Race and Tribes

There is only one race(HumanRace), but there are different tribes.
Prove me wrong, Sup Forums.

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Explain human and Neanderthal breeding?

Also race is about the spiritual nature of a person. All Aryans are white but not all whites are Aryan.

Africans and Abbos are basicly their own species seperate from Eurasians.

that map is shit,


Go to your nearest ghetto
Look for humans
Good luck

>Welsh are mediterranean

"Neanderthals" are considered human?

Semantics really, I don't give a shit what you call them. Ethnogroup, Race, Tribe, Breed, Clan, I don't give a shit, just acknowledge they exist.

when did the meds colonise parts of british isles ?

Some humans have Neanderthal DNA from interbreeding

Neanderthals belonged to our species. They could easily interbreed with us. Most Europeans and Asians have x amount of Neanderthal DNA.

>Turkics same as French and Russians
>Arabs same as Spanish
What retard made this?

also Irish, too
>we wuz milesians and sheeit

Madison grant

When the Romans fucking invaded.

I don't know much about that. Any sources I should check out?

>same thing


They didn't leave any significant genetic trace though.
They aren't technically considered part of our species but we could have fertile children together so it's blurry.
Johnny Knoxville and Ozzy Osbourne both have high amounts of Neanderthal DNA I think. Some people have as much as like 2.5% it seems.

why are they most present in the areas the romans didn't invade? (ireland, wales, wessex, scotland)

nahh I'll go with this from 1919, this fits my needs of expansion

I would guess he counts Celtic or pre-Celtic as part of the Med. race.

Okay, I'll bite.
Humans are a species. They are not a race. Just like every other living thing on this godforsaken floating rock.

The tribes you describe are what we call races. Differences in physical appearance stem from these races generally having children with each other rather than with one outside their race.

Your idea is correct, but your terminology is fucked. The idea that there is only one race is factually incorrect.

>There is only one race(HumanRace)
A priori wrong on the basis that "race" is defined as group biological differences on a level below the level of the species. There is only one human species, there can be many races depending on how finely you want to distinguish human biodiversity.

>there are different tribes

>misusing Aryan
stop this

Thanks, user

>only one race(HumanRace)


maybe the celti-roman offspring after rome left in the 400s fled into the these areas when angles, saxons, jutes & vikings came over cba to google tho

We can easily observe this just walking down the street. Everyone knows dogs are the same species but there are many different types with their own quirks. Pitbulls are more agressive, some dogs learn easier, shepherds are good at herding. No dog is "superior" to another but they are all genetically distinct. This applies to every animal in nature and humans are no exception.

>Semantics really, I don't give a shit what you call them. Ethnogroup, Race, Tribe, Breed, Clan, I don't give a shit, just acknowledge they exist.
Semantics are pretty fucking important since words have different meanings. Race does not mean the same thing as ethnicity.

Also if we take race to mean a general group of humans with very similar genetics then there is a difference between a tribe and a race. Geats, Swedes, Danes, Jutes, Norwegians, Gutes, and Scanians were all different North Germanic tribes but they were all basically indistinguishable from one another genetically.

>Not misusing Aryan
The Aryan race is broadly defined as having blonde hair and blue eyes.
However, only native Europeans (whites) are capable of these traits.
Therefore, all Aryans are white.

Yes, I know you are probably referring to the ancient aryans, but nobody uses the term in that context anymore.

>mixing up ethnolinguistic groups with racial groups
Stop this. Read a fucking book.

>why are they most present in the areas the romans didn't invade?
The original author is probably failing to distinguish Atlantic Europeans from actual Mediterraneans. Partly because he didn't know about genetics like we do now, partly out of a Nordicist bias.

>wild human
>domesticated human
>humans domesticate themselves by weeding out aggression & other undesirable traits
i like where this is going

What? I just said he probably considers Celts to be Meds because he placed the areas where Celtic languages were spoken in the yellow map. Just trying to make sense of his methodology.

>prove me wrong = checkmate = btfo
>one line
>writing prompt
Please read the rules. Also look up the meanings of the words you are using. Thanks.

>I know you are probably referring to the ancient aryans
No, not using it to mean PIE. But one of the subfamilies of IE, yes. I am using it to mean the actual ethnolinguistic family made up of people that called themselves Aryans long before German scientists latched onto it. AKA Iranics, Indics, and a couple smaller groups like Dardics and Nurestanis. Not the entire IE family, just one part of it.

>Britons are Mediterranean
Also, Nordic influence isn't prevalent to that extent in the British Isles. Furthermore, it lacks 'Mediterranean' influence in Brittany, so it contradicts itself.

This map sucks.

>This map sucks.
Yes, for reasons I mentioned >The original author is probably failing to distinguish Atlantic Europeans from actual Mediterraneans. Partly because he didn't know about genetics like we do now, partly out of a Nordicist bias.

Think of the old biases against "black Irish", and the fact that Iberia and the British Isles share a population background. Then add in how especially Southern Iberia is full of some Arab-looking(iow Mediterranean) motherfuckers, and conflate the 2 populations together.

I recommend "Genes, Peoples, and Languages" by Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza. There are better "race maps" in it. It uses some really nice statistical techniques and good graphics to represent the results.


my apologies, I'm used to assuming(usually correctly) that everyone in these threads are out of their element

That map makes zero sense. Who made that? Someone from the XIX century?

>motherfuckers conflate the 2 populations together.
Yes, the dark haired Welsh likely contributed to that bias too.
Just ordered your book, Luigi.

why are people still posting fucking Madison Grant maps?
at least post things from actual good anthropologists of the time like Coon or Ripley



You are not interpreting that correctly. We also have 50% of our DNA in common with a banana.

The thing is those europeans have 2.5% of exclusively neanderthal DNA, which means they are mainly evolved neanderthals.

>getting your genetic knowledge from Varg

He is right tho. Check the studies from the neanderthal genome project, it's what they are actually saying.