worth having? Seeing as the Ryan's are building this wall. Why not just extend it round any bit worth having.

This is not a complicated matter. Mexico either pays willingly or we take it from them. I thought leftards were supposed to be the smart ones.

>Is there any bit of Mexico worth having?

supposedly mexico has sort of a gradient: really shitty at the southern border, up to fairly decent at the us border.

but taking land is out of the question. this isn't israel or russia; we are civilized.

Holy shit mexicans are pathetic. They're shitting themselves because they know Trumps gonna destroy their 3rd world economy. This is gonna get good! Watching Mexico finally destroyed...

>I've never seen anyone happy to be digging their own grave before
>happy to be digging their own grave before

Peña has just made me proud for his courage.

But Mexico has literally 0 choice.

>Trump builds Wall
>"Okay Mexico, time to pay"
>Trump starts reducing foreign aid
>Trump starts increasing visa fees
>Trump starts taxing wire transfers back to Mexico
>Suddenly we have the cost of the wall back in our wallets

Does anyone really believe that Trump was planning on walking over to Mexico and running away with two giant bags of cash?

Even if we DID paid for it, you'll be stuck paying billions for it's upkeep forever.

The upkeep will be a hell of a lot less we spend on illegal immigrants every year.

Nope, it'll be making surplus profit as a tourist attraction. People from all around the world will want to come and see the militarized robots patrolling and predator drones hovering over the wall shooting and killing taco-munchers

No. Shockingly progressives don't have an understanding of negotiation, business, or macroeconomics.

A fraction of what we pay in entitlements to illegals

nieto is an emotional midget

should have kept his mouth shut

Just when I thought Germany had no bants left. It pulls out a golden final bant. Bloody hell.

Americans are mentally challenged.

They'll pay extra taxes for the wall. Then, even if we paid back, they would never see any of it.

Their government would use it for some auto industry or whatever.

You guys are literally paying for it from your wallet and never seeing it back in your wallet.

Its funny you say that user. Were using money for this exact project. From an account that was set up a long time ago. For this very project.

Nobody used the money though so it sat.

Also "hurr imm meckserco i wont pay fur nuttin"

Well you will its called tarrifs and that is how you will pay. We will spend billions forever for upkeep? No no no paco
Its you who will be paying forever.

The tarrifs will just stay up.

"We have stuff you want" says bean

No you dont i dont use guac at all. Stay there were full.

Now that you say that ypu realize that you will be paying forever then dont you? If only you couldve stayed there.

Oh you'll still be the one's paying.

Fuck you. Have fun going into a great depression while I sit here and laugh fucking hard

Please, look in the mirror.
Say out loud: I thought Trump meant Mexico would pay for the wall directly.
See yourself for the failure you are.
Jump off the stool.

(but her emails)

Oh and you Trumpsters are so fucking clueless
>yeah usa usa build our military
>yeahhhh tax reform
>less taxes!!!!!

Hmmm less taxes means building a military using more debt add on


>You're paying, Jose.
Not by force.
Trump has already stated what to do. tax illegal mexicans in the us. set tariffs on mexican products. Both until the wall is payed for.

Like I give a fuck. The wall is built and it'll pay for itself within a year once we cut back money spent on illegal immigration. Trump could start a Gofundme account to raise money and I'd pitch in.

Pay very close attention to this post. This is exactly how Trump himself works. He is told something, and immediately he disagrees that it is true. It's like asking a 3 year old covered in flour if they made a mess in the kitchen and them immediately shaking their head.

China will help Mexico out by doubling the amount they trade with Mexico you dumb ass

China sees the opportunity to become the new world leader.

That's the peso that's tanking leaf in that picture leaf

China is literally falling apart and choking on their own waste, their numbers are inflated as fuck.
They rank just under Belgium in countries to take seriously.
Go away ctr wannabee. You're paying get over it. Mexico needs us not the other way around we'll fuck them over in Nafta (recent tweet by trump) if they wanna get pissy as well :^)

Mexico thinks, it's not paying for the wall hahaha

You obv don't understand how this stuff works idiot.

You are fucking clueless. TPP is going to make them even stronger finically.

Of the wall gets built the insanely corrupt Mexican government is fucked. Without the US as a pressure release to unload disgruntled citizens the Mexican people are going to be forced to revolt against them. Pena knows his head is gonna end up on a pike before long.

So aren't they going to begin seizing the illegals assets to pay for the wall? so basically Mexico still pays.

Twelve billion dollars is literally nothing. We spend 133 billion a fucking year on immigration

>This is a laugh at Trumpsters thread for Mexico not backing down.
Yeah such a brave move. Mexico pays either way - it's ENTIRELY dependent on the US.
>Have fun paying for the wall dumb asses.
1) Mexico pays one way or another 2) even if it doesn't, money saved through cutting illegal immigration more than pays for it 3) EVERY SINGLE TRUMP SUPPORTER would happily pay for the wall from their own pockets regardless.

>But but remember you all hated Obama for the stimulus bill?
Yeah cos it stimulated the square root of fuck all in terms of infrastructure and the real economy.

Certainly stimulated the pockets of a lot of bankers and Democrat special interests though.

>You dumb fucks will be the cause for the recession

Well given Trump's economic platform is old school leftist presumably we'll see you and other shill scum making the rational decision to support libertarianism - seeing as your economic platform will have been applied by both Republican/Democratic and Globalist/Nationalist administrations with similarly disastrous results for the average working American.

Pick a lamppost - the day is coming soon.

Like are you gunna go back to mexico? If so yes go.

Great depression? You mean like the highest the DOW has ever hit?

Sorry ive been busy jacking off while reading about my investments going throigh the roof.

>America is so poor it can't afford to build a simple wall

this so much, I just hope cartels don't spread and spill to my country, we have gangs, but those narcs are on another level.

So youve never heard of reallocating funds?

Sanctuary cities dont have to be paid. Thats ok and saved a ton.

Not paying flr illegals and tpp and abortions fucking everywhere on the planet? Looks like we saved even more.

Building a wall with funds set aside for building the wall? That looks like its a go too.

>you're paying
>american flag

Yup. We're paying dearly for Trump's presidency. Thanks for taking a dump on the country, idiot.

Except riots are no more.
People here throw their shit for something, and forget it 2 weeks later, when they throw their shit for some other subject that catches popular interest.
Right now it's Donald Trump.

You know you're a mexican paco.

Hahahaha The wall still pays for itself either way

Implying there arent a 1,000 ways to get Mexico to put up the cost of the wall.

Even if they dont, I dont care. Build the samne thing. Fuck those beaners and fuck Mexico.

I dont hate mexicans that come here legally. I know quite a few decent beaners.

check digis

Does it feel good to be willfully stupid?

Dunno, you tell me Juan.


So much this I can't wait till more people claim that Trump will be bad so that in 4 years they will forever lose all credibility just like Nate Silver will be forever irrelevant from now on.

I'm sure that this is going to turn out well for Mexico.
Face it mexishits, you're our bitch.
Your economy is basically based on remittances from the US.

>need spending to get out of recession
>spending causes recession

left logic at its finest

>5 posts by this id
Keep boosting your count Manuel.

We axed The EPA and the international abortions.

Now we have more than enough money to fund.


>4 posts by this id
If this is a game, I am winning.

>This is what the average Trump supporter believes
Fuck, I don't even give a fuck about who you support, but at least give compelling and facts-based arguments

>6 posts by this id
The more you have the more a shill you are my man

>currency with no value getting devalued
>currency with high value getting devalued
hmm, as if there's no difference between the two

say adios to any foreign aid paid to Mexico.

I'm gonna need some sources on that one

I'm not your man, buddy

Not your buddy pal. Are you sure you're not a leaf?

>Removing foreign aid
>Simply maintaining the wall would cost more than that each year

That's not even factoring the BUILDING cost. What do you think we give to Mexico?

Also, the majority of illegal immigrants don't walk across the border like that. Most overstay greencards.

We all have a little leaf in us, guy.