BTFO some cucks

it is a football fan board with a huge amount of cucks. Just BTFO them by voting AfD. I want to see them cringe with the AfD on top

Are you Hannover 96 fan?

So you're that forum troll no one likes, even on a football fan forum? :^)

i hate H96. just lurking around

Did it, but I will vote SPD in September. Voting AfD would just help Merkel.

too bad. It's my club.

voted afd btw

>Piraten 0%

But voting SPD would help Schulz...

Martin Schulz:"For me, the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people."

Are you an Antisemite, or why does that he-said-she-said quote bother you so much?

voted kraut :)

Why vote someone into Office that doesn't put your interests first?

Please delete this post. These facts are hateful and belong into a democracy.

Ich befürworte dieses Pfost.

Why don't you ask him directly what he meant by it? I doubt he'd want to run and bother with German politics if he didn't put the country and thus its people first. He could just as well get some consulting job.

trust me goys, he really said that to me

Literally everybody is better than Merkel. He will adapt to his position and protect German interest like chancellors normally do. But that didn't happen to Merkel.

The refugee crisis wasn't really the EU's fault. The Dublin agreement is based. It was completely Merkel's fault. I will vote for AfD in all other elections, but I don't want to help Merkel win another chancellorship.


staaaawp now. to obvious xD

Stop being a retard. Vote SPD and have fun with the next "Große Koalition" with Merkel as chancellor.

>Are you an Antisemite,

Lindner said voting AfD raises chances for rot-rot-grün, so we got that going for us.

>AfD (49)

we need more people there guys

There are no chances for rot rot grün. Most likely scenario will be cdu, spd and grüne together, with merkel as chancellor again.

Votin afd is the only choice we have to change the current course of politics, i.e. taking away as many seats as possible from the established parties. They don't have to get the majority (and won't), but we need a fucking right wing opposition in this retarded country, something nearly everyone has except us...

>Admins/Mods bitte in den Thread. Da oben spinnt einer rum. So wie es aussieht mit 40 verschiedenen Accounts?
What did he mean by this?

57% 51 votes, make it happen

he says "riggd"

mfw I actually have an account there


Tell them that it's based on IP, so you can vote only once.

voted CDU

>Womöglich macht eine solche Umfrage angesichts der besonderen Internet-Affinität der AfD mit Willen zur Manipulation in diesem Jahr wenig Sinn. Vielleicht das Ganze auf 2021 verschieben.

This is what Antideutsche actually believe.

caught teh muslim


it's russian hackers all over again

I don't speak Arabic, what are they saying?

>AfD has höcker skills and is rigging their election

they cry about riggd


>(ich las irgendwo, dass die auch PC-Automaten haben)

They are now saying we are AfD vote bots.

post dank memes now to insert redpill in the forum

die SPD hat dich seit DEKADEN verraten. die scheißen auf das was sie heute sagen. die interessiert nur der gender wahnsinn

wähl die AFD und schau zu wie das land (heil)t.


Name one (1) thing the SPD did that did not benefit the ethnic German working class!

>it is a football fan board with a huge amount of cucks.
No it's just the regular Hanover fan.
They even have antifa cucks as fans.
IS should have bombed their stadium last year, there would have been no lost at all.

They are ultra lefties
I will be lurking there after Petry is elected chancellor. Will troll hard this day

the ultra scene is actually pretty right wing. They even used to have kosovo is serbia banners.

always recognize them raging about anything sexist,racist or whatever. They are just cucks. The right-wing is tolerated at most, but more or less silenced.

years ago, when i was still going to the matches they had a polackenlümmel schreien white power banner

good old times i guess

they deleted it.

KEK destroys all the lefties

>they do it for free

Ist mir völlig klar, aber Genderwahnsinn gibt es auch in der Union.

Das Hauptproblem mit allen Parteien abgesehen von der AfD ist das sie nicht bedingungslos die deutschen Interessen vertreten.

Trotzdem bringt es nichts die AfD zu wählen, da sie im Bund gar nichts erreichen kann.

CDU-SPD-Grüne-FDP unterscheiden sich eh minimal. Insofern ist es eine Personalfrage und da gefällt mir Schulz besser, auch wenn ich ihn trotzdem für einen unpatriotischen Ideologen halte, aber eben immernoch besser als Merkel.

Google it.
They even made large banners with "together against racism" and stuff.

Nicht dein Ernst, oder?