Mexico needs an enemy that will unite the nation. We need a foreign boogeyman and Trump is the perfect one. He will create the hidden tribalistic mentality that every American and Mexican that is not a self-hating cuck has..."My dick is bigger than your dick".

Mexico instead of passively accepting the role as the violated and humiliated brother from the US, it will be seen as the weak rebellion against an evil and degenerate empire.

Thank you, Donald Trump. I see that changes in my people, and may the best nation win.

And that nation will be the USA, fuck Mexico and fuck you!


My dick is bigger than your dick you nigger loving jew cuck

I'd rather compete with a strong Mexico than have the current relationship.

Good for you

Look! It's already working!

>Mexico will be seen as the weak rebellion against an evil and degenerate empire.
Uhh... about that.

What Mexico needs is for its government to get torn down and put up in the firing line.

You think your cartels continue to exist in SPITE of your government? They're one and the same.

Suddenly having the US as a big bad boogeyman won't make Mexico great, it'll just mean you're too distracted shouting ay caramba at everything Trump does while your government whistles away with drug money pouring out its pockets.

I.e. nothing will change.

Rooting for you Mexico

I was in the last thread. After its all said and done I don't see the US having many deals with Mexico in the future

the only rebellion Mexico needs is against its own shit filled government.
The wall will help in that regard.

Not all Mexicans are perverted cartel members, all Americans have a constant desire for degeneracy, self-destruction and prepping bulls dick.

look Juan, this Wall thing isn't about denying honest people a chance at a better life.

lets face it, Mexico is a shithole. it fucking sucks ass to live there. for every one person that makes it across the border to american paradise, there are a hundred more still in mexico starving and living like 3rd worlders. unless the US annexes Mexico, thats the way it is right now, and thats not a way for a country to exist. especially a country that is the neighbor of the most powerful empire in the world.

things aren't going to get better down there until they get worse. the Wall is an effort to get the Mexican people to turn inward instead of just running away from their problems by hopping the border. hopefully, in the end you effect some change in your homeland. maybe you will finally take the US up on its offer to clear out the cartels with the marines (Bush actually proposed this, but el presidente said no).

mexico clean up your shit. we will clean up our shit. and then we will meet up later and do business.

Why don't Mexicans just take things into their own hands and form militias to take out the cartels? Duterte style

I don't mind the Wall, every Mexican that says that Mexicans aren't completely breaking down the fucking West when they illegally migrate there are fucking lying to themselves.

Mexico's beef is your protectionist approach to a 20 year old trade deal that has been beneficiary to Mexico.

probably because there's no reason to. The U.S is used as pressure release when things get too bad for the Mexican gov.

>Mexico wanst to get in a dick measuring contest with the world record holder for biggest dick

Bring it on

>muh human rights

Also corruption, the Cartels are engrained in the government. I'm tired of seeing fucking Cartels on their nigger's vans with guns, I'm tired of shootings, I'm tired of the beheadings, I was driving and I saw 3 fucking bodies hanged up on a shitty government constructed bridge, fuck, I'm tired off all of this, maybe if Trump is getting bad and be like an evil villain, we could stand together and stop this killing. I can only hope

>Trump playing us like a damn fiddle
4d chess man 4d chess....

>Mexico's beef is your protectionist approach to a 20 year old trade deal that has been beneficiary to Mexico

And killing us pendejo. Things done changed.

i aint clicking that shit

The fuck are you taking about Paco? We aren't rivals. Your shit ass third world nation just happens to share a border with the richest country on earth. There is no competition. But try your hardest I guess.

>Unite against USA
>Get commie goverment in next elections finally
>USA embargoes the shit out of you
>What is Venezuela 2.0

Enjoy eating yourselves and your babies for decades, pancho mierdas.

Que coño haces, comiéndole el rabo a los judios en vez de ayudar a nuestros hermanos. Eres una vergüenza, no me extraña que los podemitas se hagan cada dia mas fuertes. Eres escoria, desde aqui puedo oler tu aliento a lefa judia, cerdo.

Mexico is just mad that one guy lives in a big house.