Yes. Well done, women. Well done

Yes. Well done, women. Well done...

Seeing as how we have these and that the artificial womb will be done soon, women will serve no purpose

Under appreciated meme


>guy who owns a pocket pussy is a degenerate virgin loser
>girl owns vibrators and dildos is ok

Ummmmm sexist much?

Anybody know how these feel? I've made improvised masturbation devices that actually felt pretty damn good so I imagine this could be really nice. I just don't want it to get jizz rotted.

Post the gif of the Japanese girl inserting a dildo into a shota onahole.


>tfw engineer a way so that all babies are male
>if you want pleasure just use this
>tfw women go extinct

lifelike texture ;-;

Bump for morbid curiosity...

>I've made improvised masturbation devices that actually felt pretty damn good so I imagine this could be really nice. I just don't want it to get jizz rotted.

Some are modeled really well and they feel worth the money.

>jizz rotted

just clean after use, dummy

"Puni puni"

What did they mean by this?

I feel like a loser having one of those things so no for me

I just need money to my nosejob and i will be fine

I think ぷにぷに means squishy or soft

I can't imagine being so retarded and inexperienced as to think that sexual pleasure is #1.

Don't set your expectations too high for these virgin losers.

>just clean after use, dummy

Or, don't, and let it become a LITERAL cum dumpster that you stick your dick in.

I was hesitant, even after 2 LTR relationships, but it does the job. It's a bummer though when your options are empty whore sex or a silicon cum catcher.

Meiki ZXY. Don't waste your time or money on anything else.

The way to fix females is to fix nu-males first. By creating affordable, artificial females/bodies you can fuck, the nu-males will be able to sexually liberate themselves unlike ever before, and be less likely to worship pussy. This will take way a great amount of power from females, and open up the market for alpha-males who can put these women in their place.

There's still no telling what will happen long-term without natural eggs for reproduction re: artificial womb. There was a movie a while ago which tried to deal with infertility due to sequential generations of clones.

Couple of generations in it could have major defects...